SABER West 2018
January 13-14, 2018
UC Irvine
Photo: UCLA participants and presenters at SABER West 2017

UCLA has been well represented at the SABER West conference in past years, and we plan to have a large representation this year as well - please join us! The goals of SABER West are to disseminate exciting STEM education research and to foster collaborations and connections with local colleagues. There will also be significant professional development opportunities related to conducting education research and implementing evidence-based teaching practices. This is a great opportunity to support several of your UCLA colleagues who are presenting this year!

Plenary talks will be given by Dr. Carl Wieman of Stanford University and Dr. Richard Arum of the University of California, Irvine.

Early Registration is now open! Register today!

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Please email CEILS Media & Communication at if you are interested in attending or will be presenting at this conf erence so we can coordinate group transportation. Some resources will be available to partially support attendees who present posters or talks and agree to carpool. So let us know if you’re planning to attend!
Office of Instructional Development - 2017-2018 Instructional Improvement Grant Program
View more information on the IIP Grant Website .

The Instructional Improvement Grant Program supports curricular experimentation and development and instructional improvement of undergraduate offerings. Projects may be initiated by faculty, departments, or larger units. Proposals should address the specific needs of an undergraduate course or curriculum and explicate an appropriate and cost-effective response to a clearly defined pedagogical problem.

Also new this year are two initiatives aimed at spreading and sharing teaching improvements more broadly across campus:
  • Faculty Improving Teaching (FIT) Communities. These faculty communities of practice will be an opportunity for all grantees to receive ongoing feedback and support from fellow IIP-supported faculty members and OID consultants.
  • IIP Grantee Reporting. Every grantee will be expected to present their project in some venue (which could be quite informal). An additional reporting requirement is to provide a list of other instructors or courses which might benefit from similar teaching approaches.
All proposals must be submitted no later than 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 13, 2017 .
You are invited to apply for the 2018 Faculty Learning Program: Redefining the College Lecture !

The start date is January 2018 with a two day, in-person, kick-off workshop where participants are introduced to research on education STEM practices and to interesting strategies and technologies for use within a STEM lecture course. We continue to build off this workshop throughout winter and spring quarters , by taking part in a series of seven 1.5-hour synchronous, online interactive workshops , as well as asynchronous, online reflective discussions that occur during alternating weeks. Instructors will redesign a version of the course that they will teach in the fall. Fall (2018) focuses on running the redesigned course and provides opportunities to analyze videos of classroom instruction where new active learning strategies have been implemented within the community context of the program.

Faculty participants will receive a $1500 stipend for their engagement in the program and help pay for any necessary technology or materials needed for their redesigned course. There is approximately 50 hours of work over 3 quarters. Space is limited to 6 UCLA faculty and 6 Community College Faulty. 

For more information visit:
Application Deadline is: Friday, October 13, 2017 at 5 pm.

CEILS Journal Club
CEILS Journal Club for STEM Education Research | Learning Community Meetings 

Fridays every Quarter from 2:00 – 3:00 PM
Location:  1100 TSLB 
About Journal Club: Participants explore relevant education literature in more depth and develop greater understanding of assessment techniques and data analysis methods. Presenters may select a paper and lead a discussion about how education researchers have documented the relationship between effective teaching practices and their impact on student learning, knowledge retention, and persistence in STEM majors. Alternatively, presenters describe classroom innovations and evidence-based instructional strategies they are trying in their own courses, soliciting feedback from participants while sharing their expertise in a variety of areas supporting instruction and assessment in STEM classrooms. Faculty, graduate students, and postdocs are welcome to participate!
 October 13, 2017 | Shanna Shaked, Senior Associate Director for CEILS and Lecturer in Physics & Astronomy, will present a talk on student evaluations

 Please join us for the first journal club meeting this fall as Dr. Shanna Shaked presents a talk titled, “The limited correlation between student evaluations and learning (and what can be done about it)” . Recent studies and meta-analyses of student evaluations of teaching have called into question the validity of using such evaluations as a primary indicator of student learning. Whereas some previous studies have identified moderate correlations between student evaluations and learning, more recent meta-analyses call these results into question. All studies recommend considering student evaluations as only one piece in a collection of artifacts regarding teaching effectiveness. Since other studies identify potential biases in such evaluations (with respect to gender, race, age and many other factors), she will discuss potential alternatives for faculty and administrators interesting in assessing teaching effectiveness.

