UCLA shares National Science Foundation grant to diversify STEM faculty nationally

Photo: Erin Sanders O'Leary, PI (left), Jessica Gregg co-PI (right) of UCLA's Center for Education Innovation and Learning in the Sciences

UCLA is among six collaborating institutions that were together awarded $10 million over five years from the National Science Foundation to develop new educational models and programs that will increase diversity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields and careers. UCLA will receive $750,000 for its role in this nationwide project.

Funded under the NSF INCLUDES program, the new initiative is called the National Alliance for Inclusive and Diverse STEM Faculty, or NAIDSF. The alliance aims to attract more college students from groups historically underrepresented in higher education, including women, racial and ethnic minorities, and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds — and to help these students graduate and succeed in STEM careers. View full announcement.
Save the Date! 2018 Faculty Workshop on Best Practices in Teaching

September 20, 2018 | 8am - 5pm
Hershey Hall Grand Salon, Room 158

Please see the  event page for more information.

This annual, all-day faculty workshop addresses select topics in science and math education appropriate for instructors who either are relatively new to college teaching or who have instructional responsibilities in the large enrollment gateway courses for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) majors.  The format and emphasis of this day-long event has been modified from previous years, so even if you have participated in this workshop before, you might consider attending again and learning something new!
i>Clicker Training Workshop

Monday September 24, 2018
2:30 - 4:00 pm Terasaki Life Sciences 1100
Kristin Strong, Senior Technology Specialist at i>clicker 

Have you considered using clickers in your course but you are not sure where to start? Come to this workshop to explore iClicker - a great tool for engaging and getting feedback from ALL of your students (even in those large enrollment classes!). You can see how the tool works, install and practice on your own computer, and learn some tips for designing engaging clicker questions.

Bring your laptop and RSVP here so that we will have enough instructor kits available.
Postdoctoral Scholars & Graduate Students
Resource: ScienceCareers - 2018 Career Handbook (PDF download available)
CIRTL @ UCLA - Professional Development Opportunities for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars

The Center for the Integration of Research,Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) provides national events and courses. UCLA is a CIRTL institution, and we offer in-person learning communities and training opportunities. For detailed information about CIRTL @ UCLA, please visit: If you have any questions, please contact our program coordinator Dr. Rachel Kennison at

Upcoming events (click on image below to open in new window):

Register Now
for the 45th Annual
Teaching Assistant Conference

8:30–5:00 p.m., Sept. 24th & 25th, 2018
(Monday and Tuesday of Fall Week 0)
Each year, UCLA's Office of Instructional Development TA Training Program organizes a conference to provide pedagogical training and resource information to both new and continuing TAs. Even those who will not TA in 2018–19 are welcome to attend the conference in preparation for future teaching assignments. 

Resource: A favorite listserv for STEM education news, please subscribe  to STEM|PROF
W orking Life: The Universe Inside a Classroom | Science

Jeffrey Maloy, a lecturer and education research fellow at UCLA published an article on Science Magazine regarding his own experience with "imposter syndrome", which many lecturers experience teaching their courses.
The Impact of Instructor Exam Feedback on Student Understanding in a Large-Enrollment Biology Course

Encouraging students to reflect on their exam answers in response to expert feedback may result in increased classroom performance and highlights that learning is an ongoing experience rather than one terminated at exam completion.
The Case for Teaching How to Teach | Miami's Community Newspapers

Graduate students who are taught how to teach are more likely to be prepared for the realities of working in higher education without affecting their research capacity, according to a new study.
Are Teaching and Research Mutually Exclusive? | Times Higher Education

Is the world-renowned researcher who is also a stellar teacher a realistic expectation? Times Higher Education surveyed academics to find out. (Times Higher Education)
The Lecture Juggernaut | CBE- Life Sciences Education

An essay examines why, in spite of the evidence in favor of active learning, changing the pedagogical practices of faculty is a difficult task with  no simple solutions .
Student Evaluations of Teaching are Not Valid | American Association of University Professors

