TxCOEM Times
Fall 2019 Newsletter


I have the pleasure to report to you that we have completed the proposed structural change of creating a board of director in the organization of the TXCOEM. The primary function of the board of directors is to help in securing long-term vision of the organization. The board, along with officers of the TXCOEM, will make sure that we continue to stay focus on the mission and goals of the organization. I am personally grateful to all the board members who are devoting their time and services, and to all members who are dedicated to workers health and safety.

I am equally excited to let you know that we are planning valuable educational and CME programs for you. We are also considering sponsorship of occupational medicine activities by other organization in Texas, such as the Houston Health Forum, and supporting conference and events by the academic organizations, such as UTHealth Tyler. Also, we are considering arranging a webinar on a current hot topic in occupational medicine. Our goal is to provide a broad array of learning opportunities for our members. More detailed information in this regard should be coming shortly.

Finally, a few words regarding member participation - please take a little time out to participate in your organization. It could be as simple as providing comments and feedback, helping in improving our website, and suggesting topics for our annual conference presentations. Of course, if your schedule permits, we are always in need of members who would like to serve as officers for TXCOEM. Let's not forget, the future of occupational medicine and the relevance of our profession depends upon the efforts of every one of us.

Tufail Q. Shaikh, M.D., President
Texas College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Tx COEM Officers 

Tufail Shaikh, MD, MPH, MS, FACOEM
Email: tufail.shaikh@sbcglobal.net
-Provide leadership and guidance to TxCOEM
-Develop policy and procedures
-Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for
-Provide the end-of-year report to the board 

Annamaria Macaluso Davidson, MD, MBA, CMQ
President Elect 
Email: annamariamac3@gmail.com
-Assist the president in conducting business
-Chairperson of the annual TXCOEM Business Meeting and Scientific Syposium

Michael Paston, MD, MPH, MS
Email: Michael.paston@cns.doe.gov
-Keeps track of all expenses
-Manage the bank account 
-Disbursements and write checks
-Prepare at least two newsletters for the members

Michelle R. McDaniel, BS, CHES
Executive Director/Secretary
Email: Michelle.R.McDaniel@uth.tmc.edu
-Reviews educational content for pre-CME and MOC compliance 
-Coordinates program and communications
-Assist in the development of documents
-Coordinates TXCOEM annual meeting and scientific syposium 
-Organizes and updates e-systems such as website, newsletter, e-files
The TxCOEM bank balance was $14,883.28 as of 10/17/2019

TXCOEM Board of Directors 

Tufail Shaikh, MD, MPH, MS, FACOEM -  tufail.shaikh@sbcglobal.net

Annamaria Macaluso Davidson, MD, MBA, CMQ - annamariamac3@gmail.com
President Elect

Michael Paston, MD, MPH, MS - Michael.paston@cns.doe.gov

Cynthia K. Ball, DO - dr.ckball@gmail.com
Board member

Faiyaz A. Bhojani, MD, FACP, DrPH, FACOEM - faiyaz.bhojani@shell.com
Board Member

William "Brett" Perkison, MD, MPH, FACOEM - william.b.perkison@uth.tmc.edu
Board Member

Sebastian J. Ciacchella, MD, MPH, FACOEM - ciac@bellsouth.net
Immediate Past President, 2018-2019
Save the Date for Saturday, May 2, 2020

TxCOEM at TexMed
in conjunction with the annual TexMed Symposium in Forth Worth, TX 

The Annual TxCOEM Business Meeting and Symposium's main events will be held in June in Tyler, TX this year due to the overlap of AOHC and TexMed in May 2020. That means TWO educational CME opportunities in Texas between May and June!

The first symposium will be held at the Fort Worth Convention Center, on Saturday, May 2, 2020 in Fort Worth, TX.  Registration for TxCOEM members is free and will be announced as of January 2020.

Book your hotels for the group rate of $179/night. 
Reserve before room blocks sell out: 
Save the Date for TxCOEM 2020!

TxCOEM Annual Business Meeting and Symposium
in conjunction with UTHealth Tyler's Emerging Issues Symposium

Friday, June 26, 10:15am-3:30 pm -
Saturday, June 27, 2020, 8:00am-10:45am 

Mark your calendars now for Tyler, Texas, the Rose Capital of America!
Registration will be announced in January 2020.
Announcement will be emailed to you!
Nominations for Marcus Key Award to TxCOEM@uth.tmc.edu
This coming Spring 2020, there is a date conflict between the American Occupational Health Conference (ACOEM) and the annual TxCOEM Educational Conference and Business Meeting typically held in conjunction with the Texas Medical Association's TexMed.

The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler has graciously offered to host the TxCOEM Symposium and Business Meeting on its campus a few weeks later as part of its biannual Emerging Issues in Occupational and Environmental Health Symposium, and TxCOEM leadership has agreed to be a sponsor.

The Symposium will start on Friday, June 26 (10:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.), and run through Saturday, June 27 (7 - 8 a.m. business meeting; 8 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. ongoing conference).  Incoming ACOEM President, Dr. Beth Baker, will be presenting, among a group of other distinguished speakers, addressing current and emerging issues, so you won't want to miss this lineup hosted by a well-established academic program in occupational medicine. 

There will be a modest registration fee for physicians of $125, and for all others (including medical residents), $75.

