UCLA Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching
Call for Applications!
: July 15-18. 2019
Apply by:
April 15
Location: 158 Hershey Hall
We are now accepting applications for UCLA's Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching 2019.
The Summer Institute (SI) is part of a national effort to improve college education in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and to enhance the academic success of all students by helping current and future faculty develop and adopt inclusive and effective teaching practices. The SI is a nationally recognized, prestigious teaching development program that has trained more than 1,000 faculty in evidence-based instruction over the last decade, including over 100 UCLA science faculty, some of whom will serve as facilitators and mentors of this esteemed 4-day professional development opportunity this summer at UCLA.
to complete and submit a short application to the program. Qualified applicants will be notified by email of their acceptance status by the first week of May.
Solicitation of Applications for Interdisciplinary Events - Funding Opportunities
The Office of Interdisciplinary & Cross Campus Affairs (ICCA) is pleased to announce two funding opportunities, including an opportunity to bring outstanding scholars to Campus to promote interdisciplinary and cross campus education, research, and service at UCLA. In addition to the Visiting Speaker funding, ICCA will also be accepting proposals for its Symposia, Workshop, and Planning Meeting funding opportunity.
The goal of these programs is to encourage Schools, Divisions, and other units to find areas of mutual programmatic interest and to support faculty in their exploration of these intersections.
These opportunities are open to all UCLA faculty members. Proposals must include collaborations of faculty from multiple schools or research units to be considered for funding. Please see
ICCA’s Funding Opportunities web page
for information specific to each opportunity. Priority for both awards will be given to collaborative events that engage a diverse range of faculty and/or students across schools.
Applications Deadline: April 7, 2019.
Fundamental Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER) Focused on Undergraduate and Graduate STEM Education within the EHR Core Research (ECR) Program - Funding Opportunities
The EHR Core Research (ECR) program of National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) wishes to notify the community of its intention to support, through EHR Core Research (ECR) program solicitation
NSF 19-508
, fundamental discipline-based education research (DBER) focused on undergraduate and graduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education. The NSF intends to foster DBER to develop foundational knowledge in STEM education at the undergraduate and graduate levels in each of ECR's three tracks: STEM Learning and Learning Environments, Broadening Participation in STEM, and STEM Workforce Development.
DBER is defined as "an empirical approach to investigating learning and teaching that is informed by an expert understanding of [STEM] disciplinary knowledge and practice".[
] DBER addresses complex problems in STEM education by integrating expert knowledge of particular STEM disciplines' models, theories, culture and educational challenges with relevant models, theories and research methodologies from a variety of fields such as education, the learning sciences, psychology, and many more. With this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), NSF invites proposals that request support to conduct fundamental DBER (basic or use-inspired) focused on developing and testing models or theories in undergraduate or graduate STEM education, including all areas of STEM supported by NSF including interdisciplinary or convergent topics.
Applications Deadline:
October 3, 2019
CEILS Journal Club for STEM Education Research | Learning Community Meetings
Fridays every Quarter from 2:00 – 3:00 PM
1100 TSLB
About Journal Club:
Participants explore relevant education literature in more depth and develop greater understanding of assessment techniques and data analysis methods. Presenters may select a paper and lead a discussion about how education researchers have documented the relationship between effective teaching practices and their impact on student learning, knowledge retention, and persistence in STEM majors. Alternatively, presenters describe classroom innovations and evidence-based instructional strategies they are trying in their own courses, soliciting feedback from participants while sharing their expertise in a variety of areas supporting instruction and assessment in STEM classrooms. Faculty, graduate students, and postdocs are welcome to participate!
Winter 2019 Schedule:
- March 15 - Helen Vuong, Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology - "Adapting Experiential Learning Activities to Enhance Neuroscience Education".
Our Spring 2019 Schedule will be announced shortly. If you are interested in presenting, please contact Shanna Shaked at shaked@physics.ucla.edu.
Postdoctoral Scholars & Graduate Students
CIRTL @ UCLA - Professional Development Opportunities for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) provides national events and courses. UCLA is a CIRTL institution, and we offer in-person learning communities and training opportunities. For detailed information about CIRTL @ UCLA, please visit:
If you have any questions, please contact our program coordinator Dr. Rachel Kennison at
Spring 2019 Online Courses
Courses have live, real-time online sessions and require regular homework outside of those class meetings. Short courses typically meet weekly for one to two months, while full courses typically meet for two to three months. Registration is required; STEM grad students and postdocs from CIRTL institutions receive enrollment priority.
Thursdays 3/21-4/18: 11AM-1PM PT
Learn about engaging, evidence-based pedagogical practices for statistics in this short course designed for current and future instructors. Cap: 20. Register by 3/11/19.
Spring 2019 Drop-In Events
Wednesday 4/17: 5-6:30PM ET / 4-5:30PM CT / 3-4:30PM MT / 2-3:30PM PT
Hear grad students and postdocs from across the CIRTL Network share the results of their Teaching-as-Research projects in this stand-alone, drop-in online event. No cap.
