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Upcoming Workshop: Sharing Best Practices Across the Curriculum
May 2, 2018 | Luskin Conference Center | UCLA
Sponsored by an AAU STEM Mini-Grant as part of the project, "Building a Framework to Integrate STEM Curricular and Co-Curricular Innovations at UCLA".
To RSVP for this event, please click
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UCLA Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching
August 6-10, 2018 | Hershey Hall
Join Project Bruin Strong!
Project Bruin Strong seeks to normalize challenges, failures, and set-backs during the college experience and to build community amongst students so that they are aware that we have all dealt with failure, rejection or disappointment in a learning environment.
To reinforce these ideas, Bruin Strong would like to share stories of resilience from our faculty and staff. With your help, we can highlight that we have all dealt with obstacles and that we can grow from those experiences.
If you have any questions, please contact Pia F. Palomo, Academic Counselor in the College Academic Counseling, and Academic Advisor in Disability Studies at
CEILS Journal Club for STEM Education Research | Learning Community Meetings
Fridays every Quarter from 2:00 – 3:00 PM
1100 TSLB
About Journal Club:
Participants explore relevant education literature in more depth and develop greater understanding of assessment techniques and data analysis methods. Presenters may select a paper and lead a discussion about how education researchers have documented the relationship between effective teaching practices and their impact on student learning, knowledge retention, and persistence in STEM majors. Alternatively, presenters describe classroom innovations and evidence-based instructional strategies they are trying in their own courses, soliciting feedback from participants while sharing their expertise in a variety of areas supporting instruction and assessment in STEM classrooms. Faculty, graduate students, and postdocs are welcome to participate!
Winter 2018 Schedule:
- March 9 | Jeffrey Maloy, Discipline-Based Education Research Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer in the Life Sciences Core, will present findings and facilitate a discussion on the following paper: Jensen, Kummer, and Godoy (2015) Improvements from a Flipped Classroom May Simply Be the Fruits of Active Learning. CBE Life Sciences Education; 14(1) 1-12. You can access the article via the following link: http://www.lifescied.org/content/14/1/ar5.full.pdf+html.
- March 16 | Rachel Kennison, CEILS Associate Director for Professional Development and Student Engagement will present our last presentation of the quarter.
Postdoctoral Scholars & Graduate Students
CIRTL @ UCLA - Spring 2018 Programming
Join the CIRTL community to access resources and events.
Professional Development for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars
Entering Mentoring Training Program - Recruiting for Spring 2018!
Dear UCLA Graduate Students and Postdocs,
The UCLA Entering Mentoring Training (EMT) Program seeks to develop a mentoring ethos by providing leadership, mentorship, and diversity sensitivity training to graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. This course is specifically for those who directly mentor trainees working on STEM research projects. The seminar is based on a curriculum developed by the Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching titled “Entering Mentoring: A Seminar to Train a New Generation of Scientist”. This course is supported by the NIH Diversity Program Consortium.
The next offering will be this Spring, April 04 - June 13, 2018 on Wednesdays, 4:00 - 5:30 pm. Those who complete the seminar course will receive a certificate of completion. Please see a copy of the syllabus attached:
EMT Spring 2018 Syllabus
All are welcome to RSVP; however, priority will be given to participants currently mentoring someone and senior graduate students and postdocs.
Participation confirmation will be sent out by March 20th.
Diana Azurdia, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Recruitment and Diversity, Graduate Programs in Bioscience
University of California, Los Angeles
NIH IRACDA Postdoctoral Scholar Positions at the University of California, Los Angeles
Fellowship Opportunity: UCLA Postdocs Longitudinal Investment in Faculty Training (UPLIFT)
The UCLA Postdocs Longitudinal Investment in Faculty Training (UPLIFT) program at UCLA supports postdoctoral scholars in the biomedical sciences who have a demonstrated interest in teaching, research, mentoring, and supporting diversity in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields. UPLIFT combines a traditional mentored postdoctoral research experience with an opportunity to develop academic skills, including teaching, with pedagogical training provided through workshops and courses, as well as faculty mentored teaching assignments at our partner institution, California State University Los Angeles (CSULA).
The program is expected to facilitate the progress of postdoctoral candidates toward research and teaching careers in academia. The program is sponsored through Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award (IRACDA), supported by the division of NIGMS at NIH. A major goal of IRACDA is to produce a workforce in STEM with a strong commitment to teaching diverse undergraduates, particularly at institutions that have a history of training students underrepresented in higher education. In addition to motivating the next generation of scientists at our partner institution, another goal of IRACDA, and more specifically our UPLIFT program, is to foster interactions between UCLA and CSULA faculty that can lead to further collaborations in research and teaching.
The UPLIFT program invites prospective applicants in the biomedical sciences to apply.
We accept applications on a rolling basis; however,
our official call for applications to join the fall 2018 cohort of UPLIFT scholars begins February 15, 2018, with applications accepted through April 1, 2018.
Applications received after the due date may be considered for the next year’s application cycle.
A favorite listserv for STEM education news, please
Group Vs. Collaborative Learning: Knowing the Difference Makes a Difference |
Faculty Focus
All collaborative learning is done in a group (of at least two people), but not all group work is inherently collaborative! The trick is to structure the activity in a way that makes students work together to be successful.
The United States’ inability to achieve equitable workforce development in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) career pathways is well-recognized and has been attributed to the poor retention of a diverse stream of students in academia. Social science theory and research provide evidence that social contextual variables—specifically kindness cues affirming social inclusion—influence chronic underrepresentation of some groups within STEM career pathways. Review of the literature suggests that the current STEM academic context does not consistently provide cues that affirm social inclusion to all members of the academic population, and that policies that address this disparity are essential to broadening STEM workforce development in the United States.
