December is a wonderful time for reflection.
Despite twelve months of hard work we notice that finance for forests is still insufficient to halt and reverse forest loss and degradation, crucial to keeping global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. What is needed is a strong forest carbon price signal, high integrity, equity and increased investments in upfront finance to enable forested, developing countries to conserve, restore and sustainably manage their forests.
But we don’t give up. In this newsletter you’ll find an info-brief on carbon rights in jurisdictional REDD+ that reiterates that since there is no one internationally adopted definition of carbon rights or ERs title, REDD+ countries need to progress in legislating on the matter. Overall, more clarity surrounding emission reduction rights is still needed, as a more stable enabling environment affording legal protection to contracting parties would stimulate investments in REDD+, and protect vulnerable groups.
You will also find that UN-REDD has launched a community of practice on REDD+ Finance. To register to join, please visit:
To end the year on a positive note, lets applaud the important milestone for nature that was reached at the recently concluded CBD COP where nations of the world agreed on a historic package of measures deemed critical to addressing the dangerous loss of biodiversity and restoring natural ecosystems. This package includes four goals and 23 targets for achievement by 2030, so that 30% of Earth’s lands, oceans, coastal areas and inland waters will be protected; $500 billion annual harmful government subsidies will be reduced and food waste will be cut in half by 2030.
And last but not least, under partner news you will read about the milestone that Guyana recently achieved. The Architecture for REDD+ Transactions (ART) has issued the world’s first TREES credits to Guyana. This also marks a milestone as the first time a country has been issued carbon credits specifically designed for the voluntary and compliance carbon markets for successfully preventing forest loss and degradation -- a process known as jurisdictional REDD+.
Now that the Festive Season is upon us, let us recharge our batteries for a busy year ahead, with hopefully more women at the foresfront of the decision making process and more meaningful engagement with local communities. More equity and access to markets will help to achieve more milestones.
Happy holidays!