April 26, 2019
House Approves Bill Requiring Prompt Payment of Contractors

Commercial construction contracts must contain provisions requiring general contractors to pay any subcontractor or supplier for labor and materials within 25 days after receiving payment from the owner (rather than 30 days under current law) under a bill approved by the state House of Representatives. 

On April 24, House Bill 6666 , which also requires GCs to include a comparable payment provision in each of their subcontracts, passed. The bill goes to the Senate for further consideration.

Stop Work Orders Bill Approved by Committee
On April 10, the Judiciary Committee amended and approved House Bill 7379, which increases the penalty associated with the issuance of a stop work order from $1,000 per day to $5,000 per day.

American Workplaces May be Getting More Dangerous

Two hours. That's how long it took first responders working to free Jill Greninger's body from a meat grinder. It's a story marked beginning to end by hideous details. Greninger's co-workers at the Pennsdale, Pennsylvania, plant discovered her accident after they heard "strange noises" coming from the grinder, the Associated Press  reported on Wednesday. The Lycoming County coroner later  told NBC News that Greninger "tragically either fell or was drawn into the machine resulting in her death." Later, a local news channel  reported that Greninger may have been standing on a set of rolling stairs when she fell. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is responsible for enforcing workplace safety standards, will investigate her death, NBC added. The investigation could take up to six months.

Greninger's death occurs at a desperate moment for OSHA. The federal agency suffers from a severe staffing shortage, which undermines its ability to carry out safety inspections. A new  report from the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health, released the day after Greninger's death, says that OSHA now has only 875 health and safety inspectors to cover the 9 million workplaces in its jurisdiction. Read More...

Transportation Bonding Subcommittee Hears Governor's Transportation Plan

Joseph Giulietti
On April 8, 2019, Department of Transportation Commissioner Joseph Giulietti presented his remarks in support of the Governor's proposed transportation capital program to the transportation bonding subcommittee of the Finance Committee. The proposed capital budget authorizes bonding of $806.6 million in fiscal year 2020 and $812.4 million in fiscal year 2021 for the program. The committee is expected to make its recommendations to the full General Assembly by May 2.

President Signs Executive Order to Make it Harder to Block Pipelines

President Donald Trump signed two executive orders designed to speed up oil and gas pipeline projects following actions by officials in Washington and New York states to use the permitting process to stop new energy projects in recent years.

"Too often badly needed energy infrastructure is being held back by special interest groups, entrenched bureaucracies and radical activists," Trump said before signing the orders. The Executive Order on Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth, issued on Apr. 10, 2019, requires the EPA to consult with states, tribes and others before issuing new guidance and rules for states on how to comply with the Clean Water Act. The second executive order is designed to ease the process for energy projects that cross international borders.

EPA Announces WIFIA Funding for Water Infrastructure Projects

On March 29, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Andrew Wheeler announced the availability of funding to provide an estimated $6 billion in Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loans in 2019. "Through WIFIA, we are addressing several of President Trump's top priorities simultaneously: modernizing our nation's aging infrastructure, improving public health protections, and creating jobs,"  he said. "This new round of WIFIA funding provides up to $6 billion in credit assistance which, combined with other sources, could support $12 billion in water infrastructure projects and create more than 180,000 jobs."

Contractors' Day at the Capitol
Join with other contractors from across the state on Thursday, May 9th from 4-6 p.m. in the Old Judiciary Room, Third Floor of the State Capitol Building (210 Capitol Avenue, Hartford) for an evening of frank discussions with legislators on important issues that impact you and your business.  

Registration is free but required.  Email ed@ucac.pro to register.  Light refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by UCAC, CT-ABC, CHCC and IEC.

UCAC Scholarship Applications Now Being Accepted
Children and step-children of UCAC Member Companies and their employees are invited to apply for the 2019 UCAC Scholarship Program now through May 20th.  Each year, UCAC awards several scholarships to deserving students to help defray the cost of college.  The UCAC Scholarship Committee looks at both academic achievement and extracurricular activities when selecting scholarship recipients.

UCAC Annual Meeting Tickets & Sponsorships On Sale Now!

This year's UCAC Annual Meeting is set for Saturday, May 18th at Wethersfield Country Club with Guest Speaker Karl Baker of PURA as well as comics Maddy Smith and Rob Ryan.  Now is your chance to be included as a sponsor of this exciting evening of camaraderie, laughs and networking as we kick of a new year and vote on UCAC officers. There are a variety of sponsorship opportunities available that will allow you to show your support and gain valuable exposure to UCAC members.

Tickets are also on sale now - be sure to reserve your space so you don't miss out.  

In the Pipeline is published periodically by the Utility Contractors Association of Connecticut. Visit ucac.pro for more information.
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2018-19 UCAC Officers

Kevin Plourde, P.E.
D&G Contractors

Vice President
David B. Duff
Sanitation Service

Mark Doppstadt
People's United Equipment Finance 

Victor M. Serrambana, Jr., P.E.
VMS Construction 

UCAC Staff

Executive Director
Utility Contractors Association of Connecticut

145 New London Turnpike Suite 1133

Glastonbury, CT 06033

(860) 631-PIPE 

