UC Merced Division of Management and Information - Newsletter No. 6
Gallo School Update
UC Merced's Divisional Council has asked the systemwide Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA) to provide an external review of the Gallo School pre-proposal, focused on the intellectual merit, academic rigor, and other aspects of the plan. We expect CCGA to respond to the Divisional Council in the fall semester. In addition, the Divisional Council sent a memo to the EVC/Provost outlining a series of concerns about campus structure and campus growth more generally. We look forward to learning the outcome of the external review, and to working with campus stakeholders to chart a course for the future of the campus that includes our plan for a new school of management. Additional information, updates, and frequently asked questions can be found at the Gallo School Initiative page on the Division of Management and Information website.
Gallo School Advisory Council Meeting - Spring and Summer
The Gallo School Planning Team hosted meetings for the External Advisory Council in Spring and in Summer. At the hybrid meeting in Spring, some of the council members were reintroduced to the campus for the first time after many years. The meeting included an update on the future Gallo School of Management as well as a presentation on the career placement and internship of students in degree programs that would transition to the future Gallo School; and Planning Team and Advisory Council Members also joined a networking reception with future Gallo School faculty. At the online meeting in Summer, the Council was updated on a variety of initiatives related to the future Gallo School, including the NSF Research Traineeship on Intelligent Adaptive Systems, the Center for Analytic Political Engagement, the UC Center for Climate Justice, and National Parks Institute.
Future Gallo School Advisory Council
Ellis Graduate Fellowships in Economics and Management
In 2016, UC Merced received a gift to establish the Charles Perry Ellis Fund, in which the income and principal provide scholarships to students in the fields of economics and management. With support of the Provost, the Office of Philanthropy and Strategic Partnerships, and the Deans of SSHA and SOE, two annual graduate student fellowships were created using this fund: the Charles Perry Ellis Fellowship in Economics (for PhD students in Economics) and the Charles Perry Ellis Fellowship in Management (for PhD students in Management of Complex Systems).
Spring 2022 Ellis Fellowship Recipients
Ellis Fellow in Economics: Quy Lam
Ellis Fellow in Management: Charles Touma
Fall 2022 Ellis Fellowship Recipients
Ellis Fellow in Economics: Zhangping Cai
Ellis Fellow in Management: Taylor Fugere
New Gallo Management Program Polo Shirts
We’ve got new Gallo Management Program Polo Shirts - for you! They come in a variety of sizes and in Men and Women's styles. Stop by Yolanda Kyle’s desk - the reception area of the Management Suite on the second floor of SSM - to pick up your's. You can email Yolanda to ensure she'll be there.
UC Merced Team Wins CITRIS’s Student Aviation Competition
The winning team (advised by management of complex systems Professor Spencer Castro and mechanical engineering Professor YangQuan Chen) submitted a proposal for a “Long endurance edge-AI platform for research opportunities and data gathering,” Project LEAP-FROG. In addition to the 115-mile-long endurance flight, they proposed to measure the amount of old plant material left on the ground at the beginning of a new growing season (full article).
Political Science Professor Named 2022 Carnegie Fellow
Each of the program's 28 award recipients will receive a $200,000 stipend to devote their time to research and writing in the social sciences and humanities ( full article).
Division of Management and Information Sciences Receives Green Office "Gold" Certification
The Green Office Program at UC Merced recognizes departments, units, and offices that have integrated sustainability practices into their work space.
The program evaluates the following areas: energy and climate, waste and recycling, transportation, purchasing, outreach and events (more information Green Offices Program and Green Lab Program).
Professor Elaine Denny Wins Campus Wide Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching
The Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching for Senate Faculty is intended to encourage and recognize individual excellence in teaching at the undergraduate level. This is a very competitive field and the criteria to be nominated are extensive.
Please join us in congratulating Professor Denny for winning this prestigious award for 2021-2022!.
Systemwide Climate Justice Course Debuts This Fall
Undergraduates will have a new, one-of-a-kind class they can sign up for this fall — Climate Justice — a hybrid course that features lectures by faculty from all 10 UC campuses. Professor Tracey Osborne, UC Presidential Chair in Management of Complex Systems and founder of the UC Center for Climate Justice, has developed the new class along with the center’s Program Coordinator Sarah DuRoff and postdoctoral scholar Nicole Rangel ( full article).
