Mark Your Calendars

July 14 -30

California State Fair

Cal Expo

July 27 - 30

Amador County Fair

State Leadership Conference


UC Davis

Tuesday, August 15

2023-2024 Enrollment Begins


Sunday, October 1, 11:59pm

Deadline to Complete Intent to Submit for State Record Book Competition


County Newsletters

National 4-H

4-H Clover Curriculum

CA 4-H

Central Sierra 4-H

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Summertime is a Time for Service

The summer of 2023 has kicked off with some awesome community events and opportunities for our 4-H members to lend a helping hand. Ione Community Club represented Central Sierra 4-H by serving dinner at the Future Hay Farmer’s Annual Fundraising Bash and several clubs, including Blue Ribbon, Jackson Gold Wheels, and Ione Community, joined together to serve at the annual Farms of Amador Farm Tour and Dinner event held at the Amador Flower Farm. 

Shenandoah Valley Club kept up the good work the following at the Spaghetti Western and Fiddletown has been busy assembling a care package for a local servicemember and 4-H alum. El Dorado County 4-H members hosted games at the Farm Bureau's Annual Dinner and collected over 150 pounds of aluminum pop tops to donate to the Ronald McDonald House Charity.

Not only are 4-H members supporting the community, they are also developing skills in communication and cooperation, all while building character and being responsible citizens. A special thank you to all of the 4-H volunteers and parents that are always there to support these kids. If you have an event that you would like to have 4-H members involved in please contact a local club leader, or your county 4-H office for more information.

Shenandoah Valley 4-H Club members at the Spaghetti Western

Amador County 4-H members at the annual Farms of Amador Tour and Dinner

El Dorado County 4-H members at annual EDC Farm Bureau Dinner

Fiddletown 4-H Club members with a care package

El Dorado County 4-H members collected over 150 pounds of aluminum pop tops for the Ronald McDonald House Charity

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Ione Community Club members at the Future Hay Farmers fundraiser

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4HOnline Transitions to ZSuite

Families will be able to access the new enrollment system for the 2023-2024 program year after August 15, 2023. Watch for more information to come from your county's 4-H Office!

The State 4-H Office is Hiring!

Community Education Specialist 3 - Volunteer & Staff Development

The Community Education Specialist 3 for Volunteer & Staff Develompent uses skills as a seasoned, volunteer and staff educational management program professional to resolve a wide range of educational program issues and needs assessments. Develops new volunteer educational courses and works on complex volunteer educational management programs of diverse scope. Demonstrates good judgment in selecting methods and techniques for developing and delivering courses, programs, and presentations. More Information

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Apply Now





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CA 4-H Shooting Sports

Archery Workshop

August 12 & 13, 2023

Winton, CA

Limited spots available for adult volunteers seeking certification in the archery discipline. Cost is $35, equipment and snacks will be provided.

Registration Information
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2023 4 H STEM Challenge: Power Protectors

The 2023 4-H STEM Challenge, Power Protectors, teaches kids how to use Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) to explore the world of renewable energy.

Developed by 4-H educators from Cornell University, University of Illinois, Utah State University and West Virginia University, Power Protectors is a collection of activities that provide kids with STEM-based content knowledge and the opportunity to develop learning skills, address real-world issues and connect to careers in energy. The kit is perfect for any young person ranging in age from 8 to 14.

More Information

4-H Promotes Bio-Security and Animal Welfare

The 4-H Youth Development Program has a long and proud history in California's agricultural communities. The 4-H program, administered by the University of California Cooperative Extension, helps youth develop into capable and successful...

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Join the EPA's National Environmental Youth Advisory Council


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is looking for applicants to become members of the first ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council (NEYAC). This new opportunity is for individuals between the ages of 16 29. These passionate leaders will provide advice and recommendations to EPA Administrator Michael Regan on EPA's efforts to address environmental issues as they relate to youth communities.


Applications are due by August 22nd, at 11:59 PM ET, and selected members will serve a two year term.

NEYAC Application
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Wind Power: Unleashing Sustainable Energy


The wind is a powerful force of nature. And you can make it work for you! This CLOVER activity introduces you to mechanical engineering and wind power by showing you how wind can be converted into energy.

Create a free CLOVER account to access this and other great activities!

Download CLOVER App!

The CLOVER mobile app provides access to activities anytime, anywhere.

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Central Sierra 4-H in the News

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Mother Lode Fair Attendance And Livestock Results

The extremely hot temperatures may have kept some people from visiting the Mother Lode Fair, based on the gate figures.

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Livestock Auction raises record $1.5 million at Calaveras County Fair - Calaveras Enterprise

Calaveras youth hauled in a record $1.5 million at the Junior Livestock Auction at this year's Calaveras County Fair and Jumping Frog Jubilee, topping out last year's record of $1 million, and more than tripling the earnings from the virtual auction held in 2021.

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UCCE Central Sierra Employment Opportunities

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University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR) is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Positions will promote, in all ways consistent with the other responsibilities of the position, accomplishment of the Affirmative Action goals established by the Division.

The University of California issues policies essential for the safety and well-being of the community, including requirements for employees to be appropriately vaccinated for COVID-19, or to have an approved exception/exemption on file. New employees will be asked to provide validation of full compliance of UC vaccination policies.

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It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities. (Complete nondiscrimination policy statement can be found at Inquiries regarding ANR’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to UCANR, Affirmative Action Compliance & Title IX Officer, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618, (530) 750-1397.