The Link

The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."

-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.

 The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface

October 5, 2023

Online giving:

Blessing of Animals

The Annual Blessing of Animals at Assumption on Sunday, October 1, went to the dogs! 10 canine friends of St. Francis came with their companions for a blessing. Fr. Raj and Fr. Kishore led a prayer service which reminded all of us to be more creation friendly. Arf!

First Friday, October 6

Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus following the 8am Mass.

First Saturday 9am Mass at Assumption on October 7

Join us for the 9am Mass, Saturday, October 7. Rosary, meditation and benediction will follow the Mass.

Eucharistic Revival Postponed

The Eucharistic Revival to be held on Saturday, 7th October is postponed due to anticipated heavy rains. It will be rescheduled in the spring. 

Parish Office Closed on Monday, October 9

The parish office will be closed in observance of Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day. No 8am and 12:10pm Mass on Monday, October 9.

Family Faith Formation and Sacrament Preparation Update ECCKIRJY8/edit?usp=sharing

Coffee Hour at the Parishes-October 8

Join us for coffee hour after the 9:30am at Assumption and the 11:15am at St. Boniface.

Catholic Charities Migrant Families Clothing Drive

Donations of new/clean clothes are needed to prepare families for fall/winter weather. Coats, hats, gloves, socks and undergarments are greatly needed. Also needed are children’s diapers (all sizes). Beginning this weekend thru October 22 there will be bins available in the narthex of the church for your donations.

Our Lady of the Rosary Procession at St. Francis College

Come join us in prayer on, October 6, 2pm, St. Francis College, 179 Livingston St, 5th floor chapel.

Homecoming Follow-Up

We hope you are thinking/praying with the handout you received that listed the parish ministries/groups. There are close to 30 opportunities for you to get involved. What can you do in service to your community? We need you! Please fill out the online form to express your interest. CGIKy3aOtReDAqJw/viewform

Adult Faith Formation Small Group & Ignatian Retreat Registration

Oratory Small Groups will resume weekly meetings! Groups will also start on October 29. We hope you will consider reflecting on the Eucharist: Bread of Life, or Meeting Christ in Prayer with St. Ignatius of Loyola. Please read details on the small group offerings and register here:

Any questions? Please contact Virginia Navarro,

Volunteers Needed for ABVM Coffee Hours

ABVM will be hosting a coffee hour once a month after the 9:30am Mass. Volunteers are needed to bring goodies (baked goods, bagels, fruit etc.) and to help with set-up and clean-up. The currently scheduled dates for coffee hours are Oct 8, November 12, Dec 3, Jan 14. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Coleen McGrath, We look forward to hearing from you!

Going to Mass with Your Children

At one time or another we all struggle with getting our family to Mass. Whatever the reason, we can always go to Mass with a better attitude. So what can we do to allow the experience of the Mass to truly be an encounter with Jesus? Here are some tips: (2 minute video).

AED Defibrillator for the Parishes

We are considering the possibility of purchasing defibrillators for each of our two churches. With our current status of renting the hall at Assumption to outside charities, local sports and religious groups, we would like to keep everyone safe. The units would be placed in the narthex of the churches which would allow access to all. Training would be provided to those interested. The cost would run us between $ 1700.-2300. for each parish. Would you consider making a contribution to support this need? Email the parish office,

Blessed Carlo Acutis Program

Are you high school or college-aged and want to complete your sacraments? The Brooklyn Oratory parishes invite these members of our community to become part of the “Blessed Carlo Acutis Program,” aimed at assisting them to continue their faith journey and fully become part of the Church. The program is named for recently-beatified Carlo Acutis, who was noted for his cheerfulness, being a “computer geek,” and for his deep devotion to the Eucharist. All inquiries are welcome! Contact Fr. Vin Biagi, S.J.,

Liturgical Ministers Workshop

Calling all Eucharistic ministers, lectors, masters of ceremonies, and greeters/hospitality ministers from Assumption and St. Boniface. Join us for a morning of prayer, fellowship, and training at the Assumption parish hall. We extend a warm welcome to those who desire to participate in these ministries as well.

Registration is necessary:

Saturday, October 28, 2023, 9:30am - 12:30pm, Assumption parish hall.

