Being PART OF the community...
means being INVOLVED IN the community.
We're Baaaack... and Giving Back!
Most of UCP's Community Participation Supports (CPS) locations have reopened their doors after operating remotely for the better part of the past two years. CPS Harrisburg West is just one example of the excitement among staff and participants at being welcomed back!

Across Central PA, our CPS Teams have been taking advantage of the little snippets of spring to get out and about... and make a difference in their local communities. See for yourself:
CPS Camp Hill East:
Community Cleanup

CPS Camp Hill East Supervisor Lisa N was excited to share what her team has been up to: “CPS Camp Hill East participants donned their gloves, grabbed their pick-up tools and garbage bags, and headed out to help make their community look nicer. Way to go Kenyay and Ishan (both pictured)... Michael, Portia, and Joey!“
CPS Shippensburg:
Clothing Donation and Drop Off
CPS Shippensburg Supervisor Jessica R proudly shared this update: "The Shippensburg University Concert Choir recently orchestrated a clothing drive on campus. Our guys, under the guidance of CPS Coordinator Jasmyn W (who is a Shippensburg graduate and current alumni choir member) then helped sort through, organize, and distribute the donated items during their regularly scheduled volunteer opportunity at the local Salvation Army Soup Kitchen. The donated clothing filled two tables; in a span of just two hours, all the items were taken." (Pictured are Angela, Russell, and Beth)

CPS Carlisle:
Animal Rescue Donation Drive

CPS Carlisle Coordinator Debbie W arranged for staff and participants to hold a donation drive at UCP's Utley Administrative Offices in support of Speranza Animal Rescue. The items being collected include:
• Dry & wet dog food
• Soft/moist dog treats
• Durable, non-squeaky toys for large dogs

"The entire Team (pictured left to right: Madison, DSP Curstin, DSP Lisa, Mischelle, DSP Jessica, Lisa, and Kevin) want to thank UCP's Utley staff for supporting us--and our furry friends--through the donation drive!!"
Fun in the Sun
Several CPS Shippensburg participants--Russell, Teri, and Justin, along with CPS Coordinator Jasmyn--celebrated the arrival of milder temps by enjoying their time together outdoors.
Meanwhile, the folks at CPS Lewistown (pictured front to back, DSP Jaden, Allen, DSP Tandi, and Joe) also opted to take advantage of the warmer weather to get some fresh air and explore the great outdoors

The deadline to join us at the Highmark Walk for a Healthy Community is just two weeks away. There are several ways you can support UCP on May 21:
  • sign up to walk--as an individual or as part of a team
  • make a donation to a specific walker, team, or UCP in general

Saturday // May 21 // 9am
Registration begins at 7:45am
Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC)

The route is wheelchair and stroller accessible Leashed canine companions are welcome

RAISE $150 BY MAY 13 (for yourself or for a team)...
and be entered into the UCP Raffle for one of THREE PRIZES:
~ Fitbit
~ BEATS headphones
~ Wireless Bluetooth speaker

You may also qualify to receive a FREE 2022 Highmark Walk T-shirt. You must be a registered walker AND have at least $30 credited to your walker account by May 21, 2022.

What are YOU looking for in a job?

  • Are you a college student needing to work around your class schedule?
  • Are you a stay-at-home parent looking for a flexible schedule that allows you to continue to meet your family's needs?
  • Are you looking to make your next career move a meaningful one... or simply looking to supplement your income?

IF YOU SAID "YES" to any of these questions,
we encourage you to explore UCPJOBS.COM

Sign-on bonus for select positions has been extended!
Full-Time, Lancaster-Lebanon
Part-Time, Middletown
With your support, we are ONE TEAM with ONE MISSION:
Empowering others.
UCP Central PA | 717-737-3477 |