An Update from the UAB School of Optometry
From the Dean's Desk
And just like that, we've completed another academic year and congratulated yet another graduating class! On May 20th, we celebrated the Class of 2016 during our 43rd Convocation & Doctoral Hooding Ceremony. We not only recognized the OD Class of 2016, but also our residents and graduate students for the successful completion of their programs. I was also honored to present the Dean's Distinguished Service Awards to Dr. Leo Semes and Mr. Brian Rosenow - two individuals well-deserving of this honor.  I hope you will take a few minutes to check out the recap of Convocation Week activities in the section below.
To our faculty, staff, and students - thank you for your hard work, diligence, and commitment to excellence. We can celebrate another successful year only because of the dedication you show each day.  As things slow down (just a tad, of course!) for the summer, I hope you will take time to rest and recharge, enjoy your favorite warm-weather activities, and your summer vacations, so that you can look forward to the start of the fall semester.  We all know it will be here sooner than we think!
I hope to see many of our alumni and friends at the upcoming summer meetings and alumni weekend events. Please keep in touch with us, too. We want to know what is happening with you - about your milestones and achievements.
This summer marks the anniversary of my 2nd year as Dean, and it's been an honor to serve this School and University. I am optimistic about the future of our profession, vision science research, and the impact UAB Optometry will continue to make across the nation and around the world. 

- Dean Kelly Nichols
Celebrating the Class of 2016

You'll find a recap of UABSO's 43rd Convocation & Doctoral Hooding Ceremony, including a photo slideshow and event video, on this page

Congratulations to the members of the Class of 2016 who received awards and recognition. A list of recipients can be found here

It has become tradition for graduates to be hooded by family members who are also optometrists. This is a special moment for graduates and their families alike, and this year we had five graduates hooded by a family member. Those included:  Nick Baughman hooded by his father Dr. Randall Baughman,  Sarah Huffman hooded by her father Dr. James Huffman,  Alicia Knebel hooded by her fiancĂ©e Dr. Lee Thibodeaux,  Megan Sandlin hooded by her father Dr. Robert Sandlin, and  Spencer Sechler hooded by his wife Dr. Laura Sechler.
Faculty & Research News

Dr. Adam Gordon recently gave an insightful interview on digital eyestrain and blue light on BYU Radio's "Top of Mind with Julie Rose." You can listen to the radio interview here, and or read more in this UAB News You Can Use story.  

Congratulations to Dr. Anna Ablamowicz on receiving an Ireland Research Travel Scholarship from the UAB Graduate School. 

A recent article from Dr. Tim Kraft's lab featured as "Editor's Choice" in The Journal of Physiology. Kudos to Dr. Kraft, Alex McKeown, and Priyamvada Pitale. You'll find the article  in the column here on the right side of the website.

In a recent blog post for Birmingham Medical News, Dr. Jillian Meadows discusses "Five Common MISperceptions about the Care of a Dry Eye Patient."

Residency Program News

With a unique treatment plan and a personal touch, cornea & contact lens resident Dr. Daniel Deligio helped a 10-year-old patient find relief from rare eyelash growth

Congratulations to members of the Class of 2016 on successful residency matches - we wish you the best in the year ahead!

We are excited to have a new class of residents to our clinic in July. Join us in welcoming this year's residents!

Student News

The Class of 2018 recently celebrated the end of CEVS! Congratulations to award winners Landon Jones (CEVS/Vision America Award), Brittany Moates (Ocular Instruments Award), and Albert Chen (Drs. Wanda & Stewart Abel Scholarship).

Kudos to our UABSO students and faculty who, along with a group from UNAN-Managua, worked through  VOSH/International  to provide eye exams and glasses  to nearly 700 people. Thanks to everyone who supports our students in making a difference around the world!

Congratulations to Katie Bales for being selected as a recipient of the Richard Newton Lolley travel grant. The travel grant is awarded to investigators conducting research in the U.S. related to photoreceptor signal transduction pathways. 

Alumni & Friends

In case you've missed it, the 2015 UABSO Dean's Report is also posted online and can be viewed here. 

Remembering former faculty member and optometry pioneer, Dr. Larry Alexander.

Attending this summer's AOA meeting in Boston? Join us for a reception on Friday, July 1 from 6-7:30pm in the Westin Boston Waterfront's Grand Ballroom E. 

Save the Date! The 2016 Continuing Education and Alumni Weekend is set for  August 26-28. This year's weekend will celebrate the UABSO classes of  1 976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, and 2011. More details to come!

UAB School of Optometry | 1716 University Blvd. | 205.934.3036 |