To gauge what it means to be a learner-centered instructor, consider these questions.
Investigating the Influence of Gender on Student Perceptions of the Clicker in a Small Undergraduate General Chemistry Course |
Journal of Chemical Education
The use of electronic response pads or “clickers” is a popular way to engage students and create an active-learning environment, especially within large chemistry courses. The authors of this paper examined students’ perceptions of how the clicker affected their learning, participation, and engagement in the classroom, as well as their overall experience within a first-semester general chemistry course at a liberal arts institution. Overall, students perceived that clickers provided a significant enhancement to their learning, with women valuing the technology to a greater extent.
Each year many students abandon plans to become engineers or scientists because of poor performance in calculus. An active learning approach could help turn things around.
Public Briefing on Indicators for Monitoring Undergraduate STEM Education
March 26, 2018
10:30a - 4:00p
Undergraduate education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) is critical for innovation, national economic growth, and an informed citizenry. Many local and state initiatives are currently underway to improve the quality of undergraduate STEM education and retain more students in the field, but information is lacking on the overall national status of these efforts.
A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine aims to fill this gap.
Indicators for Monitoring Undergraduate STEM Education
proposes 3 overarching national goals to improve the quality and impact of undergraduate STEM education, along with indicators to monitor progress toward each goal.
National Events & Conferences
Framing the Future of Learning Analytics and Student Success Summit
April 11-13, 2018
Indiana University Bloomington, IN
Registration and Proposal Submission is open!
The Learning Analytics Summit will foster a multi-institutional learning community (MILC) that will advance the research and application of big data and learning analytics to further student success at the course, program, and institutional level. The three-day summit will encourage faculty and staff, and the administrators who support them, to engage with learning analytics in new and innovative ways. There is no fee to attend the summit, but space is limited.
AAC&U Institute on Project-Based Learning
June 20-23, 2018
Worcester, Massachusetts
Applications due by February 13, 2018
In partnership with the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), WPI will host and run its fourth annual
Institute on Project-Based Learning
—a 2.5-day intensive program where teams from colleges and universities will gain knowledge about project-based learning and make tangible progress to integrate those learnings into their own curricula
National STEM Education Center (NSEC) 2018 National Conference
June 6-8, 2018
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Columbus, OH
Call for proposals coming soon in January! Poster abstracts must be submitted by April 30th.
Early discount registration rates runs until April 3 ($385), at which point we will transition to regular registration until May 9 ($405), and late registration until June 6 ($425).
Gordon Research Conference |
Novel Research in Energy Topics, and Transformative Methods for Teaching Undergraduate Students About Energy Concepts
June 10-15, 2018
Bryant University, Smithfield, RI
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by
May 13, 2018.
2018 PKAL STEM Leadership Institute
Institute I: July 10-15, 2018
Institute II: July 17-22, 2018
The Claggett Center, Adamstown, MD
2018 ASCN Systematic Change Institute (SCI)
July 18-20, 2018
Philadelphia, PA
Applications will be accepted until March 31!
2018 SABER National Meeting
July 27-29, 2018
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Call for abstracts will be in late-January, due in mid-March.
2018 Biennial Conference on Chemical Education
July 29 - August 2, 2018
Notre Dame University
Abstract submission window is now open! Submission deadline is February 20th, 2018.
The 25th BCCE is designed to provide you with opportunities for interacting with chemistry instuctors of all levels in formal and informal settings. There will be a mixture of plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, chemical demonstrations, poster sessions, exhibits and tours of chemistry research areas.
2018 SENCER Summer Institute
August 2-5, 2018
Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
2018 POD Network Annual Conference
November 14-18, 2018
Hilton Portland Downtown, Portland, OR
Featured Job Opportunities
Postdoctoral Opportunities (Various Fields)
Vanderbilt University
► For more information and how to apply, see the current listings
Postdoctoral Research Associate Position
Western Michigan University
Principal Instructional Technology Consultant - STEM Specialist
Indiana University
Teaching Specialist Position
The University of Kansas
(Two) Visiting Faculty Position in Biology
University of Richmond
Teaching Faculty Position in Neuroscience and Biochemistry
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame
Founding Director for the Teaching and Learning Center
University of Missouri
Visiting Instructor/Assistant Professor of Microbiology
La Salle University
HHMI Postdoctoral Scholar in Environmental DNA Research and Science Education Research & Communication
University of California, Los Angeles
HHMI Postdoctoral Scholar in Environmental DNA Research, Education, and Outreach
UC Santa Cruz
Assessment and Evaluation Specialist
Cornell Center for Teaching Innovations
► Please view the job description and apply
[Temporary] Academic Coordinator 1 - Introductory Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
UC Santa Barabara
Preparing Future Faculty Fellow Position
James Madison University
Director, Endeavor Center for Faculty Development
Rollins College
Contract/Grant Professor (Open Rank) of Science Education
Western Michigan University
Connect with UCLA's Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences
For more information about CEILS events and resources, including a list of STEM education events from previous mailers, please visit the CEILS website at www.ceils.ucla.edu or stop by our CEILS offices in Hershey Hall (Rooms 122,126, 210 & 243).
If you wish to be added to the CEILS mailing list for future newsletters and special announcements, please send your request to
Please note, this Bi-Monthly Newsletter is circulated through many departmental listservs. Most other CEILS correspondence, including special event announcements and reminders, are sent to CEILS mailing list recipients only. Thanks!