Our Mission: "We are an inclusive Open and Affirming faith community reaching out with love, compassion, and justice."
Thursday, October 28, 2021
A Message from Our Pastor and Teacher
A play,“All Hallows Eve; All Saints Day” written by RUCC member Deborah Rada, and directed by Jim Tong, will be the message focus of Sunday's Service.
Saturday evening our children and youth will enjoy a safe and fun-filled "Trunk or Treat" experience in the parking lot.
On Sunday, you are encouraged to come to church dressed in your favorite Halloween costume. We will also recognize All Saints Day, so please bring a photo or other symbol of a loved one who has passed from life to Life to place on a table in the Sanctuary.
This week, the kids will stay in church for just a short while longer after the Children’s Circle to participate in the special All Saints commemoration. Then, during Sunday School, we will have some Halloween Fun activities. And finally, towards the end of Sunday School, we will all take a short walk to the “Pumpkin Patch” (aka the RUCC Community Garden) to pick a pumpkin to take home!
Don’t miss all the Halloween Fun this Sunday—and don’t forget your costume!
Sunday's Scripture.
1 Corinthians 15: 54 - 5
Sunday, October 31, the Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Prelude:.Addams Family Theme by Vic Mizzy..........................Sophia Ohanian
Welcome and Call to Worship:.....................................................Janet Wilson
Opening Hymn #597 Shall We Gather at the River
Opening Prayer:.............................................................................Janet Wilson
Baptism of Sage Akanesi Laumalie Ana Tupou
.............................................................................Rev. Dr. Jill A. Kirchner-Rose,
............................................Pastor Akanesi Tupou Brown, Rev. Dr. John Walsh
Covenant Moment..................................................................Charlie Wheeler
Community Joys and Concerns ........................Rev. Dr. Jill A. Kirchner-Rose
Special Music: Who Will Be A Witness Donald Moore.............Covenant Choir
..............................................................................Kevin Bellefeuille, Percussion
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15: 54 - 5................................................Janet Wilson
Scripture Hymn: #595 Some Glad Morning
A Play: “All Hallows Eve; All Saints Day”...................Written by Deborah Rada
Offertory: Hedwig’s Theme by John Williams ....................Sophia Ohanian
Doxology: ................................................................................
Prayer of Dedication:.....................................................................Janet Wilson
Closing Hymn: When the Saints Come Marching In
Benediction: ..........................................................................Dr. Kirchner-Rose
Time of Reflection: Toccata in D minor by J. S. Bach.............Sophia Ohanian
- Johanna Ballard requests healing prayers for her two dear friends, Rose and Lana.
- Prayers for Jackie Patrick, whose father passed from life to Life
- Prayers for the mother of Cynthia McGuigan, Mary Ann, who is hospitalized from a heart attack
- Prayers for Margaret Barnett who is now on Hospice.
- Prayers for Kathy Blanchard who will be transferring to re-hab as she continues to recover.
- Sue Hammond requests prayers for her sister-in-law, Linda, who is receiving treatment for multiple myeloma.
- Prayers for the family of Ronan Godfrey who passed from life to Life. A Celebration of Life service will be held on October 30 in the RUCC garden.
- Prayers for Burt, family member of Johanna Ballard, who is facing severe health challenges.
- Prayers for Bob Sheets, husband of Nancy Sheets, who is recovering from surgery to repair a torn retin
- Prayers for Connie Roener who is recovering from surgery for the removal of breast cancrer
- Prayers for Susi Jacobsen for health concerns she is facing.
- Eliza Ames requests prayers for her brother Coyne who is hospitalized and is very ill.
- Beth Welsh requests prayers for her brother, Michael, who is recovering from surgery following a work accident.
