Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE) | Sunday: 8am/10;30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading – One who does what is right and just shall preserve his life. (Ezekiel 18: 25-28)

Psalm – "Remember Your mercies, O Lord." (Psalm 25)

Second Reading – Humbly regard others as more important than yourself as Jesus did. (Philippians 2:1-11)

Gospel – Those who do the will of the Father will enter the Kingdom. (Matthew 21:28-32)

Sunday Bulletin
Meet w/Fr. Dan

All are invited for faith, fellowship and fun...

Family Fall Fest After 10:30am Mass this Sunday!

Our Queen of the Rosary School Parents Club has plenty of Fall Fun for all ages planned for this Sunday, October 1st from Noon to 3:30pm. Join us at Queen of the Rosary School after the 10:30am Morning Mass for Bounce Houses, Bears Game on the Big Screen, Cake Walk, Crafts, Beer & Wine and more!

Wristbands $12 in advance, $15 at the door

Tickets 6 for $5 in advance, 5 for $5 at the door

Follow this link to download the flyer.

Fore! Join us for the 2nd Annual Benefit Golf Outing!

Space is limited and time is running out to register, so get your foursomes lined up and register today! It's time to dust off those golf clubs and get your foursomes together as we tee off to support our parish school, Queen of the Rosary School!

What: 9-Hole Best Ball Scramble

When: Sunday, October 15th | 2pm (1:30pm Check-in)

Dinner Only: 5:00pm

Where: Rob Roy Golf Course in Prospect Heights

Please follow this link to register as an individual or for your group. Can't make it for golf? Register for the dinner-only option and enjoy a delicious buffet with friends!

See you on the green!

If you would like to promote your business or share a speacial messagae, please consider sponsoring a hole for just $200.

Marriage & Family + Men's Group FMSC

Deliver hope and help break the cycle of poverty. Join Marriage & Family and Men's Group ministers at a volunteer outing to pack meals for Feed My Starving Children in Schaumburg tonight, Wednesday, September 27th at 6:45pm.

Families are welcome, but please see signup for parent to student ratio. Follow this link and sign up to help end hunger!

PreCana Weekend Encounter

The Archdiocese of Chicago, through the Office of Lifelong Formation, is offering a PreCana Encounter Weekend on October 21 and 22, 2023 for couples to learn about the sacrament of marriage and prepare their hearts leading up to their wedding day. This event is filled with great speakers, activities, prayer and reflection for engaged couples on the sacrament and vocation of marriage. Please contact your home parish (where you currently live and not any destination parish) before registering for any marriage preparation program. This experience fulfills the PreCana marriage preparation requirement for the Archdiocese of Chicago. More information is available here.

Discover more about Marriage & Family Ministry at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament.

Are you ready for the Grand Raffle?

The Grand Raffle is a chance to win cash prizes while supporting our Queen of the Rosary School. Tickets will be available beginning Thursday, September 28th and you may purchase in the School Office (690 Elk Grove Blvd) or Parish Office (601 Biesterfield Road) or from any school family. Tickets are $25 each or 5 tickets for $100.

$10,000 Grand Prize*, $3,000 Second Prize* and Three $500 Third Prizes*. Prize drawing will be 12/10/23!

*Prizes subject to change if minimum number of tickets are not sold. Maximum 4,000 tickets will be sold.

Healing & Anointing Mass

In times of uncertainty and need, our faith and unity can bring about incredible healing and change. The Good Samaritan Ministry invites us for a special Healing and Anointing Mass tomorrow, Thursday, September 28th at 6:30pm in St. Julian Eymard Church. We will come together to pray for healing from hunger, homelessness and general physical ailments.

Let us remember that every act of compassion, every moment of prayer and every hand extended in friendship has the power to heal our community. Please spread the word and invite your friends, family and neighbors to join us. Together, we can be the change that our community needs.

