Environmental Health Trust took two major NEW legal actions recently to demand accountability from two U.S. agencies: the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

1. Request to the FCC to Examine the Latest Scientific Evidence

EHT filed a new request on November 30, 2021, asking the FCC to re-open its official proceedings to allow the submission of new scientific research studies on the official record.

“We can no longer rely on 25-year-old science for today’s technology. Our nation cannot take a shortcut when it comes to public and environmental health," said Linda Birnbaum, Ph.D., former director of the National Institute of Environmental Science, and former director of the National Toxicology Program. "Now is the time for our nation’s regulatory bodies to ensure safety standards are based on the latest research."

Documentation of the FCC Filing

Letters Included in the FCC Filing

An article in TR Daily featured EHT's latest FCC filing and stated that the FCC declined from offering a comment.

"'As authors of numerous publications and reports in the field we urge that the FCC ensure a robust review of the latest science and expert recommendations in the FCC’s upcoming reexamination of its inquiry on human exposure limits for wireless radiation,' said one letter signed by more than 30 experts. 'The major scientific developments of the last two years must be included in the FCC review — especially in the new 5G environment where wireless is ubiquitous.'

"The FCC declined to comment on the EHT filing." -Read TR Daily News Article "FCC Urged to Refresh RF Standards Docket" PDF
Calling For Accountability at the FDA
2. Petition to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

EHT submitted a declaration within a Petition for Imminent Hazard Rulemaking filed by Americans for Responsible Technology, Consumers for Safe Cell Phones, and numerous additional petitioners. The petition, sent to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, attempts to correct the false safety assurances made by the Food and Drug Administration regarding wireless safety standards.

An article by Public News Service featured the petition, stating, "the telecom companies say their products are safe and comply with standards set by the Federal Communications Commission, but their critics claim those standards are based on flawed, decades-old research."

EHT's declaration in the petition contains excerpts from our latest 170-page report "FDA’s Misrepresentations of the FDA’s Scientific Research Review and Safety Determinations Regarding Cell Phone and Wireless Radiation Safety." EHT documents how the FDA's misleading information is used as part of the disinformation machine of the wireless industry.


Action Steps

Note: EHT's declaration in the submitted petition was shortened. Download the full report here. Please download these documents to submit as attachments to your testimony in local/state proceedings.
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