April 19, 2024

Two International Shipments Made Possible Through Partnerships

What a blessing this week was! We were able to send out two international shipments to meet the needs of those in crisis around the world. 

We are reminded this week of how much good we can do in the world when we work together. This world is full of division, and that’s never going to go away. The world tells us to divide, to alienate one another. When COVID happened, that brought in new levels of separation and division. But we are called to togetherness. We, especially as Christians, must make the choice to come together and work with one another so more good can be done — so more people have what they need in Christ’s name. 

Midwest Mission is blessed to be able to work with so many amazing organizations and people, all with the goal of doing good in the world.

These two shipments were sent through two of our international partners — Food For The Poor and Northstar Foundation. These organizations work with numerous nonprofits on the ground to disburse the requested items. Several of the items donated were from our corporate partners who generously give what they cannot use. And, none if it would happen without the hundreds of volunteers and donors who make this ministry possible. 

None of us can change the world alone. None of us should do it alone.

But together, we can make a real difference in people’s lives — giving them hope and empowerment for their future.

Once again, we were reminded of this togetherness as we crowded around the shipments to pray. The names of churches and individuals were read off in the spirit of sharing just how much goes into a single shipment. A church in Illinois built Kits at their church, a church in Wisconsin came down to volunteer at Midwest Mission Iowa, individuals came to Midwest Mission in Pawnee … and the list went on. 

Around the prayer circle was the Great Lakes Team. The group is made up of 18 people, from two different states, and eight different churches, all coming together to serve alongside one another. What a beautiful example of what the Church can do when we work together!

The first container of supplies is headed for Jamaica through Food For The Poor. It included bikes, sewing machines (electric and treadle), Layette Kits, Rice Meals, Cover Them WIth Love Quilts, Mobility Carts, Student Kits, Tarps, and other cleaning, medical, and hygiene supplies. The value of the shipment was $170,961.00.

The supplies on the second container will be going to Guatemala. Northstar Foundation (who we have worked with for our Ukraine shipments) connected us with Hope of Life International in Rhode Island. The container — full of Rice Meals, Personal Dignity Kits, gloves, and cleaning wipes — will land in Rhode Island, where Hope of Life will add these items on several different shipments to Guatemala. The value of this container was $148,793.70.

It takes a village. And we are SO grateful for our village of volunteers, donors, partners, and prayer warriors who pour out love on people in need around the world and around the corner.

Serving With Midwest Mission from Home

Did you know we have many opportunities for you to serve people around the world from right where you are?

From sewing to weaving, assembling Kits to collecting items, there's something for everyone. Visit midwestmission.org/at-home to learn more about ways you can start getting involved where you are.

If you've been serving from home, let us know. We love to share what people have been doing!

Here are two recent stories that have been shared with us:

Girl Scout Troop 6457

Girl Scouts of Central Illinois, Troop 6457, led by Kelly Dunkirk, has been getting involved in our mission through the Sleeping Mat Project! The girls have loved cutting the bags, and looping them together. They've even made a mat! Thank you, Girl Scouts!

Sewing Group from Auburn UMC, Michigan

Becky Jenkins, long-time supporter of Midwest Mission and former board member, shared about her sewing group. The group was busy in 2023, making a total of 3,581 items for several different organizations, including Midwest Mission.

Of the 3,581 items. 856 were made at the church while their sewing group met, and 2,725 items were made at home! An average of seven people gather at their church as they sew and fellowship, with many more at-home workers.

They've made diapers and receiving blankets, outfits and dresses, school bags, washcloths, and more.

Thank you for using your talents to serve people in need, that you might never meet. The work and love put into each item is evident in the beautiful creations you make.

Our 2023 Impact Report is available for download! Using the button below, you can download the report and share with someone you know!


April Church Bulletin Insert

We offer monthly church bulletin inserts that you can slide in your church's bulletin. These inserts keep your congregation up-to-date on our current needs and upcoming events!