Ongoing Concerns:
Joe Adcock, family member of Mary Mortensen
Anden, nephew of Michelle McNevin
Jerry Andrews
Jeff Bonadiman
Les Budai
Burt, family member of Johanna Ballard
Diane Campbell
Diane, Sister-in-Law of Heather King
Dave, brother of Johanna Ballard
Carol Chaney
Caroline, mother of Karen Blad
Claudine, grandmother of Paul & Dantae Welsh
Precia Gwenhwyfer Courtney-Hveen
Cousin of Rick Cruz
Norma Erickson
Michael Flores
Betty Gayle
Jerry Greenfield
Emma Grimauld
Katia Hage
Beki Hill
Jody Hoelle
Harriet Holt, Beki Hill's mother
Mark Alan Johnson, friend of Nancy Hotaling
Kim Johnson, friend of Gretchen Andrews
Jenny, Sister of Jules Rattray
Emily Jones
Keith, cousin of Maegan Hill
Hank Kirchner
Amber McGuigan
Bill McIntyre
Maria Montana
Sara Montez
Carmen & Jim Neafsey
Ryan and Evan Paul
Rick Peetz, Sr.
Penni Pierce
Kristin Farmer Preslica
Nancy Rojas
Adolph Romero
Joan Roth
Spencer, friend of Stacey Greene
Miguel Sewer
Doris Stockton, Kathi Roth's Grandmother
Ted, family member of Janet Wilson
Heather Tee
Arika Torres
Rosemary Tuohy
Vasquez Family
Special note regarding the Prayer List: Please review the list for any prayer requests you made that are outdated or that may be removed. Please notify both TheView@redlandsucc.org and Office@redlandsucc.org of any changes that are needed. Thank you.
Celebrating the Life of Ronan Godfrey, October 30 at 11 a.m.
A celebration of the life of Ronan Godfrey will be held Saturday, October 30 at 11 a.m. in the RUCC Garden.
The November 7 Quarterly Gathering will begin with a brief financial overview, a visual presentation of the needs and workings of each of our leadership areas, and a review and discussion of COVID Protocol chart. Board members will be present to answer any questions to assist you in completing your Covenant.
The latest COVID Protocol information s available on the church website www.uccredlands.org under “Communications – RUCC Public Documents” along with all our other documents.
Please bring your Covenant Booklet with you. Copies are available after the service on October 31, and are also available on line
Maggie Taylor is our new nursery attendant.
The nursery will be open every Sunday starting at 9:15 a.m., to accommodate parents and guardians who are taking part in any RUCC before-worship-service activity on our campus. And the nursery will remain open until 12:15 p.m. each Sunday.
Please take a moment this Sunday to welcome our new nursery attendant, Maggie Taylor!
Maggie is currently completing a course of study at Loma Linda University in the Dietetics Studies program. She recently relocated here from Calabasas, CA. She has extensive experience with children in pre-school, after school, and camp settings.
Reflection of the Week from the Racial Justice Team
“The harmful narratives that impact the lives of people of color should be familiar because they are so ubiquitous. They appear, for example, in stories about Latinx people being concentrated in low-wage work because of a lack of education rather than a system of workforce segregation that creates barriers to upward mobility. Or in stories that Black and Brown people have higher incarceration rates because they commit more crimes, rather than because their communities are overpoliced. Or in stories that Black Americans face higher unemployment rates because they don’t want to work rather than because there is bias in hiring practices.”
Thoughts from the Environmental Justice Team
"What would the world be, once bereft
Of wet and of wildness? Let them be left,
O let them be left, wildness and wet;
Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet."
-Gerard Manley Hopkins, from his poem Inversnaid
Plastic free paper products - toilet paper (recycled paper or bamboo), tissue, paper towels - from whogivesacrap.com
Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 30
Don’t miss this fun event for all ages on Saturday, October 30 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
We’ll have music, games, and “Trunk” or Treating.
Put on your best costume and join the fun!
We also need volunteers to decorate their car trunks and provide treats.
