Bible Study Classes for all ages at 9:00

Nursery & Preschool Class will be available during both hours

KIDSchurch (K-6th grade) available during the 10:00 Worship Service

This Sunday we will continue our study

of the life of Samson.

Before he was born-before he was even conceived-

Samson's parents were informed of

his wonderful "will-be" beginning.

Join us for our study of "Answered Prayer".

This Sunday we will be celebrating our graduating seniors

during our worship service.

Twists and Turns is the theme - and this year our children will be learning all about how important it is to follow Jesus everyday.

Registration begins this Sunday!

June 25-29

6:00-8:30 p.m.

Join the 2023 Twists & Turns VBS Facebook Group

Sign up to Volunteer

Can't volunteer? Be sure and keep your eyes on the VBS table in the Life Center in the coming weeks and listen to the announcements, there will be other ways you can join in and be a part of our VBS this year!

Have you ever desired to tour the Holy Land and see Bible sites for yourself? Life Spring is looking into scheduling a trip to Israel early next year. If you think you might be interested in such a trip, please join us after services up front in the auditorium on Sunday, May 21st for a brief informational meeting. We’ll discuss timing, options, prices and other information you will need to make a decision about joining us.


You can give your financial gifts and offerings by:

  • going online and clicking on the below graphic
  • Pay Pal and Google Pay are now available forms of payment 
  • texting from your phone - text GIVE to (913) 845-7711
  • using your ministry One app
  • mailing your offering - PO Box 554 | Spring Hill, KS 66083

You also can set your online donations for recurring giving. You can customize your giving to the amount, the date and how often you want it to recur. After you have it set up, you do not have to worry about forgetting your checkbook or forgetting to go to the website to take care of your giving--it is already set up! 

Your faithful giving to the church helps keep the day-day to day operations going and supports the many ministries of our church. Thank you for your sacrificial and generous giving.

EDGE 2023 Mission Trip

If you would like to learn more about their mission trip, click here.

If you would like to make your donation in advance, be sure and choose "Youth Missions" using the dropdown: click here.

Thank you to those who participated in the Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser! You helped our youth raise around $300 for their upcoming Mission Trip. All of your support is much appreciated.



to help you discover your Spiritual Gifts

Our monthly financial reports are available on our website. You can find this under the Giving tab of the website. This is a password protected page. The current password is: give2023

Internet network is: LifeSpringGen

password is: LIFE206spring

Sermon Notes are available at the Resource Hub each Sunday. They are also available for you to download on the homepage of our website.

You can also find the current prayer requests from the missionaries that we sponsor at The HUB

The Daily Devotional book: "Our Daily Bread" can be found by clicking here. You can also download the "Our Daily Bread" app on your phone.

We have volunteer opportunities for children's Ministry, Door Greeters, Welcome Center Attendants, Medical Team, Ushers, Food Pantry, EDGE Ministry, and Maintenance Team. Please fill out our SERVE FORM and you will be contacted.

rightnow MEDIA is a great resource for devotions, videos, Bible Studies and it is FREE!


or text


download app
don't have your GO account set up? contact office!
PASTORS and ELDERS Contact Information

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