Download April Bulletin PDF

You can purchase these items at your local store and take them to Midwest Mission or a Collection Site near you. You can also buy items online and have them shipped right to Midwest Mission.


(We are in BIG need of Onesies!! Please purchase when you are out, or click the link below.)

Size 0 - 6 Months, New

click here to purchase online

Day and Night Pads

You can make them at home using our patterns — click here and scroll down to Feminine Hygiene Kit. Tips and tricks: Click here to visit the page

Or, you can purchase them online and have them sent to Midwest Mission — Click here!

Prayers to Lift Up

This week, pray for unity in the Church and in our families. Pray that Christ followers around the world will continue working together for the sake of God's Kingdom.

" Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Galatians 6:2

Midwest Mission Weekly Projects

Work of the Mission Volunteers

Work Done

  • 80 Personal Dignity Kits
  • 18 Desks
  • 1,160 Student Kits

  • Bike Shop
  • Desk Shop
  • Poly Shop
  • Off-site Pack Prep
  • Cleaning
  • Grounds keeping
  • Trace Patterns
  • Paint Truck

Mission in Motion

6871 Rice Meals

  • Plainfield UMC - Plainfield, IN
  • Lake Williamson Christian Center - Carlinville, IL
  • Riverside UMC - Moline, IL
  • Brookville UMC - Brookville, IL
  • Great Lakes Team - MI and WI

50 Student Kits

  • Jerome UMC - Springfield, IL


  • Food For The Poor, Jamaica — see story above
  • Northstar Foundation, Guatemala — see story above
  • Savoy Food Pantry, Savoy, IL; Redirect Food Items Value: $25.50

Midwest Mission is able to do this work because of your generous donations and willingness to volunteer. Thank you!

Share some GOD news with those you love!

Do you have family or friends that need some GOOD News - GOD News - to uplift them? If so please click on the button below and share the link provided. The more we can spread the word about the work God is doing here, the more we can make the world a happier place.

Link to Share the Midwest Mission Newsletter

Ready to Get Involved?

Here are three ways you can get involved at Midwest Mission:

1. Host an Off-Site Event

We have several hands-on mission opportunities you can host at your location! Visit midwestmission.org/off-site to learn more. Contact Melissa Brookens at 217-483-7911 or melissa@midwestmission.org to book your event or for questions.

2. Serve From Home

You can serve people around the world from right at home! From sewing, to assembling kits, there's something for everyone. Learn how at midwestmission.org/at-home.

3. Volunteer at Midwest Mission

We have dates available in 2024 and 2025! Have questions or need assistance in booking? Contact Pat Wright at  pat@midwestmission.org or 217-697-4063. 

Click here to check calendar openings and to reserve your spots.

2025 Volunteer Calendar is open for dorm reservations!

Go to our Reservation Calendar, log in, reserve your rooms, and submit payment for your Non-refundable Reservation Fee via credit card or electronic check. We will email you the Access Code to reserve Volunteer Shifts for your team. You must complete this step for your team to volunteer at Midwest Mission.

For local teams and individuals: Volunteer Shifts will only be available 3 months ahead of time. For example, December 1, 2023 you will be able to reserve Volunteer Shifts for March of 2024.

Midwest Mission Iowa

If you would like to do the Midwest Mission Experience at our Jefferson, IA location, visit midwestmission.org/iowa - or reach out to Melissa Brookens.

Volunteers at Work

April 15 - 19, 2024

Volunteer Leaders

Stan and Debbie Stadel

Yorkville, IL

Volunteer Teams


Great Lakes Team

Michigan and Wisconsin

Grace UMC

Jacksonville, IL

Batestown UMC

Danville, IL

St. Joseph UMC

St. Joseph, IL

Monticello UMC

Monticello, IL


Windsor UMC

Des Moines, IA

We are so grateful for all our local and regular volunteers, and the time they give towards volunteering at Midwest Mission. We appreciate their passion and dedication to the ministry!

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