In a review of the literature on student evaluations of teaching (SET), Philip B. Stark and Richard Freishtat—of the University of California, Berkeley, statistics department and the Center for Teaching and Learning, respectively—concluded, “The common practice of relying on averages of student teaching evaluation scores as the primary measure of teaching effectiveness for promotion and tenure decisions should be abandoned for substantive and statistical reasons: There is strong evidence that student responses to questions of ‘effectiveness’ do not measure teaching effectiveness.”
Shake-up in Teaching Evals | Inside Higher Ed

Most institutions say they value teaching. But how they assess it tells a different story. University of Southern California has stopped using student evaluations of teaching in promotion decisions in favor of peer-review model. Oregon seeks to end quantitative evaluations of teaching for holistic model.
Learning from the Opposite of Good Teaching | Inside Higher Ed

Instructors can learn something by looking at the inverse of attributes of good teaching, writes Paul F. Diehl.
Teaching Turned Out to be a Highlight of Graduate School | Science

Teaching may be full of unexpected rewards if approached with an open mind and a willingness to learn.
Why We're "Speaking Up" About Inclusive Teaching Strategies | ACUE Community

Here are some tools to empower faculty to make their courses more inclusive, starting with course design and classroom environment.
Undergraduates "Want to Be Awakened" | Chronicle of Higher Education

Inclusive teaching holds the key to reducing high failure and withdrawal rates in introductory science courses, particularly among minority students, explains Bryan Dewsbury, assistant professor at the University of Rhode Island.
Interactive Strategies for Engaging Large and Small Classes Alike | Faculty Focus

One of the best ways to cultivate interaction is to literally go to where the students are.
Five Ways to Promote a More Inclusive Classroom | Faculty Focus

The graduation gap continues to exist between traditional and nontraditional students. Although the classroom experience has not been the focus of most institutions’ retention and persistence efforts, faculty can and do play a major role for improving the retention and success of all students. It’s a topic covered extensively in Kathleen Gabriel's new book, Creating the Path to Success in the Classroom: Teaching to Close the Graduation Gap for Minority, First-Generation, and Academically Unprepared Students. In this book, she offers ideas that can be incorporated in, or modified to align with, faculty’s existing teaching methods
Chemistry Education Research—From Personal Empiricism to Evidence, Theory, and Informed Practice | Chemical Reviews

This Review of Chemistry Education Research (CER) provides an overview of the development of research in chemistry education from the early days, when ideas about how to teach chemistry and help students learn were guided by practitioner wisdom, to current research that is based on theories of learning and provides evidence from which to make arguments about improving teaching and learning.
National Events & Webinars
SABER West - Call for Talk and Workshop Abstracts & Save the Date

The third annual SABER West conference will be held on  January 19 and 20, 2019  at the campus of the University of California, Irvine. SABER is the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research and was founded in 2010.

Abstract Submission Deadline Sept. 17th at 5 pm (PST)- For Talks and Workshops
Abstract guidelines for both talks and workshops is now available on the SABER West 2019 website.

CEILS will be organizing a UCLA group to attend this conference together. We hope you will consider submitting a talk, workshop, and poster abstract for this year's conference. Please save the date and we will share updates as they become available.

For more information on SABER, please visit the SABER website.
Advancing Mentoring Practices Workshop
September 12, 2018 | 8am - 5pm

Please see the event page for more information.

On behalf of the  Graduate Programs in Bioscience  at UCLA and the  National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN)  it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in a mentoring workshop to enhance your abilities to develop excellence in diverse trainees. 

During Day 1 : You will learn evidence-based approaches to research mentoring from the  Entering Mentoring  curriculum, which is specifically designed for research mentors across career stages.

During Day 2 (optional), in this Train-the-Trainer session, you will gain the knowledge and facilitation skills needed to design and deliver mentor training at your program/institution.

View the event website for more information.

Wednesday, September 12, 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (10:00 AM Pacific Time)

AAC&U is pleased to announce the latest webinar in a series that highlights the work being done at colleges and universities around the country to address challenges and identify best practices for enhancing the teaching and learning experience and demonstrating the value of liberal education for work, life, and global citizenship.

Online with LSE: Collectively Improving Teaching (Webinar):

View the event website for more information.

