May 2022

During this Memorial Day holiday, we express our gratitude to our fallen heroes and their loved ones. Their sacrifices will always be remembered. 

Concussion News from the University of Michigan

Photo: Dr. Eleanna Varangis

Faculty Hire: Dr. Eleanna Varangis

We are pleased to announce Dr. Eleanna Varangis, a tenure-track assistant professor with the School of Kinesiology, will be joining the center in August 2022. She is our first faculty hire under the U-M Biosciences initiative. Dr. Varangis, a postdoc at Columbia University, has utilized neuroimaging and fMRI to research the long-term effects of sports-related concussions.

What We're Up To

Image: Michigan Concussion Center

Neurological Health White Paper

The center published a white paper discussing the current science around concussions, their effects on long-term neurological health, and how to communicate this topic with stakeholders.

ImageDr. Andrea Almeida and Dr. Andrew Hashikawa

Faculty Promotions

Congratulations to center faculty members Dr. Andrea Almeida and Dr. Andrew Hashikawa, who were approved for promotion during the University of Michigan Board of Regents meeting on May 19.

Image: Andrew Hashikawa

Pop-Up Safety Town

Center faculty member Dr. Andrew Hashikawa volunteers his time creating Pop-Up Safety Town programs, which provide injury prevention methods and training to those in need.

ImageMichigan Concussion Center

Stern Speaker Series Event

Dr. Robert Stern joined us virtually to discuss chronic traumatic encephalopathy and the long-term consequences of sport-related repetitive head impact exposure.

Research Spotlight

Photo: Adobe Stock/fizkes

Depressive Symptoms After First mTBI

Center faculty member Dr. Fred Korley co-authored a study examining depressive symptoms within the first six months of patients recovering from their first mild traumatic brain injury.

Photo: University of Michigan Photography

Baseline Testing

CARE Consortium researchers evaluated the utility of preseason concussion baseline testing is for acute concussion diagnosis compared to post-injury data alone. 

Photo: Andrew Hashikawa

Faculty Spotlight: Andrew Hashikawa

Dr. Andrew Hashikawa is an associate professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics. His research focuses on the health and safety of child care/preschoolers and summer camp populations.

Photo: Hybrid III headform. Courtesy of A. Esquivel.

Testing Soft Headgear

Dr. Amanda Esquivel, associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at U-M Dearborn, is researching how well soft foam headgear reduces head acceleration for female lacrosse players.

Concussion in the News

Image: PeterSchrieber.Media/IStockPhoto

Concussion Market $9.2M By 2028

The global concussion market is forecasted to reach $9.2 million by 2028, up from an estimated $7.2 million in 2021. 


NHL Concussion Treatment Lesson

Colorado Avalanche granted defenseman Bowen Byram a leave of absence to fully recover from the lingering effects of a concussion he sustained during the 2020-21 season. 

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Michigan Concussion Quarterly News is a newsletter produced by the Michigan Concussion Center. If you have any questions, contact the Concussion Center communications team at [email protected].