Fall 2017 Schedule:
  • October 20 | Jane Shevtsov, Discipline-based Education Research (DBER) Postdoctoral Fellow, will present findings and facilitate a discussion on the following paper: Shapiro et al. (2017) Clickers can promote fact retention but impede conceptual understanding: the effect of the interaction between clicker use and pedagogy on learning. Computers & Education 111: 44-59.
  • October 27 | Joshua Samani, CEILS Instructional Consultant and LPSOE in Physics & Astronomy, will present findings and facilitate a discussion on the following paper: Schwartz DL and Bransford JD (1998) A Time For Telling. Cognition and Instruction 16(4) 475-522.
  • November 3 | No Journal Club
  • November 10 | No Journal Club (University Holiday)
  • November 17 | Mahtash Esfandiari, Senior Continuing Lecturer in the Department of Statistics, will share the results of a study she conducted on using in-person versus virtual office hours when teaching statistics.
  • November 24 | No Journal Club (University Holiday)
  • December 1 | Peter Nonacs, Professor in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, will present findings and facilitate a discussion on the following paper: Chapin, KJ, P. Nonacs and LD Hayes (2017) Evaluating an Open-Exam Approach to Engaging Students in Evolutionary Paradoxes: Cheating to Learn. The American Biology Teacher 79(2):144-148.
  • December 8 | Gaston Pfluegl, CEILS Instructional Consultant and Academic Administrator in the Life Sciences Core, will discuss how to make interactive videos and embed them in CCLE using HTML5 (see for more information).
View the STEM Education Research Journal Club event page for more details.

Resource: A favorite listserv for STEM education news: Subscribe  to STEM|PROF
AAU Releases Five-Year Report on Undergraduate STEM Initiative - Progress Toward Achieving Systematic Change

The Association of American Universities (AAU) released a five-year status report highlighting institutional progress in improving the quality of undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teaching and learning resulting from the Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative. The report provides detailed analysis of STEM educational reforms at eight seed-funded AAU STEM project sites. Also, the report identifies key factors necessary to achieve systemic improvements in STEM instruction and highlights numerous evidence-based educational reforms implemented at AAU universities. 

Webinar on AAU STEM Initiative Five-Year Status Report: October 26, 12:00-1:00 p.m. EST
AAU will host a webinar on Thursday, October 26 from 9:00-12:00 p.m. PST. The webinar will focus on the Initiative's five-year status report and what AAU has learned about the path to achieving systemic change in undergraduate STEM education. Please use this link to register for the webinar.
What's in a Name? The Importance of Perceiving that an Instructor Knows Their Names in a High-Enrollment Biology Classroom | CBE - Life Sciences Education

In this article published to CBE- Life Sciences Education, the authors evaluate whether students value having their names known by an instructor, and identify nine reasons why students feel having their names known is important. The findings suggest that students can benefit from perceiving that instructors know their names and name tents could be a relatively easy way for students to think that instructors know them.
Streamlined Course Design - A New Program from ASEE

This fall, ASEE is launching a live, four-part, instructor-led online program to help STEM faculty streamline their course design process and design more effective courses. The program will be led by course design experts Dr. Karl Smith and Dr. Ruth Steveler. Learn more about the program here .

Sessions run on Fridays, October 13 through November 10.
How Student Learning is Affected By Small Group Dynamics | PLOS | One

Biology education researchers report that students' growth in content mastery tends to be lower if they said that someone dominated their group and higher if they reported feeling comfortable.

On Campus Events
NSF Innovation Corps at UCLA - Lunch & Learn
October 18, 2017 | ENG V, Room 2101

Hosted by the UCLA Institute of Technology Advancement, the NSF Innovation Corps Lunch and Learn serves to introduce the program to the UCLA Community. NSF is encouraging Educational teams to enroll in the Innovation Corps program at UCLA, where the goal is to help faculty and students perform customer discovery to find out if their innovation has commercial potential. Grants will be award annually to support customer discovery.

Any faculty, student, or staff who has STEM educational tools and is thinking of commercialization is encouraged to consider and enroll in I-Corps program. This in itself is an entrepreneurship, educational curriculum which is designed to facilitate the commercialization of ideas developed at universities.

MIT Electronic Math Education Seminar

MIT Electronic Math Education Seminars are online seminars centered on mathematics education at the university level. Talks cover curriculum, pedagogy, inclusiveness, professional development, blended and flipped classrooms, and other topics of interest. The seminar meets every other Tuesday at noon (EDT), using Zoom and is open to all. You can view the seminar here . If you do not have Zoom installed, you will be prompted to install it.

