70th Anniversary Highlight:
Technological Advances Enhance Impact of Assistive Technology
OVER THE COURSE OF THE PAST YEAR, this column has highlighted the many ways UCP has evolved since 1953... in terms of the varying diagnoses of the individuals we support, the range of services we offer, and the many ways in which those services are delivered. Rapid, ever-changing advances in technology—coupled with the fact that many of these advances have been adapted for use outside of the tech sector—have created opportunities for today’s users of Assistive Technology devices and services. 3D printing, for example, allows for the creation of custom pieces that are better able to meet individual needs.
UCP AT Services staff proactively pursue opportunities to collaborate with organizations that are incorporating these technological advances in their work or studies and who are willing to share their outcomes. One example of that approach is a recent collaboration between UCP's AT Services and Messiah University's Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT) faculty and students.
According to James Foster, Assistant Clinical Professor at Messiah University, he was referred to UCP by Temple University’s TechOwl in the summer of 2022. Prof. Foster was already familiar with the organization as he has had guest speakers from UCP share their experiences and knowledge with his students in the past, and he has borrowed AT items from the "lending library" several times for tech. So, when given the opportunity to have his students create and produce 3D printed items that would enhance accessibility or mobility for UCP participants, he was all for it. "Partnerships with members of our community, such as the one with UCP, provide our students with real life experiences outside of the classroom. They also provide them with valuable opportunities to engage with individuals served by UCP."