March 8,

No. 91

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
In this week's newsletter we focus on Two Sessions, newly released government work report data now accessible on an innovative platform, and Thursday's event featuring Toshiya Tsugami. 
Weekly Readings

It's that time of year again: Two Sessions! The budgets are announced. The premier describes the work of the government. Xinhua posts pictures of tea servers and delegates. Interesting commentary on the outcomes will emerge with time, but, for now and as we always say, read the documents.

俗语  in Xi Jinping's Speeches

gǎn i rén xiān
Meaning: to dare to be first, to pioneer

In a speech on March 5 to the Shanghai NPC delegation, Xi Jinping used this phrase when he spoke about the need to innovate and to open up the economy, starting with Shanghai and its Free Trade Zone. 

Original: 中共中央总书记、国家主席、 中央军委主席习近平5日下午在参加他所在的十二届全国人大五次会 议上海代表团审议时强调,解放思想,勇于担当,敢为人先, 坚定践行新发展理念,深化改革开放,引领创新驱动, 不断增强吸引力、创造力、竞争力, 加快建成社会主义现代化国际大都市。

The  Annual Government Work Report

For the first time, The Annual Government Work Report (政府工作报告; zhèng fǔ gōng zuò bào gào) has been presented utilizing QR codes. Users can scan the QR code linked below with their WeChat app to view newly released government work report data in an interesting platform.

Readers can view the QR code at this link .

REMINDER: Upcoming AMS Event 
Join us this Thursday at 5:30pm at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (first floor conference room) for a lecture and discussion (in Chinese, of course) about the current state of the Chinese economy. The IMF and BIS have issued warnings about China's rapidly increasing debt levels. How the Chinese leadership addresses this and other economic challenges will have ramifications not only in China but also for the global economy. What can China learn from Japan's experience? Can a hard landing be avoided? Mr. Toshiya Tsugami, a well-known Japanese expert on the Chinese economy, will offer his views on the economy and what we can learn from Japan's own economic history.
Space is limited so rsvp early
About Mr. Toshiya Tsugami

Toshiya Tsugami heads the Tsugami Workshop, a consulting company concentrating on the Chinese economy. He is a frequent commentator on Japanese television and writes extensively for Japanese news media. He previously served as economic counselor at the Japanese embassy in China and as director of the Northeast Asia Division of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Trade Policy Bureau. He graduated from the University of Tokyo. His works include Chugoku no taito: Nihon wa nani o subeki ka (China's Rise: What Should Japan Do?), awarded the Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities, and the recent Chugoku taito no shuen (The End of China's Rise).
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