Two Steps Forward...
October 2017
The end of the Jewish year brought important victories in the fight against anti-Semitism. Germany has joined the growing list of countries that has voted to adopt an international definition of anti-Semitism. Students at the University of Wisconsin at Madison have begun to make amends for last semester's motivated by anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism on campus. Even with these positive developments, problems remain at many schools. The Louis D. Brandeis Center strongly urged a Massachusetts school district to cease disciplinary action against a teacher for denouncing anti-Semitism to her students. More details about this and other stories can be found below.  Once again, we thank you for your tax-deductible  donations  and acknowledge that without you our work could not be done.

LDB Slams Massachusetts School District for Disciplining Teacher Who Educated Students About Antisemitism
Shiri Moshe, Algemeiner

The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law has urged a school district in Massachusetts to cease disciplinary action against a teacher who talked to her students about antisemitism after a swastika was posted at their high school.

In latest exchange, LDB pushes Stoughton schools on anti-Semitic incidents
Tom Relihan, The Enterprise
A pair of the Louis D. Brandeis Center's lawyers argued that punishing a high school teacher for engaging her class in a discussion about anti-Semitic symbolism and the history of the Holocaust and Nazi Germany was a violation of her rights under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and could have a chilling effect on the district's staff's attempt to address future, similar incidents.

After Protest by Superintendent, LDB Doubles Down on Criticism of Stoughton High School
Shiri Moshe, Algemeiner

The Louis D. Brandeis Center doubled down on its criticism of a Massachusetts school district that disciplined a teacher for discussing antisemitism, following objections from the district's superintendent.
Stoughton High School teacher Stella Martin - who faced an arbitration hearing on Tuesday - was reprimanded over a classroom discussion she held on antisemitism last November after a student posted a swastika in the school.

On Wednesday, September 20th, the German Cabinet announced that it had unanimously adopted the working definition of anti-Semitism used by the International Alliance for Holocaust Remembrance. In 2016, the 31 member states of the IHRA adopted their definition after a unanimous vote at a plenary session in Bucharest City. The IHRA was the first international body to formally adopt such a definition.
Turning Over a New Leaf at UW
Edward Kunz, Brandeis Blog 

The new Chair of the Associated Students of Madison, the student government body at the University of Wisconsin - Madison, formally apologized to the UW Jewish community for her actions last April. These actions included holding an ASM meeting on the Jewish holiday of Passover and pushing a BDS vote during that meeting, disregarding a request to not raise BDS at that meeting due to the fact that many Jewish students would not be on campus and a previous decision to table the issue of BDS indefinitely.

Toward Resilience in the Face 
of Hate
Baruch Nutovic, Brandeis Blog
The following is a transcript of a column written b y Baruch Nutovic (President of the LDB Law Student Chapter at the University of Virginia School of Law; UVA Law '19). The column, drawing on Nutovic's experiences growing up as the grandchild of Holocaust survivors, discusses the ramifications of anti-Semitism in the United States. Nutovic's words about the events in Charlottesville speak to address a rising tide of bigotry in the United States, and turn a hopeful eye towards the future.

In This Issue:
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Louis Brandeis Photo
The Louis D. Brandeis Center is a nonprofit organization supported by individuals, groups and foundations that share our concern about Jewish college students.  Contributions are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  To support our efforts to combat campus anti-Semitism, please contact us at
12-11-29 Standing KLM photo
Kenneth L. Marcus

Can We Help You? 

The Louis D. Brandeis Center stands ready if we can help you to combat anti-Semitism in higher education.  Please contact us if you are a student or professor who needs our help.  We are also available to provide technical assistance to university administrators who are interested in achieving legal compliance and best practices for eliminating campus anti-Semitism.
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