What is Death? | A Report from the Front Lines: An Academic Lecture

Thursday, Oct. 26th @ 7pm at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers

St. Joseph’s Seminary and College in Yonkers will be hosting an evening lecture entitled “What is Death? | A Report from the Front Lines” with Dr. Charles Camosy, a nationally recognized Catholic moral theologian and the Seminary’s Msgr. Michael J Curran Fellow in Moral Theology.

Date and Time: Thursday, October 26th at 7:00 pm.

Location: St. Joseph’s Seminary Prayer Hall and online via Zoom.

Tickets: $25

More Information and registration:

Questions: or 914-968-6200 x8145

Weekly Mass Intention Schedule

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Weekly Readings:


10-07 ......5:00pm........Cecil Coroff

10-08 .......9:30am........For the People of the Parish

10-09.......No Mass

10-10 ......8:00am........Consepcion Flores

10-11 ....…8:00am........Intention - J. Fabrizio

10-12.......8:00am........Calvin Thomas

10-13 ......8:00am........Philippa McMahon

St. Boniface

10-08 .....…11:15am........For the People of the Parish

10-08 ........6:00pm........Philomena Marino

10-09 .....…No Mass

10-10 .......12:10pm........Merina Colageo

10-11 .......12:10pm.........Gergory Bianco

10-12 .......12:10pm.........Mr. Hong Jin

10-13 ......12:10pm.........Daniel O'Keefe

Baptism at the Oratory Parishes

If you are expecting a child or are new to our communities and would like to have your child baptized in our parishes, please send your inquiry to We will follow up with you. Please check our website for upcoming baptism dates here: Baptisms are celebrated during mass.

Upcoming Calendar


10/06.......First Friday, Sacred Heart Novena, ABVM

10/07.......First Saturday, 9:00am, ABVM

10/07.......Diocesan Eucharistic Revival

10/08......Coffee Hour, St.B & ABVM

10/15.......Baptisms, ABVM

Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:

Gretchen Beach, Fay Chu, Kimberly Pflug, Mary McGeeney,

Louis Acerra, Mary Cella, Kim Manzi, Anna Marie Picciano.

Rest In Peace: James Kempcynski, Robert Cavalcante,

Catherine Bellenger, Teresa Alonso, Raul Lopez.

Altar Dedications

St. Joseph candle offered by Connie Leone.

Mass Intentions

If you would like to request a Mass for someone living or deceased, Mass intentions are available. Email The offering is $20. Please pay by using Pushpay or by mailing a check to 64 Middagh St. Brooklyn, NY 11201.

Prayer List

If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, email the parish office at or go to the website and complete the information there.

The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

55 Cranberry St. between Henry and Hicks

Brooklyn Heights

Church of St. Boniface

190 Duffield St.

Downtown Brooklyn

Daily Masses

Monday - Friday, 8:00am at Assumption

Monday - Friday, 12:10pm at St. Boniface

Weekend Masses

Saturdays, 5:00pm at Assumption

Sundays, 9:30am at Assumption

Sundays, 11:15am and 6:00pm at St. Boniface

The Sacrament of Penance

Saturdays, 4:15 - 4:45pm at Assumption

Wednesdays, 12:30 pm at St. Boniface

Sundays, 5:15 - 5:45pm at St. Boniface

Weekday Church Hours

Monday through Friday, 11:30am - 1:00pm at St. Boniface

Monday through Friday, 7:30am - 9:00am at Assumption

Prayers and Devotions

Rosary, Tuesdays & Thursdays after the 12:10pm Mass at St. Boniface,

Thursdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption

St. Anthony Novena, Tuesdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption

First Fridays, Sacred Heart Novena after 8:00am Mass at Assumption

First Saturdays, 9:00am Mass with Rosary, Meditation and Benediction at Assumption

First Sunday Holy Hour, 5:00pm at St. Boniface


Your faithful stewardship has helped sustain our communities and maintain vital ministries and services. Thank you for keeping faith with us and supporting our common work of the gospel. You can make your donation online through PushPay by clicking on one of the links.

For St Boniface:

For Assumption:

Or mail checks or envelopes to:

64 Middagh St

Brooklyn NY 11201

Attn: Assumption or St. Boniface

The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes 

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface

Roman Catholic Communities in

Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights

Both parishes operate from one office:

64 Middagh Street

Brooklyn, NY 11201