Drop in on events in this three-part series to learn more about what it's like to work at a community college. No cap.
- April 11, 2019 | 10AM - 11:30AM PST - Understanding Diversity and Inclusive Teaching in the Community College Setting
University of New Hampshire is Now Accepting Applications for the Postdoctoral Diversity and Innovation Scholars Program
A description of the program and the (5 postdoc cohort of diverse scholars each year) appears on their website at
A minimum salary of $50,000 (depending on discipline) and a professional development program and professional development fund are also provided. On the website you will find a PDF electronic card that describes the range of
professional development
opportunities which in particular includes a research mentoring network, participation in in-depth faculty development programs and the opportunity during the second postdoctoral year to apply for a tenure track faculty openings. They have postdoctoral opening in
seven department across three colleges
including the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, the College of Health and Human Services and the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics.
For questions please contact
who can set up an appointment with either Julie Williams, PhD senior vice provost or Leslie Couse, PhD executive director in the Office of Engagement & Faculty Development.
Application Deadline: March 29, 2019
Will My Student Evaluations Decrease if I Adopt an Active Learning Instructional Strategy? |
College instructors are often afraid to use active learning instructional strategies because they fear that students may complain and/or give them lower evaluations of teaching. In this paper, we present data from a survey of 431 physics instructors who had attended the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop and who attempted to incorporate active learning into their introductory course. Nearly half of respondents (48%) felt that their student evaluations increased, one-third (32%) felt that their student evaluations had not been impacted, and one-fifth (20%) felt that their student evaluations decreased. Thus, contrary to common fears, for these instructors the most likely result from the incorporation of active learning was an
in student evaluations.
Current Insights
feature is designed to introduce life science educators and researchers to current articles of interest in other social science and education journals. In this installment, three diverse research studies are highlighted: one addresses the relationships between active learning and teaching evaluations; one presents an observation tool for documenting metacognition in the classroom; and the last explores things teachers can say to encourage students to employ scientific reasoning during class discussions.
Nearly Half of US Female Scientists Leave Full-Time Science After First Child |
More than 40% of women with full-time jobs in science leave the sector or go part time after having their first child, according to a study of how parenthood affects career trajectories in the United States. By contrast, only 23% of new fathers leave or cut their working hours.
Scaling Down Inequality: Rating Scales, Gender Bias, and the Architecture of Evaluation |
Quantitative performance ratings are ubiquitous in modern organizations—from businesses to universities—yet there is substantial evidence of bias against women in such ratings. This study examines how gender inequalities in evaluations depend on the design of the tools used to judge merit.
Research suggests that the cultural diversity of a nation’s workforce is a key factor in its ability to innovate and compete in a global economy. This report on the role of Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) in creating a diverse science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce is motivated by the realization that the United States is unlikely to maintain its competitive advantage in STEM without the contributions that these institutions are uniquely positioned to make.
Try, Try Again: The Power of Timing and Perseverance in Higher Education Reform |
Taylor & Francis
Successful change efforts can sometimes result from past “failures.” While changes in administration and economic recessions halted initial efforts in our case studies of studio classroom reform, it often created coalitions of people interested in innovative teaching that led to later successes.
Increasing Student Success in Developmental Mathematics: A Workshop
Date: March 18-19, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
This two-day public workshop will focus on how to best support students in post-secondary mathematics courses, with particular attention to students who are unsuccessful in developmental mathematics. The workshop will bring together a variety of stakeholders, including experts who have implemented new initiatives designed to improve the mathematics education experience for students. During sessions at the workshop, participants will: (1) explore promising approaches to bolster student outcomes in mathematics, (2) identify and discuss barriers and opportunities for effectively serving all students, and (3) establish key directions to address the prevailing research and data needs in the field.
Online Teaching at Its Best
Date: March 22, 2019
Time: 8:30 am – 12:00 pm PDT
Location: Ursa Minor, BSC, Cal Poly Pomona
Cal Poly Pomona is thrilled to bring Dr. Linda Nilson, emerita Clemson University, back to the campus! Linda first visited in 2013. She’s the prolific and practical author of some of our favorite books and articles about teaching, including Creating Self-Regulated Learners (2013), Teaching at Its Best, now in its 4th edition (2016), and Creating Engaging Discussions (2018) (plus, oh, about 5 more!). Linda’s work is based in her rigorous examinations of the research literature. Most recently, her book Online Teaching at Its Best (2018) seemed like a perfect fit. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn just how much about online teaching is relevant to great face to face teaching, and vice versa.