Mark your calendars now for Tyler, Texas, the Rose Capital of America, June 26-27, 2020.  Registration will be announced early spring 2020.
Recent News

TXCOEM 2019 Business Meeting, 
May 17, 2019  
We had a collegial, productive and fun business meeting in Dallas. We de-conflicted next year's annual TXCOEM meeting with ACOEM (see next news). Also, Dr. Frangos (ACOEM President and TXCOEM member) spoke to the importance of the membership committee, and how key it is for ACOEM. 

For the first time in history, TXCOEM is represented well in the ACOEM leadership - Dr. Steve Frangos (President) and Dr. Faiyaz Bhojani (Recorder - HOD). The TXCOEM office bearers appreciate both for volunteering their time and representing Texas. Thanks also to our delegates and alternate delegates. If you are interested in ACOEM leadership positions, please reach out to any of the TXCOEM office bearers or email txcoem@uth.tmc.edu.

On May 1st, Stephen A. Frangos, MD, MPH, FACOEM, of Houston, Texas, was installed as president of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM) for 2019-2020. Click to learn more. 

The annual fall meeting for the ACOEM House of Delegates (HOD) was scheduled for Friday, November 1, 2019 at the ACOEM Learning Center, Elk Grove Village, IL. More news to come!

Total Worker Health® at the Southwest Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (SWCOEH) at UTHealth School of Public Health.  SWCOEH  has been officially approved as an affiliate of the CDC/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Total Worker Health® program. The center director Elaine Symanski, PhD explains, "Total Worker Health adopts a more holistic approach, building on the traditional focus of occupational health and safety on protecting workers from injuries and workplace exposures to chemical, physical, or biological agents." "We're now looking at a whole range of other factors that affect workers. The nature of work, the workforce, and employment arrangements are rapidly changing and impacting worker health, both positively and negatively. Moreover, our field is shifting its focus from keeping workers safe to achieving their best possible well-being. It's therefore vital that our endeavors adapt to reflect these developments, and the NIOSH has championed this shift."  Click to learn more. 

The SWCOEH at UTHealth School of Public Health Houston also hosts the only PhD doctoral academic program track in Total Woker Health. 
Learn more at:  https://sph.uth.edu/research/centers/swcoeh/twh/

Harvey Health Impacts
Since Hurricane Harvey devastated the Houston area two years ago, researchers have been studying the storm's effect on public health and the emergency response by healthcare providers during a major disaster. "Overall, the current analysis demonstrated that specific Harvey exposures were associated with increased risk of allergic symptoms and stress levels immediately after the hurricane and up to one year after the disaster," said Bondy, associate director at the Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center at Baylor. The research projects span the health spectrum, from the impact of pollutants on people with asthma to the effects of the storm on mental health." Click to learn more.

Center for Precision Environmental Health (CPEH)
Working at the intersection of genetics, environmental health, and data science, researchers in Baylor College of Medicine's Center for Precision Environmental Health, seek to understand these differing effects, evaluating gene-environment interactions. Under the direction of Dr. Cheryl Walker, the CPEH builds on its affiliation with other Baylor College of Medicine departments, as well as state and national centers. Center researchers will be working collaboratively at the intersection of genetics/epigenetics, environmental health, and data science to understand how the environment influences health and disease and uncover new disease control strategies and interventions. Click to learn more.

Bigger Companies Score Higher on Total Worker Health Implementation, JOEM (8/19) -  Compared to larger companies, small businesses need help in introducing the Total Worker Health (TWH) approach to worker health and safety. The results show that TWH adoption and approaches vary by business size, reflecting different patterns of organizational behavior. Ms. Tenney and colleagues conclude, "Our results indicate a need for intervention research that targets small businesses, notably to better understand how TWH is effectively implemented."  Click to learn more

Integrated Physical Medicine Improves Outcomes in Musculoskeletal Disorders JOEM (5/19)  - Employer-sponsored health clinics offering integrated physical medicine services-physical medicine, chiropractic, and acupuncture - can improve clinical outcomes while lowering the costs of care for patients with back pain and other common musculoskeletal conditions, reports an open-access paper in the May Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. "Early access to physical medicine interventions is associated with improved patient outcomes at lower cost to the employer," Dr. Bravata and coauthors write. "These results suggest that employer-sponsored clinics can improve timely access to evidence-based physical medicine services." Click to learn more.

Investing in Culture of Health Reduces Employee Health Risks - JOEM (2/19)  -  Companies that improve their "culture of health" realize some important benefits, including reductions in employee health risk factors, medical visits, prescription drug use, and health care costs. The study adds to a growing body of evidence that building a culture of health can improve employee health and reduce healthcare costs.

ABPM Increases Flexibility for Diplomats,  Announced August 2019. 
Board certified physicians in Occupational Medicine will no longer be required to complete a minimum number of ABPM- approved LLSA credits in order to complete MOC Part II. After Feb 1, 2020, a Diplomat's total of 250 MOC Part II credits can include any combination of LLSA and AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits (or their equivalent).  Click to learn more. 
TxCOEM Membership

Need to renew your membership? 
Contact Member Services at
MemberInfo@ACOEM.org  or 847-818-1800
New Member: Interested in joining for the first time? 
Join online at  www.ACOEM.org
Click About ACOEM and then click Join Today

TxCOEM communications to Michelle McDaniel, Executive Director, TxCOEM
TXCOEM@uth.tmc.edu  or 713-500-9447

TxCOEM | About Us | 713-500-9447 | TxCOEM@uth.tmc.edu