Economics Professor Andrew Johnston says the expectation is that inflation will likely get worse before it gets better, adding that expectations for a recession in the next few years have also increased (UC Merced Newsroom).
Professor Rowena Gray contributes as WalletHub's "Ask an Expert" on the current labor market and economic impact. Read Professor Gray's responses to questions here.
Prof. Michael Spivey named Fellow of the Cognitive Science Society
Prof. Michael Spivey was named a Fellow of the Society by the Cognitive Science Society! According to the announcement, "Fellows of the Cognitive Science Society are individuals whose research has exhibited sustained excellence and had sustained impact on the Cognitive Science community." The full list of Fellows is available here.
Prof. Padilla Offers Guidelines for Clear Data Visualization
Prof. Lace Padilla co-authored a publication in Psychological Science in the Public Interest that outlines guidelines for creating clear data visualizations and the research that backs them up. As Jonathan Schwabish writes in a commentary, "Franconeri et al. (2021), set the stage to understand the academic underpinnings of data visualization." For more, read a summary or the full article.
Prof. Smaldino Finds Evidence for Mathematical Theory of Sneaky Signals
Much of online conversation today consists of signaling one’s political identity. When communicating in mixed groups, do people use "covert" signals that are recognizable by their own political in-group but easy for outsiders to miss? Professor Paul Smaldino answered this question in a paper published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Smaldino developed a mathematical theory of covert signaling and, working with a team of collaborators, confirmed the model's predictions using a large sample of tweets. They found that covert political signaling is more common when the perceived audience is politically diverse. This opens the door to a better understanding of communication in politically polarized societies. Read more.
Prof. Andrew Shaver Featured in The Economist
Professor Andrew Shaver is featured in The Economist based on his ongoing research on refugee flows. The Economist has used data from that work to explore how the war in Ukraine compares with other refugee crises. "The conflict in Ukraine has created the largest flow of refugees in a single year since at least the end of the cold war. In just five weeks more than 4m people have sought refuge elsewhere and millions more have been displaced within Ukraine. The wave of refugees is placing immense strain on neighboring countries. The population of Warsaw, Poland’s capital, has grown by almost a fifth since the start of the war." Read more.
Out West climate change is real – Prof. Crystal Kolden on possible solutions
Professor Crystal Kolden was interviewed for a four-part series for YubaNet. Professor Kolden provided her uniquely qualified comments on issues relating to fire ecology and fire mitigation: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4. More articles featuring Prof. Kolden: breitbart, msn, newser.
Prof. Abatzoglou and Colleagues Find Increased Atmospheric Thirst
The atmosphere across much of the U.S. is demanding a greater share of water than it used to, according to a new study by a team including Professor John Abatzoglou from UC Merced, the Desert Research Institute and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego. The study, published in the Journal of Hydrometeorology, looked at data from the past 40 years related to evaporative demand, a measure of the potential loss of water from the Earth’s surface to the atmosphere. More articles and publications featuring Professor Abatzoglou: nature, UCM news, CM Newsroom, PBS, Eos, PPIC, sciencedaily, UC Merced Newsroom, LAtimes, CP, theconversation, aljazeera, ibtimes, PBS, newswsu, sciencedaily, vervetimes, counterpunch, PBSnewshour, agweb, newsjournal,
Professor Tracey Osborne discusses solutions to that address low-income communities and communities of color who are disproportionately affected by impacts from climate change (UC news)
Professor LeRoy Westerling is featured in two articles providing his expertise on wildfire and warning about burning near Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine. futurism and natureworldnews.
Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community set for Fall 2022
Professor Russ McBride will be overseeing The Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community The Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community is intended for students from diverse backgrounds who are interested in any form of entrepreneurship. Students will have unique extra-curricular opportunities to network with entrepreneurs, visit start-up companies, hear from guest speakers and receive mentoring.
The Division of Management and Information precedes the proposed Ernest and Julio Gallo School of Management at UC Merced, which if approved will combine the Departments of Cognitive and Information Sciences, Management and Business Economics, Management of Complex Systems, and Political Science with the goals of understanding and improving management of resources and institutions in nature and in society; promoting scholarship and teaching to understand and enhance the behavior, design, and performance of complex human and natural systems; studying and identifying practical implications for businesses, organizations, markets and governments by building knowledge of physical, cognitive, economic, political, and natural processes; and advancing human well-being, diversity, and equity while promoting sustainability of natural ecosystems