Fall Bake Sale

Calling all bakers! Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Women's Club needs your help to bring back the Fall Bake Sale, set for October 28th/29th before and after all Masses at both Queen of the Rosary and St. Julian Eymard. This event is the primary fundraiser for our parish Women's Club, and proceeds are used to support our teachers at Queen of the Rosary School, teens in our Youth Ministry, host faith and fellowship events for women in the parish and help with parish-wide celebrations like the Parish Picnic. We know we have the best bakers around, and our Women's Club is asking for your help providing sweet treats to tempt donors.

Follow this link to signup or look for signups on the Welcome Tables at church to share your favorite cookies, brownies, cakes, bars or other yummy desserts, or contact the parish office for more information (847) 979-0901.

Nobody Out In the Cold!

The PADS Shelter Program runs from October 1st to April 30th annually, and host sites welcome guests from

7pm until 7am the next morning. Guests are vetted by Journeys and sign a pledge to follow all of the host site rules and regulations to insure the safety of guests and volunteers alike.

Our neighbors at Christus Victor Lutheran Church are reopening their PADS Site this season on Sunday nights. OLBS parishioner, Don Kauffold, has agreed to be the Site Manager and our Good Samaritan Ministry will be providing meals one Sunday night a month.

But, additional roles need to be filled. Please download this info sheet and application to help make sure nobody is left out in the cold this Winter. Thank you!

Winter Suppers are beginning in November and they'll look a little different this year! The grant that was allowing our homeless neighbors to stay in local hotels has run out. So, this year, we'll be supporting one supper a month for our friends at Christus Victor Lutheran Church at 1045 S. Arlington Heights Road in EGV. Please follow this link if you are able to help us shop, cook, prep or serve for this supper. Thank you!

October Is Month of the Holy Rosary

Join our Rosary Group every Tuesday evening at 7pm to pray the Rosary at St. Julian Eymard Church, but join us for these special events during the month of the Holy Rosary in October:

  • 10/7/23 | 1:30pm Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima arrives.
  • 10/8/23 - 10/13/23 | 7:00pm The Rosary prayed nightly while Our Lady of Fatima visits.
  • 10/14/23 | 12:30pm Pilgrim Status of Our Lady of Fatima joins the America Needs Fatima Rosary Rally before she departs.

Throughout October, look for prayers and rosaries on display in our church lobbies.

October is Respect Life Month

With October right around the corner, please check below for information on activities and events to help support a culture of life in the parish and in our community!

09/27/23 40 Days for Life. Pray for an end to abortion from September 27th through November 5th. Discover more here.

10/1/23 is Respect Life Sunday. Ministers from Respect Life will share witness stories about supporting a culture of life from conception to natural death at all Masses. Look for materials on our Welcome Tables highlighting Respect Life activities all through October, Respect Life Month.

10/1/23 Life Chain. Stand & Pray. Each year life chains form in cities nationwide to make a public, peaceful, prayerful stand for life. Follow this link to find a site near you.

10/7/23 First Saturday Rosary. The Respect Life Ministry will lead the First Saturday Rosary on Saturday, October 7 at Queen of the Rosary Church. The First Saturday Devotions begin with daily Mass at 8:15am and continue until Reconciliation at Noon.

10/10/23 40-Hours Devotion. Please join the Respect Life Ministry in prayer for a culture that supports life from conception until natural death beginning at 7pm on Tuesday, October 10th and continuing until the Closing Benediction on Thursday, October 12th at Noon at St. Julian Eymard Church. The church will be open continuously during this time.

10/11/23 Holy Hour for Grandparents and the Elderly. Come to St. Julian Eymard Church at 6:30pm as a family, receive God's blessing and leave with a parting gift.

NorthWest Families for Life is looking for individuals to stand vigil in front of the American Women's Medical Center, 110 S. River Road, Des Plaines on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Spiritual Adoption and the Baby Bottle Campaign continue throughout the month of October.

Please contact the parish office to be connected with our Respect Life Ministry to learn more about public support for a culture of life and how you can get involved.