Engaged Inclusivity: Perceptions, Realities, and Aspirations
Date: March 28-30, 2019
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
AAC&U’s Diversity, Equity, and Student Success Conference: “Engaged Inclusivity: Perceptions, Realities, and Aspirations” will examine what it means to work toward a campus environment where inclusivity thrives through constant reflection, analysis, and accountability. Engaged inclusivity transforms the dialogue on inclusion from general acceptance and tolerance of difference to active institutional transformation, based on the belief that the richness of our culture is because of our diversity and a recognition of our common humanity. The conference will provide a forum for educators, students, and community stakeholders to raise critical questions about institutional and external practices, policies, and structures that hinder full inclusion and to identify strategies for improving the educational environment for all participants.
Registration Open: Indiana University's Second Annual Learning Analytics Summit
Date: April 3-5, 2019
Location: Indiana University Bloomington
Registration is now open for Indiana University's Second Annual Learning Analytics Summit. Sponsored by the
Center for Learning Analytics and Student Success (CLASS)
, this year's theme is Engaging Faculty in the Research of Student Success. The purpose of the summit is to facilitate the widespread use of learning analytics by faculty, providing them with the support and tools they need from administrators, departments, and institutional research offices to use learning analytics in their research about teaching, learning, and student success. There will be opportunities to collaborate with colleagues in working sessions and showcase your contributions to the field, including short paper presentations, lightning round presentations, and a poster showcase.
Poster presentations and proposals are due March 1, 2019.
is free but space is limited. Visit
this link
to learn more about the summit or to submit proposals.
Improving Student Writing in Lab Reports Without Teaching Writing
: March 12, 2019
: Online
: 2:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m. ET
Are you looking for innovative ideas for the classroom? Did you miss ASM’s Conference for Undergraduate Educators (ASMCUE) in 2018? This six-part webinar series, join for one-hour presentations to learn:
- Innovative practices for the classroom and lab.
- How to integrate unique case studies into curriculum.
- Share effective implementation efforts of ASM curriculum guidelines.
Content for each webinar does not build on previous webinars. Individuals can purchase the entire series for a discounted price or purchase individual webinars that align with their interests.
Upcoming webinars include:
- April 9, 2019 - Thinking Critically from Day ONE of Class
- May 14, 2019 - Developing Interdisciplinary Curricula for Introductory Biology
- September 10, 2019 - Developing Quantitative Skills Using Educational Resources
- October 8, 2019 - Staying Current: What Science & Skills do Educators Need to Know and Teach in Biotechnology?
STiP Webinar:
Working with and Supporting the Development of Interest in STEM Classrooms
: March 22, 2019
: 3:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m. ET
The Scientific Teaching in Practice Webinar Series extends the learning and dialogue that occurs at the Summer Institutes (SI) on Scientific Teaching into a year-round community that supports and inspires evidence-based teaching. Each month, the SI community is invited to attend an interactive webinar related to the practice and/or dissemination of scientific teaching. The webinar will be facilitated by someone experienced in that area, integrating significant time for questions and open discussion. Webinars are open to SI alums as well as those generally interested in scientific teaching and evidence-based teaching strategies.
K. Ann Renninger
, Dorwin P. Cartwright Professor of Social Theory and Social Action
March 19, 2019
: Online
: 2:00 p.m - 3:00 p.m. EDT
AAC&U webinars highlight the work being done at colleges and universities around the country to address challenges and identify best practices for enhancing the teaching and learning experience, demonstrating the value of liberal education, and preparing students to contribute to a diverse democracy and global citizenship.
Teaching and learning centers are playing new roles at the heart of many initiatives aimed at transforming higher education’s promise and delivery of learning. This session will explore the shift of teaching and learning from the sidelines to a more central and transformative position in higher education.
Upcoming webinars include:
Featured Job Opportunities
National Job Opportunities
Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment - Marine Science/Biology
University of California, Santa Barbara
► Please see posting details and how to apply
Assistant Professor in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
University of California, Irvine
► Please see posting details and how to apply
Visiting Assistant Professor in Biology
University of California, Irvine
► Please see posting details and how to apply
Head of Education
Santa Fe Institute
► Please see posting details and how to apply
Fixed Term Instructor Positions in the Biological Sciences Program
Michigan State University
► Please see posting details and how to apply
Lecturer for CURE-based Introductory Laboratory Course
Binghamton University
► Please see posting details and how to apply
Discipline-Based Education Researcher in Biology and/or Chemistry
Syracuse University
► Please see posting details and how to apply
Assistant Teaching Professor in Center for STEM Learning
University of Kansas - Lawrence
► Please see posting details and how to apply
Connect with UCLA's Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences
For more information about CEILS events and resources, including a list of STEM education events from previous mailers, please visit the CEILS website at www.ceils.ucla.edu or stop by our CEILS office in 222 Hershey Hall.
If you wish to be added to the CEILS mailing list for future newsletters and special announcements, please send your request to
Please note, this monthly newsletter is circulated through many departmental listservs. Most other CEILS correspondence, including special event announcements and reminders, are sent to CEILS mailing list recipients only. Thanks!