UCP Doing The Heavy Lifting @ Cape Parades!
UCP rocked the Chatham Parade Saturday morning, handing out over 500 flags, signing up new members, and making your conservative voice heard!

I was humbled at the many "thank you for being here" greetings we received from those who love our country, support our police, and are tired of being told to think otherwise.

As one recent immigrant shared, "The socialist agenda they are trying to implement is what I just fled."

Please join us again Sunday morning at the Orleans parade. Look for the MAGA truck at the Nauset Middle School staging area @ 0830. The parade starts @ 0900. You can ride or walk behind and hand out flags.
RINO sighting.
UCP Flawlessly Executed Constitution Class @ Beautiful Cape Gun Works!
OK, I was skeptical about filling a classroom for an 8 hour Saturday class during the summer on Cape Cod. But the UCP ladies did it! Come to find out there is high demand to learn more about the constitution by "We The People". I was out of state for this event, but I hear it was an eye opener, and plans are already being made to repeat this opportunity after Labor Day. Mission Accomplished!
UCP Provides a Public Library Drag Queen Recap to Close Out Pride Month!
When Slow Joe calls for unconstitutional 2A restrictions, and attempts to rationalize them by claiming 'you don't need 100 rounds for deer hunting', just who does he think will comply? You think anyone from the media would remind him our god given 2A rights were designed to counter a tyrannical government, not help us harvest food? Guess not.

The American states – which they once were, plural and sovereign –decided they no longer wished to freely associate with the state of Great Britain and attempted (successfully, after much bloodshed) to part ways with it; i.e., they seceded from it – after having to fight Great Britain, which made every effort to force the United States (plural) to remain within the bounds of what amounted to Unholy Matrimony, a marriage that one side no longer wished to be a party to.

This right to separate when interests are no longer congruent was once understood as such by Americans who spoke of Independence Day. Separation – when congruency was no longer possible – was taken by them as inalienable and god given. It would have been considered outrageous to suggest that that the same states which declared their independence from Great Britain forfeited their right to declare their independence from Washington.

But that was before 1861-’65 and the subsequent historical amnesia, enforced at bayonet-point, over the dead bodies of more than half a million Americans, slaughtered in the name of “union” – Abraham Lincoln acting much the same as the arranged-marriage Mullah, shackling the unhappy couple together.

Many four scores later, we find ourselves acrimoniously united, shackled into a consolidated state of general unhappiness. The way to regain our happiness is the same today as it was all those many scores of years ago.

It is to secede.

If not yet politically, then personally. On an individual and neighborhood and local level. Choose to associate – and do business with – those who share your affinities, each reinforcing the other. Establish friendships with like-minded people and form networks of support. Withdraw from those that are not supportive, which do not advance your common interests and aspirations.

Remember, this Independence Day, that this form of secession not only preceded the political secession which followed, it was the necessary precedent for it. The men who formally announced the withdrawal of the American states from the British Empire in July of 1776 spent years prior talking of it among themselves, fleshing out the ideas and justifications. Explaining themselves to one another so that – when the right moment finally arrived – they were ready to explain it to the world, fully convinced of the justice of their cause but also able to defend it.

That is something worth remembering this Independence Day, so that perhaps one day hence, there will be a new day to celebrate.
Obama's Windmill @ MA National Cemetery Must Go!
As we celebrate our nation’s independence, we are reminded of those who fought, and died, for our freedoms. Massachusetts colonists, beginning with its Minutemen, were on the front lines of the American Revolution. Military records indicate that throughout almost every year of
the Revolutionary War, the majority of Continental Army soldiers hailed from Massachusetts.

The first regiment to report to DC, from any state, in response to President Lincoln’s call for Civil War Union soldiers, was the 1st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Young members of “the 1st” are among the veterans interred at the Massachusetts National Cemetery in Bourne on Cape Cod (Bourne), one of two “open” national cemeteries serving New England, operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The Commonwealth ranks third nationally in the
number of Medal of Honor recipients who called Massachusetts home, two of whom are laid to rest at Bourne. From our nation’s founding, and throughout the world, Massachusetts citizens have fought, and died, for principles including equity, diversity and inclusion. After fighting for
peace, many of them sought to rest in peace on the “hallowed grounds” of a national cemetery.

Federal law designates national cemeteries as “shrines.” Among the benefits earned via military service is final rest in a dignified, beautiful, serene setting befitting a “shrine.”

In violation of both federal law and VA’s “sacred trust,” the Obama-Biden VA desecrated Bourne’s “hallowed grounds” with a massive wind turbine. The Biden-Harris administration refuses to remove the noisy, unsightly structure, citing alleged savings and lack of opposition. Neither
cost nor public opinion has any bearing on our nation’s benefit obligations to its veterans.

Regardless, the turbine will never pay for itself, and opposition to its presence is fierce. The turbine’s close proximity to public areas raises safety issues; it is not sufficiently “setback” from grave markers, roadways, a POW-MIA memorial and funeral cortege waiting lanes. The
turbine also triggers traumatic memories for visiting military and veterans (e.g., its blades resemble Vietnam-era Huey rotors), and it emits sounds that exacerbate war-related health conditions (e.g., PTSD, Tinnitus).

Despite space limitations underlying Bourne’s current
expansion, an entire section was dedicated to a massive industrial wind turbine. The Obama-Biden administration desecrated Bourne to address climate change and “lead” in renewable energy, including wind. However, there are no turbines depicted in the architectural renderings of the Obama Presidential Library to be built in the windy city of Chicago. President Biden considers climate change so consequential as to justify the desecration of a national cemetery, while making repeated round-trips “home” to escape the “gilded cage” via fossil-fueled Marine One, Air Force One and motorcades. (He reportedly opposed silent cell towers in Catholic cemeteries in Delaware, where his first wife and two children are buried.)

President Biden described his VA Secretary, Denis McDonough, as a “staunch advocate” for veterans. Only the second non-veteran to head the agency established for the sole purpose of serving veterans, Secretary McDonough testified under oath that he would “fight relentlessly”
for those who have served. His refusal to remove the turbine displays a lack of compassion for relatives and comrades visiting Bourne, similar to the treatment hostage families received when Mr. McDonough served as President Obama’s Chief of Staff. Responding to allegations that
hostage families were threatened with prosecution should they negotiate with ISIS for their sons’ release, Mr. McDonough cited the government’s obligation to “uphold the law,” but he now condones the presence of a wind turbine which violates the law.

A wind turbine was erected at Bourne on President Obama’s watch, but its continued presence is condoned by our current Commander in Chief’s VA. President Biden should be standing with the USMC and the Green Berets, not surrendering to AOC and the Green New Deal. The
ongoing desecration at Bourne calls to mind a line from the war poem, In Flanders Fields: “If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep.” Stay tuned for details about how you can help New England’s patriots return to sleep in a setting befitting a national “shrine.”

Carole Julian

Upcoming Events!
UCP is teamed up with America Backs The Blue for this upcoming event. Please join us!