UCSF School of Medicine Vice Dean's Office at ZSFG
advancing health worldwide in the heart of the City
Dear colleagues,
Due to the surprises of the Delta Variant surge and to the ongoing safety measures, our lives are nowhere near the “normal” we hoped to reach by this time. All of us have had to dig deeply to find the stamina to sustain our Aequanimitas (to use Sir William Osler's term) in the face of a more stressful workload, social distancing, and the translation of much scientific data into narrative to update the public.
In a JAMA article, Humanism Before Heroism in Medicine, Urmimala Sarkar and Christine Cassel make a case for the heroic efforts of medical professionals as creating a risk for burnout unless the systems and the teams are functioning at a high level. Indeed, health care heroism is not new; a Smithsonian Magazine article announced the unearthing of a statue of the Greek health goddess, Hygieia, from a 5,000-year-old site. It is thought that a fifth century plague caused the spread of her health cult as far as Rome.
It does help to work in San Francisco where the community carefully observes precautions. Our trainees, however, move to places beyond the Bay Area. In a media interview, 2021 UCSF Medical School graduate, Juhi Varshney, who wrote so eloquently about her experiences at ZSFG as a medical student, describes her emergency department residency in a Miami hospital. She describes the pain of seeing sick families and pleads for vaccination “as an act of love.”
On a personal note, I take solace observing the fall migration of different of birds through my backyard, offering a sense of normality and some excitement and wonder.
This reminds us that our work continues in all of our mission areas.
Over 285 UCSF principal investigators have increased the number of grants at ZSFG, in areas specific to their careers and new COVID research. Faculty educators continually update curriculum to address the changing needs of patients, including the unique challenges of our vulnerable populations. Next Tuesday, we will hear a panel discussion about teaching and communicating about our current national crisis in reproductive health. On November 18, we feature more inspiring staff career stories in our Fall 2021 StoryCore event. You can see more information and a link to register for the events below.
We are pleased that for the second year ZSFG Providers have been included in the UCSF Provider Experience Survey. This year we saw a 42% increase in responses. Starr Knight is leading the work and will be sharing the results and ongoing work with the community in the coming months.
In case you haven’t seen the UCSF Research and Academic Building at ZSFG, the North side looks completely different since our last issue. Construction is still on target and we are preparing for the move in early 2023.
I am proud to be a part of this dynamic community of UCSF at ZSFG. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to our mission.
A. Sue Carlisle, PhD, MD
Vice Dean
UCSF School of Medicine, ZSFG
The Summer Day
by Mary Oliver
Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean—
Selected Feature Highlights
UCSF Leads National Effort to Improve Racial Equity in Kidney Medicine
Neil Powe co-chaired the National Kidney Foundation-American Society of Nephrology Task Force that issued recommendations to eliminate structural racism from their systems and practices and inspired UCSF Health to remove race in estimates of kidney function.
State of UCSF Research at ZSFG
The annual Dean's Seminar kick-off presentation, "State of UCSF Research at ZSFG," presented by Sue Carlisle on October 1, 2021, highlights the extraordinary research UCSF community at ZSFG, by department, with an update on the Research and Academic Building and research by the numbers. Meeting recording and slide deck are here (MyAccess sign-in required).
Updates and Events at ZSFG
Installation of the skin of the RAB is well underway! The first layer of pre-fabricated panels with exterior windows is now in place on the north side. This work will continue around the building while additional layers are added, finishing with terracotta tiling. Railings and concrete treads for the main stair at the northwest corner are complete. Inside the RAB, installation of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems continues along with framing and placement of drywall. The ZSFG RAB Website For Occupants features construction and planning updates, a recording of the March 17th Town Hall, and the construction camera for day-by-day progress and standard time-lapse. To report concerns or ask questions, email UCSF-RAB-ZSFG@ucsf.edu or call 415-514-7661.
Diversity Event Panel Discussion
Tuesday, October 19, 2021 from 12-1pm
Join UCSF staff at ZSFG and StoryCore panelists Dominica Randazzo and Anthony Ababon as they share their career stories. Moderated by Lorel Hiramoto. The Fall 2021 UCSF Staff Career Journey Storytelling Event at ZSFG welcomes all.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
from 12-1pm
The ZSFG Dean's Seminar Series has now resumed monthly presentations on first Fridays at noon featuring researchers for those interested in research.
November 5, 2021 Dean's Seminar
“How Data Drove San Francisco’s COVID Response: A Front Row View from the COVID Command Center
Chief, Performance Excellence, ZSFG
Professor, UCSF Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care
The Garden Poetry Walk at ZSFG is a collaboration connecting the patients, visitors, and UCSF and ZSFG staff through poetry and pose.
The poetry stands can be found in the Comfort Garden in front of Buildings 80/90, the Resilience Garden near Building 9, and the Labyrinth Garden on the 7th floor of Building 25.
More information, including a map of the poetry kiosks, can be found on our website.
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