Volume II Issue 22 ~ February 16th, 2020
1. Academics Spotlight
Students in Mrs. Cho's math class reviewed for a test but not in the traditional way. Students had the opportunity to work collaboratively in groups to answer problems and earned cards for each correct answer. Students were engaged, excited about the activity, and had fun while learning!
2. Athletics Spotlight
Girls Water Polo beat Esperanza 13-6 in and then lost to Temescal Canyon 13 - 10 in the first round of CIF. Congrats on a great season by our players and coaches!

Boys Soccer beat St. Francis 2-1 in double overtime in the first round of CIF. The team lost in the second round 2-0 to Mission Viejo.

Girls Soccer beat Valencia in penalty kicks to win the first round of CIF. They went on to beat Laguna Beach 2-0. The girls will move on to the Quaterfinals at home on Wednesday versus La Serna.
3. Science Fair Spotlight
PVHS had 86 researchers compete with 53 projects at the PVPSEF Science Fair at the South Coast Botanical Gardens. The following students were recognized in their respective categories.

Savannah Scriven was selected to be a finalist at the Regenron ISEF International Science Fair.  Every year, tens of millions of students participate in local science fairs around the globe but only about 1,800 earn the right to compete for nearly $5 million awards bestowed each May at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Savannah is representing PVHS after receiving 1st place in Earth and Environmental Sciences.

In the Physics category, the team of Daniel, Kapil and John placed 2nd and Amyrah Doty won third. Abbie Maemoto placed 2nd in Cellular and Molecular Biology. Charlotte Tight placed 2nd in Behavioral Sciences and the team of Nolan Brandt and Phillipe Wiederkehr placed 2nd in Earth and environmental sciences. Jacob Hageman and Carter Harrigian teamed up to place 1st in Behavioral Sciences with their work on rewatching the effect of energy drinks on black worms. And in Animal Sciences, Gavin Peters placed 1st, Anne-Sophie Corry in 2nd and Jessica Bahny in 3rd. Congratulations to all of our students and thank you to Mrs. Munoz for all of her help and support throughout this process!
4. Black History Month Spotlight
The Black Student Union hosted a free presentation of the film Harriet this week and the MPR was packed with students for this event. Thanks to all who came out and made the event a success! With the help of other student groups such as CARE and BTC, our BSU also decorated the school with posters of notable African American figures throughout history. The posters also give facts about the person and the impact they have left on society today.
5. Project Runway Spotlight
PVHS hosted the 13th annual Project Runway fashion show this past week. There were over 80 models in the show representing students from PV High, all 3 middle schools, and Lunada Bay Elementary School. This organization and event raised over $20,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation's Greater Los Angeles chapter. Chaya Holyfield sang as a performer and a 15 year old high school student shared her story of overcoming a rare form of Leukemia, and then having her wish granted to go to Africa. The 3 presidents, Lucy Battelle, Lucy Pluimer, and Ryan Pascal worked with their advisor Mrs. Trevett to make sure the evening ran smoothly. Thank you to everyone who supported such a great cause!
6. Wellness Center Spotlight
The Wellness Center welcomed therapy dog Lola to campus. Lola is a licensed therapy dog and was able to help relieve some stress with our students. Be on the look out for Lola next time she is on campus and stop by the Wellness Center to say hi!
7. Boys Water Polo Spotlight
Congratulations to Thomas Lercari, Aidan Wattson, and Jake Leonard on being selected to the 2019 California-Hawaii All American team! This is the first time in the history of our water polo program that three players have been selected to this prestigious list. Congratulations to the players and Coach O'Brien on this achievement!
8. Valentine's Day Spotlight
The Palos Verdes Organization of Women celebrated Valentine's day by making gift bags for the Rainbow Shelter in San Pedro. GSA also hosted their annual Love-is-Love valentine's day lunch where students were able to celebrate the day surrounded bythe support of their friends and peers.
9. Student Spotlight
McKenzie Olsen, junior, was selected to the Adrenaline All-American 2021 watch list for girls lacrosse. McKenzie is a member of our varsity lacrosse team and this is a great start to our team's season. Click here to read more about this.
10. Next week at a glance
  • No school today in honor of President's Day!

  • Feb 19, is PEF’s $40 for 40 campaign. We are asking for all PVP families to donate $40 per student during this 24-hour fundraising blitz. Click here to donate.
  • CSF Spring Membership Drive has started and runs through Thursday, February 27th. Applications are available here at, Room 316, or the library. Completed applications and $20 check or cash may be dropped off in the library or Room 316. No late applications will be accepted. All details are included on the application.  Not sure if you are eligible? List will be posted outside Room 316 and the library. Any questions? See Ms. Klabe in Room 316 or email klabea@pvpusd.net


  • Pedone's Pizza fundraiser all day long to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! Click here for more info
  • College Essentials Toolkit at 6pm in the MPR

Thursday :

  • Last day to register for the Remember the Tritons Walk!

Friday :
  • Remember the Tritons Walk Unite the Fight today from 12:00 – 3:00. All proceeds go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in support of Ms. Hafer and Coach Brian. Pick up your participation form in the main office, counseling office and room 503, or click here. Return them to Mrs. K in room 503 ASAP, no applications will be accepted after Thursday Feb. 20th.
General Info
600 Cloyden Road, Palos Verdes Estates, 90274 ~ 310-378-8471 ~ pvhs.pvpusd.net