NEW! Outside the Parish...

We know we have plenty to offer right here at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish, but it's a great big world out there! To learn about events happening around the Archdiocese, at neighboring parishes or in the community, please visit our new Outside the Parish page on our parish website.

And we'd love to hear from you...

If you attend an event, please let us know!

If you know about an event to share, please let us know!

If you have any questions about events we post, please reach out. You may contact the parish office by e-mail or by phone at (847) 979-0901.

Music Notes

Please take note of our schedule for Charismatic Mass, Adult & Kid's Choir and Guitar Group. All other liturgies will feature our talented Cantor & Accompanist tandems leading sung prayer. Whichever liturgy you attend, please join in and help us make a joyful noise!

10/1 | 8:00am | Guitar Group (QR)

10/8 | 9:15am | Guitar Group (SJE)

10/15 | 10:30am | Guitar Group/Handbell Choir (QR)

10/29 | 9:15am | Kids Choir (SJE)

10/20 | 10:30am | Charismatic Mass (QR)

Discover more!

Join Us for One or More of These Upcoming Events!

9 • 27 • 23

Eucharistic Adoration continues through Reconciliation at 7pm at St. Julian Eymard Church.

9 • 28 • 23

Healing & Anointing Mass at 6:30pm. Healing from Hunger, Homelessness and Ailments.

9 • 28 • 23

The Chosen Commentary begins at 7pm, episodes of The Chosen shown at 6pm.

9 • 28 • 23

Our Lady of Guadalupe Planning Meeting in Shea Hall at 6:30pm.

10 • 1 • 23

CLW at 10:30am Mass at Queen of the Rosary Church.

10 • 1 • 23

Family Fall Fest at QR School from Noon to 3:30pm. All are invited!

View All

Download the complete 52-Week Mass Discussion Guide for Families.

Gospel in Focus

October 1, 2023 Jesus teaches the chief priests that those who do the will of the Father will enter the Kingdom. “When John came to you in the way of 

righteousness, you did not believe him; but tax

collectors and prostitutes did...” —Matthew 21:32

Discussion Questions

How do you think the chief priests reacted when Jesus told them the story? How did tax collectors and prostitutes do the will of the Father that the priests did not?

How does Jesus’ story change our hearts towards our enemies?

What did God ask of you this week? How did you respond?


Fall is filling up fast, so make sure you have these dates on the calendar:

Not part of our Queen of the Rosary School? Discover the Queen of the Rosary School advantage!

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Mark your calendar for these dates coming up:

  • 10/1/23 Parent Sacramental Prep
  • 10/3/23 Confirmation Candidate/Parent Meeting
  • 11/12/23 Parent Sacramental Prep
  • 12/3/23 Parent Sacramental Prep
Discover More


As temperatures begin to cool, Fall is heating for OLBS Teens! Check out all the exciting things Mr. Van has in store for you:

The Annual Rake 'n Run on Saturday, October 28th from Noon to 3pm. Help those in need in the parish and spend some quality time outdoors while you earn service hours. Sign up here!

Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, November 5th from 8am to Noon. Serve up some yummy pancakes to help earn your way to Louisville, KY next Summer! Sign up here!

NCYC is just about 6 weeks away, stay tuned!


Teen Center Hours | Tue - Fri, 2-5pm

Alexian Village | Oct 2, 6:30pm

Youth Ministry Meeting | Oct 15, 6pm

Alexian Village | Oct 16, 6:30pm

Rake 'n Run | Oct 28, Noon to 3pm

Pancake Breakfast | Nov 5,

NCYC | Nov 16-19 | Indianapolis, Indiana

Discover More



Prayer Life

Contact Us

Facebook  YouTube  Instagram


(847) 979-0901 |

Worship sites:

Queen of the Rosary

750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.

St. Julian Eymard

601 Biesterfield Road


Queen of the Rosary School

690 Elk Grove Blvd.

(847) 437-3322 |