Issue No. 182 | Jan. 9, 2020
Dedicated to the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
2020年快乐! Here's a creative visual calendar of important dates and events that China is looking forward to in 2020, including actualization of the 小康社会, the launch of 5G, and advancements in space exploration.

" 2020年

动动手指,看长图 "
Not rich, but moderately prosperous
While we've been on winter holiday, the Chinese government has been busy issuing new regulations and notices.

Among these, the State Council issued the notice《 关于做好2020年元旦春节期间有关工作的通知 》, which reminds us that this year is the deadline for accomplishing the 小康社会 and the end of the 13th five year plan .

The full text is worth reading because it clearly presents 9 main priorities for the Chinese New Year season specifically, and for 2020 more broadly.

This also gives us an opportunity to refresh our understanding of 小康社会 and why it matters.

 "Jiang Zemin first laid out this goal when he was general secretary in 2002 and the entire party has been working toward it ever since. By transforming China into a moderately prosperous society by 2021—an achievement that is defined and reached according to the CCP’s judgement alone—the CCP hopes to reinforce its legitimacy and ensure it is on track to realize its second centenary goal, the “great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” by the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 2049." - Julia G. Bowie in the Party Watch Annual Report 2019

Background reading:

Xi Jinping, “Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era” [ 习近平:决胜全面建成小康社会 夺取新时代中国特色 社会主义伟大胜利——在中国共产党第十九次全国代 ], Xinhua , October 27, 2017
俗语 from Xi Jinping's Speeches
zhǐ zhēng zhāo xī

Meaning: seize the day, make the best use of one's time ( 造句 )

Original: "让我们 只争朝夕 ,不负韶华,共同迎接2020年的到来。"

Source: 习近平主席2020年新年贺词 ( Text with video )
2019 中美 Speeches
Here are a just a few of the important foreign policy speeches made in the U.S. and China over the past year. If you know of other key speeches from 2019 we should feature, we would like to hear from you.


David Stilwell, " U.S.–China Bilateral Relations: The Lessons of History " December 12, 2019

Secretary Pompeo, The China Challenge , October 30, 2019

Technology and Power in China’s Geopolitical Ambitions , Testimony to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Washington, D.C. June 20, 2019;


Xi Jinping's top 10 speeches in 2019, 十篇讲话 一个声音 《联播大数据》回顾2019年习主席重要讲话 , December 24, 2019
Official Words of 2019
The official 2019 Chinese words of the year have been announced for Mandarin-speaking countries including mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and even the United States .

On December 20, 稳 wěn (stability), and 难 nán (difficulty) were selected as the 2019 Chinese characters of the year by the Chinese National Language Monitoring and Research Center and The Commercial Press. Unsurprisingly, 稳 was chosen as the domestic word of the year, while 难 was chosen as the international word of the year.

Finally, in case you missed it in our last newsletter, here are the 10 "hot words" of 2019, as reported by Radii China and What's on Weibo .
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