October 24, 2017 | 9-10a PST

From lecture to active learning: Rewards for all, and is it really so difficult?
David Pengelley, Oregon State University

What is active learning? What is the scientific evidence about it in the classroom? What is the lecture-textbook trap? What are the alternatives, and how difficult are they? What about issues such as "first contact", and linkages between before-, during-, and after-class. Is there a motto about student reading? What are the rewards of active learning for both teachers and students? How much inertia is there? I will address these questions based on pedagogy developed in 17 distinct university courses at all levels over 20 years. And there will still be plenty of time left for discussion.

Scientific Teaching in Practice Webinar Series

Measuring the Impact of Scientific Teaching (Featuring Dr. Jenny Knight)
Friday, October 13, 2017 | 12-1p PST

After implementing scientific teaching principles, how do instructors know whether their approaches are working? During this webinar, Jenny Knight, Associate Professor of Biology-MCD Instruction at the University of Colorado Boulder, will lead a discussion on how instructors can evaluate the impacts of their scientific teaching efforts. Jenny is the author of many publications on measuring student understanding. Her work focuses on clicker discussions, concept tests and other assessments in the undergraduate science classroom

Publishing Your Teachable Tidbit on CourseSource (Featuring Dr. Jess Blum)
Friday, November 3, 2017 | 12-1p PST

Have you ever thought about publishing a teaching resource you developed? If you are a Summer Institute alum, have you ever considered submitting your “teachable tidbit” for peer-review to be disseminated widely? Now is your chance! Please join us for a webinar with Jess Blum, managing editor of CourseSource, an open-access journal of peer-reviewed, evidence-based teaching resources for undergraduate biology education. Jess will provide participants with an introduction to CourseSource as well as an overview of the submission and publication process. Ample time for questions and answers will be provided.
National Academies Report, Undergraduate Research Experiences for STEM Students: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities

Monday, October 30, 2017 | 10:30a - 11:30a PST

Janet L. Branchaw, who served on the committee, will give an overview of the report, which examines what is known about the effectiveness of undergraduate research experiences (URE). The report also recommends that researchers, institutions, and funders work together to strengthen the evidence base on these experiences.
Following Dr. Branchaw's presentation, Kacy Redd will facilitate a discussion with centers about how they are supporting UREs.

National Events & Conferences
Active Learning Week: October 23-27, 2017
Active Learning Week is an opportunity for STEM faculty members and administrators to join in a collective effort to raise awareness of active learning strategies, expand institutional capacity for STEM diversity and inclusion, and improve the undergraduate experience of all students in STEM. In addition, Active Learning Week will offer a program of webinars and hosted discussions that will serve to integrate and promote our collective work as change agents at the forefront of STEM higher education reform.
We encourage you to participate during Active Learning Week by promoting your continuing efforts to improve the effectiveness of undergraduate STEM education via social media or a press release any day throughout the week of October 23. When tweeting, be sure to use #ActiveLearningWeek2017 and #AAUSTEM to bring your efforts to AAU and others' attention. In addition, please consider taking Project Kaleidoscope of AAC&U's pledge to incorporate teaching strategies that equally promote active learning and integrate cultural responsiveness in classrooms.  The deadline to make a pledge is Friday, October 20.
61st Annual ACUBE Meeting
October 20, 2017 - October 21, 2017
Columbia College, South Carolina

Submit your proposal on any topic related to college and university biology education today. View the call for proposals to find out the basic types of presentations you can choose from.
2017 POD Network Conference -  Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education
October 25, 2017 - October 29, 2017
Montreal, Quebec
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)
November 1-4, 2017
Phoenix, AZ

When you attend the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS), you join one of the largest communities of underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Students attend this conference to present their research, explore graduate schools, and network. Research faculty and program directors play an essential role in mentoring students and strategies for facilitating student success.
2017 AAC&U Transforming STEM Higher Education: Discovery, Innovation, and the Value of Evidence
November 2, 2017 to November 4, 2017
San Francisco, CA   94102  

AAC&U’s Transforming STEM Higher Education conference will address the importance of STEM proficiency for STEM majors and nonmajors alike, as well as the importance of empowering the faculty on whom we rely to increase the number of competitively trained and liberally educated graduates.
2017 International Learning Assistant Conference
November 4, 2017 to November 6, 2017
University of Colorado, Boulder

Registration now open!

The conference includes workshop sessions appropriate for faculty and staff who are just beginning to think about starting an LA program, who want to expand and sustain their current programs, or who are experiencing "advanced user" issues. It's a great place to network with other faculty and staff across disciplines and types of institutions.
2017 California STEAM Symposium
Dec 10-11, 2017
San Francisco, CA

The 2017 California STEAM Symposium (formerly the STEM Symposium) convenes nearly 3,000 educators from across California for ongoing rigorous, collaborative, and inspiring professional learning and resources to support high-quality science, technology, engineering, art, and math instruction for all students.

