Two Shipments Leave for Guatemala;
One Shipment to Honduras
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In 2022, we sent 48 international shipments to help people in crisis around the world. Brad Walton, Operations Manager, has aspired to send even more international shipments in 2023. We are only four weeks into the year, and six international shipments have already left our warehouses.
On Thursday, January 26, two shipments left for Guatemala.
The first shipment was a general in-kind (GIK) shipment heading to Mixco, Guatemala. This means that it contained supplies that will be distributed by Food For The Poor (FFTP) to their partner organizations in-country. Those organizations will then distribute to those in need.
This shipment included:
- 16 Bikes
- 1,120 Student Kits
- 26 Waiting room chairs
- 50 Student Desks
- 638 Redirect cloth bags
- 2,741 Tarps
- 26,000 Disposable shoe covers
- 2 Exam tables
- 9,490 Hospital gowns
- Folding or stacking chairs
- Redirect School Supplies
Value: $151,049.40
The second shipment was an Angels of Hope (AOH) shipment. We send 10 AOH shipments every year through FFTP. The items on these shipments are distributed to children's homes and orphanages that FFTP sponsors. We send Personal Dignity Kits, Home Care Kits, and cleaning supplies - like hand sanitizer and cleaning wipes - to these homes. These kits assist children in learning about good hygiene practices, and help keep the homes sanitary.
This shipment included:
- 384 Home Care Kits
- 560 Personal Dignity Kits
- Disinfectant wipes
- Antibacterial hand cleaner
Value: $55,710.00
On Friday, January 27, we sent a shipment to Honduras.
This was also a GIK shipment.
The Student Kits on this shipment are the last Student Kits made in 2022 that we have in the warehouses. Now, all Student Kits in our warehouse are from 2023. We move things in and out of our warehouses as fast as possible.
This shipment included:
- 1,120 Student Kits
- 40 Bikes
- 61 lbs of fabric
- 20 Electric sewing machines
- 6 Treadle sewing machines
- 45 Cover Them With Love Quilts
- 41 Pillowcase dresses
- 2,327 Tarps
- 5 Home care beds
- 3 Hospital mattresses
- Stacking chairs
- Canes, crutches, and walkers
Value: $103,107.50
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Two Rice Meal Packs in Minnesota Make for an Impactful Weekend | |
This past weekend, Gene Turner, our Mission in Motion Manager, traveled 11 hours to Northern Minnesota to deliver ingredients and equipment and assist at two Rice Meal Packs.
Both of these events beautifully encapsulated our mission: bringing the hearts and hands of God’s people together to transform resources into humanitarian relief.
The first event, in Park Rapids, was hosted at a local middle school. This event was spearheaded by three churches: Riverside United Methodist, Calvary Lutheran, and Hubbard United Methodist. This event united the local community, encouraged cooperation between denominations, and made a huge impact for Ukraine.
In total, they brought in 150 volunteers and raised $12,000.
They packed 6,000 Rice Meal Bags within three hours.
The second event was in Plymouth at Messiah United Methodist Church. They worked hard to pack 3,600 Rice Meal Bags on Sunday afternoon.
This is what they had to say about the event: “What a great afternoon of ministry with all ages and stages gathering together to make an impact.”
Over the course of the weekend, 57,600 individual meals were made.
It’s amazing what can happen when you bring people together of all backgrounds who have open hearts and willing hands … that impact is felt around the world.
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This week, pray for God to work in and through all of us as we show His love in practical ways to His children.
"For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."
Philippians 2:13
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Midwest Mission Weekly Projects
Work of the Mission Volunteers
Projects completed
- 12,300 Rice Meals
- 2,700 1st Free Evangelical, Ballwin, MO
- 3,600 Messiah UMC, Plymouth, MN
- 6,000 Riverside UMC, Park Rapids, MN
- 130 Layette Kits
Other work done
- Bikes
- Desks
- Sewing Machines
- Counting items into inventory
- Cleaning
- Sewing
- Stuffing mailer
The Moore Wright Group, Aberdeen, WA: 120 UMCOR Hygiene Kits Value: $1,560.00
Fairbury FUMC Food Pantry, Fairbury, IL: Redirected cleaning and hygiene supplies Value: $82.00
Academic and Career Education Academy, Midland, MI: Redirected hygiene and school supplies Value: $356.00
Personal Community Services, Mayfield, KY: 24 UMCOR Hygiene Kits Value: $312.00
Chatham Micropantry, Chatham, IL: Redirect hygiene and cleaning supplies Value: $78.00
Ball Chatham, Chatham, IL: Redirect hygiene supplies Value: $86.00
Food For The Poor, Guatemala: See above story
Food For The Poor, Honduras: See above story
*Redirected items are those items received that do not fit into the parameters of our kits and projects.
Midwest Mission is able to do this work because of your generous donations and willingness to volunteer. Thank you!
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Share some GOD news with those you love! | Do you have family or friends that need some GOOD News - GOD News - to uplift them? If so please click on the button below and share the link provided. The more we can spread the word about the work God is doing here, the more we can make the world a happier place. | |
Schedule Your Mission Journey
Dates are available in 2023 and 2024
Need a Saturday option for team volunteering
or assistance in booking?
Contact Pat Wright at
or 217-697-4063
Click below to check calendar openings and to reserve your spots.
Mission Journey Reservation Calendar
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Volunteers at Work
January 23 - 27, 2023
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Ron & Sharon Monroe
Fairbury, IL
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Chuck & Karen Porter
Brighton, IL
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Volunteer Teams and Individuals | |
Lebanon High School Interact Club
Lebanon, IL
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Murrayville UMC
Murrayville, IL
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Centenary UMC
Jacksonville, IL
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Clarence Harms
Brillion, WI
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We are so grateful for all our regular volunteers, and the time they give towards volunteering at Midwest Mission. We appreciate their passion and dedication to the ministry! | | | | |