Virginia Dambach
Dambach said, "My public media background and expertise align with what I know of the U:SA needs and expectations ... During my career I have consulted with a number of community, university, and institutional public radio, television and joint licensee stations nationwide; often helping identify and address areas of conflict between the station and the university administration. In addition to my commitment to public media in general, I also share the desire to strengthen the relationships between stations and their institutions. I feel this has been and remains the highest priority of the U:SA in order to not only better on-going relations between stations and their institutions, but to stem the tide of licensees selling off their stations because they do not fully understand the value the station brings to the institution."
The U:SA has a 19-year history as a nationwide support system for stations. Some of the U:SA initiatives include training leadership, guarding editorial integrity, reviewing governance structures, and benchmarking performance in ways that communicate value to licensees.
John Hess U:SA President said, "The US:A welcomes Virginia Dambach, a veteran public media executive. Virginia's vision for the US:A and her enthusiasm for her new role made her a unanimous choice of the search committee."
Although Dambach's tenure begins July 1, she is currently working with retiring E.D. Craig Beeby to provide a smooth transition. As the Executive Director, Dambach will have an opportunity to develop new and unique services and resources designed for institutionally-owned stations.