Sep 14, 2018 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (9:00 AM Pacific Time)

This inaugural session of LSE’s new virtual journal club, Online with LSE, will feature a conversation with Kimberly Tanner, Professor of Biology at San Francisco State University, about her and colleagues’ recent study of a department-wide initiative to improve teaching. Join us for “behind the scenes” insights into how the study was done, including the applications and implications of the work, through online interactive discussion with Dr. Tanner, senior author of the study. Participants are encouraged to submit discussion questions in advance (at

2018 Freshman Research Initiative Conference :

View the event website for more information.

October 3-5, 2018 in Austin, TX

Launched in 2005, The Freshman Research Initiative (FRI) unites the dual missions of research and teaching by involving first-year students as collaborators on original research. Through UT FRI and related adaptations of the program nationwide, we have gained a strong understanding of how to set up course-based undergraduate experiences (CUREs), especially sequential CUREs. The program is a national model for transforming undergraduate STEM education by offering undergraduate research experiences to roughly 1,900 new students each year.

2018 Transforming STEM Higher Education

View the event website for more information.

Wednesday, November 8th 9:00 AM - November 10th 12:00 PM Eastern Time

Transforming STEM Higher Education invites academic STEM practitioners and scholars of all disciplines to join us. The conference will critically examine the entire range of contemporary opportunities for—and challenges to—STEM higher education reform including, but not limited to, exploring evidence-based approaches to undergraduate STEM teaching, examining new approaches to broadening participation, interrogating emerging research studies related to STEM student learning, and verifying new assessment tools for determining undergraduate STEM teaching effectiveness.
Reinvention Collaborative National Conference (Nov. 9-10)
Please see the event page for more information.
The Reinvention Collaborative is a leading national consortium of research universities focused on innovation in undergraduate education. The conference features invited speakers who are nationally recognized for their leadership in undergraduate education. The deliberations at the meeting focus on critical challenges research universities face.

Distinguish speakers attending the conference include our very own Erin Sanders, Shanna Shaked, Blaire Van Valkenburgh, Kelly Wahl, who will be presenting on various evidence base teaching methodologies, which include, "Combining Learning Assistants with Integrated Active", "Reimagining the Introductory Math Curriculum for Life Science Majors: A Study of Student Success and Overcoming Cultural Barriers", and Learning Outcomes Assessment: Catalyzing Innovation in STEM Education to Effect Institutional Change.
2018 NABT Professional Development Conference
November 8-11, 2018
Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina

View the  event website for more information.
Early registration deadline: July 31, 2018

Submit a proposal to present at the 10th Annual Biology Education Research Symposium and/or the Undergraduate Biology Professional Development Summit at the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) 2018 Professional Development Conference. 
Featured Job Opportunities
2018-2019 Lecturer for UCLA Minor in Biomedical Research
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Professional Developer in Inclusive Excellence
UC Santa Cruz
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Director, PhD Program in Mathematics and Science Education, Tenure-track Faculty
Middle Tennessee State University
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Chemistry Education Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
Miami University
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Assistant Professor of Practice
University of Texas, Austin
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Biology Faculty Position
University of Louisiana, Monroe
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Tenure Track Biology Education Position
Sacramento State University
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Science and Math Education Faculty Cluster Hiring Initiative
University of Utah
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Teaching-Focused (Alternate Stream) Position in Ecology
York University
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Postdoctoral Researcher Position
The Center for Community and Citizen Science (CCS)
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Assistant Teaching Professor Position
University of California, Irvine
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Biology Position
Assumption College
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Assistant Teaching Professor
University of California, Merced
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.

Biology Education Postdoc Position
Cornell University
► Please see posting details and how to apply here.
Connect with UCLA's Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences

For more information about CEILS events and resources, including a list of STEM education events from previous mailers, please visit the CEILS website at or stop by our CEILS offices in Hershey Hall (Rooms 122,126, 210 & 243).  If you wish to be added to the CEILS mailing list for future newsletters and special announcements, please send your request to .

Please note, this monthly newsletter is circulated through many departmental listservs. Most other CEILS correspondence, including special event announcements and reminders, are sent to CEILS mailing list recipients only. Thanks!