Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
Weekly Readings
The "Two Meetings" (两会) are upon us, and the delegates of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Congress are swarming Beijing. The Wall Street Journal's China Realtime Report has handily provided the Chinese- and English-language versions of the Report on the Work of the Government delivered by Premier Li Keqiang. As we say here at AMS, go to the documents!
Also, make sure to read Xi's speech referenced in the 成语 section below.
俗语 in Xi Jinping's Speeches
yī yè zhàng mù,bù jiàn tài shān
Meaning: to have trivial details block out what is important (similar to missing the forest for the trees)
Xi Jinping gave an important speech on March 4 about the future path of economic development in China, especially with regards to the relationship between private and public enterprises and the new 所有制 model. The speech should be read in full, and can be found at the link below. We found the sentence that followed this chengyu particularly interesting. Black cat / white cat redux? Pragmatism triumphing over ideology?
Last week, Chinese Foreign Minister visited Washington, DC, and, in between official meetings, delivered a talk at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Minister Wang delivered an eloquent statement about Chinese foreign policy, Beijing's foreign and domestic objectives, and the sources of Chinese power. It is as clear a statement from the Chinese perspective as anyone is likely to find and, therefore, worth the viewing (or
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