LGBTQ and Allies Faith Group Meets October 31
The LGBTQ and Allies faith group would like to invite you to a gathering in the Garden on October 31st after church. This is our first meeting in over a year so we will just take the opportunity to catch up, share ideas for future events, and welcome any new folks who want to join us! We will provide refreshments and of course Halloween candy so just bring your wonderful selves! We look forward to seeing you there!
Scrip/Gift Card Program is still ongoing! – When you purchase gift cards to pay for your day-to-day expenses or provide as gifts, RUCC receives a rebate that helps fund our missions. It’s an easy way to raise some money for RUCC.
Order Deadlines – For the remainder of 2021, here is the ordering schedule for physical gift cards. We will increase the order frequency as we get closer to the holidays. Be sure to get your orders in early enough for all of your holiday shopping or giving (groceries and gifts).
November 15 – available for pickup on November 21
November 29 – available for pickup on December 5
December 13 – available for pickup on December 19
Scrip/Gift Card Table on Sundays – Come to the scrip/gift card table after worship to buy Stater Brothers gift cards in stock, place orders for gift cards from hundreds of brands/companies, and learn more about this fundraising program and how you can help.
eCards – Remember that you can buy eGift cards, available to you immediately, to use for online or in-person shopping or to send as a gift. Every time you buy, RUCC gets a small rebate.
Please contact Jennifer at scrip@uccredlands.org if you need help placing an order or want to learn more about the program.
Applicants Still Sought for Office and Property Manager
The remaining position to be filled is that of Office and Property Manager. Our current Office Manager has announced her retirement. Click here for the job description and application instructions.
Please share this information freely with qualified people who may be interested.
- October 30 - Celebration of Life for Ronan Godfrey - 11 a.m.
- October 30 - Trunk or Treat - see article above.
- October 31 - LGBTQ and Allies Faith group meeting
- November 6 - Sacred Saturday -- details to be announced.
- November 6- Daylight Savings Time ENDS Sunday- set you clock back one hour on Saturday night!
- November 7 - Covenant Sunday/Quarterly Gathering -
November 7 - Book Group at noon in Founders' Room. Becoming Duchess Goldblatt. Discussion led by Carrie Schlinder
- November 9 - Stewards at 7 p.m.
- November 16 - Board at 7:00 p.m.
December 5 - Book Group at noon. While Justice Sleeps by Stacey Abrams. Presenter: Diana Sommer
This Week at RUCC
Calendar for October 31 to November 7, 2021
Sunday, October 31
- 9:15 a.m. Seekers
9:30 a.m. Virtual -Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service & Sunday School
11:30 a.m. Youth Group
11:30 a.m. Fellowship on the Patio
Tuesday, November 2
Wednesday, November 3
- "The Pastor is In" Weekly zoom gathering
Thursday, November 4
- 5:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
- 6:15 p.m. Bell Choir rehearsal
Friday, November 5
- 6 to 7 p.m. Closed women's AA meeting in the Founders' Room
Saturday, November 6
- Sacred Saturday
- Daylight Savings Time ends. Set your clocks back one hour before you go to bed.
Sunday, November 7
9:15 a.m. Seekers
9:30a.m. Virtual -Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service & Sunday School
11:30 a.m. Youth Group
11:30 a.m. Quarterly Gathering and Covenant Workshop in the sanctuary immediately folkling worship
12:00 p.m. - Book group in the Founders' Room. Becoming Duchess Goldblatt. Discussion led by Carrie Schlinder
RUCC Staff
Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose
Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship: Rev. Erin Beardemphl
Music Director: Jim Tong
Accompanist: Sophia Ohanian
Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen
Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries: Vacant
Office Manager: Nancy Sheets
Child Care: Maggie Taylor
Caretaker: Vacant
Phone: (909) 793-3520
Staff and Other Emails
pastorjill@redlandsucc.org office@redlandsucc.org
musicdirector@redlandsucc.org youth@redlandsucc.org
childrenseducation@redlandsucc.org weddings@redlandsucc.org