Postdoctoral Scholars & Graduate Students
Join the CIRTL community to access resources and events.
Create an account online: 
CIRTL @ UCLA - Fall 2017 Programming

Graduate Students and Post Docs: CIRTL Fall Programming is here! For detailed information about CIRTL at UCLA, visit: If you have any questions, please contact our program coordinator Dr. Rachel Kennison at
To access and enroll in these courses, workshops and events, please create a log-in and register on the  CIRTL Commons .

Online Events and Workshops:

October 18 | 11a PT - Women in STEM Careers Panel
November 2 and 9 | 11:30a-1p PT - Integrating Civic Learning into the STEM Classroom
November 9 and 16 | 5-6:30p PT - Introduction to STEM Project Based Learning

UCLA Postdocs Longitudinal Investment in Faculty Training (UPLIFT)

The UPLIFT Program at UCLA supports postdoctoral scholars in the biological sciences who have a demonstrated interest in teaching, research, and supporting diversity in the STEM fields. UPLIFT combines a traditional mentored postdoctoral research experience with an opportunity to develop academic skills, including teaching and mentoring undergraduate STEM students, through workshops, courses, and a faculty mentored mentored teaching practicum at our partner institution California State University Los Angeles 

For more program information, and how to apply for an UPLIFT fellowship, please visit the CEILS website at the following link:
Featured Job Opportunities


Postdoctoral Opportunities (Various Fields)
Vanderbilt University
► For more information and how to apply, see the current listings here .

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position
Science Education Research at Emory University

Assistant Professor, Physiology
Jacksonville State University|
[Application Deadline: October 15, 2017]

Assistant/Associate Professor (Lecturer), Physics and Astronomy
University of Utah

Assistant Professor, Discipline Based Education Research
Auburn University

Head (with Faculty Rank), Department of Biology Teaching and Learning (BTL)
University of Minnesota, College of Biological Sciences

Research Educator (Assistant Clinical Professor), Engineering Biosensors
First-Year Innovation and Research Experience (FIRE), University of Maryland


Fulltime Tenure Track Microbiology / Molecular Biology Instructor
College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita
[Application Review begins October 20, 2017]
► Learn more and how to apply here .

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position in Undergraduate STEM Education Research
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
►Learn more and how to apply here .

Brown-HHMI STEM Postdoctoral Research Associate
BioMed Faculty Affairs: Molecular Biology, Cell Biology & Biochemistry (MCB)
Brown University, Rhode Island
►Learn more and how to apply here .

Assistant/Associate Director for Teaching, Learning, and Inclusion
Tufts University, Massachusetts
►Learn more and how to apply here .

Assistant/Associate Director for STEM and Professional Schools
Tufts University, Massachusetts
►Learn more and how to apply here .

HHMI Inclusive Excellence Biology Education Postdoctoral Fellowship
San Francisco State University
[Application review will begin October 20, and continue until position is filled]
► Learn more and how to apply here .

(Two) Tenure track Assistant Professor of Biology (Animal Physiology; Ecology)
Loyola Marymount University
► Learn more and how to apply here .

Assistant Professor of Biology
Department of Biological Sciences at Salisbury University
[For full consideration, please apply by October 8, 2017]

Postdoctoral Researcher in Science Education
Science Education Research Group at Florida State University
► Learn more about the position and how to apply here .

BIOE Engineering Education Fellow
Stanford School of Engineering and Medicine
[Application review begins October 15, 2017, and will continue until position is filled.]

(Three) Postdoctoral STEM Education Research Associate Positions
STEM Education Research at Michigan State University
► Learn more about the position and how to apply here .

Full-Time Lecture with Potential for Job Security (LPSOE)
University of California, Davis
[Application Deadline: October 16, 2017]
► Learn more about the position and how to apply here .

Contract/Grant Professor (Open Rank) of Science Education
Western Michigan University
► Visit to apply; Posting Number: 0604095
Connect with UCLA's Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences

For more information about CEILS events and resources, including a list of STEM education events from previous mailers, please visit the CEILS website at or stop by the CEILS office in Hershey Hall (Rooms 122 & 126 & 210).  If you wish to be added to the CEILS mailing list for future newsletters and special announcements, please send your request to .
Please note, this Bi-Monthly Newsletter is circulated through many departmental listservs. Most other CEILS correspondence, including special event announcements and reminders, are sent to CEILS mailing list recipients only. Thanks!