Your mission: READ!
Your reward: BEE a part of something AWESOME!
Summer Quest is underway! With two more weeks left, you still have plenty of time to participate in the summer reading challenge.
Stop by your favorite branch to record your summer reading minutes and make an impact here
abroad! For every 30 minutes of reading that you log, you earn a sticker to complete a special mural and vote for the animal (including honeybees!) that you would like to see us donate to a community in need through Heifer International, a nonprofit that seeks to give back globally by helping communities to develop sustainable agricultural and farming practices that lead to self-reliance for food and economic development.
is invited to participate and every kind of reading counts! Toddlers can count the minutes that caregivers read to them and adults can count minutes listening to audio books or reading to others. Buzz on in to the library to pick up a reading log or
one from our website.