Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season with your families, friends and loved ones.
Welcome to the inaugural issue of our Dean's Office quarterly newsletter, focused specifically on the UCSF community at ZSFG. Our future newsletters will highlight our accomplishments, stories, events, opportunities and initiatives unique to our community and affecting our educational, research and clinical mission areas.
Looking back at 2019, I am proud of our strong community collaborations, the far-reaching transition to Epic, our campus-wide events and offerings, and the UC Board of Regents approval of the budget and design of our new Research and Academic Building at ZSFG. I expect to see a shovel in the ground this Spring.
As we begin a very busy 2020, I want to thank you for your continued commitment and advocacy. I am proud to work at ZSFG with you, the faculty, staff, and learners who dedicate your careers and educational experience to improve the lives of people who face daunting challenges in San Francisco and internationally. Our remarkable partnership with the City enriches UCSF's standing as a top medical school and research institution. My team and I are dedicated to supporting you and your work as we continue to enhance the clinical, discovery and learning environment at ZSFG.
Thank you for pausing from your busy day to read our newsletter. If you have feedback on the content or suggestions about future topics, please click the button below and let us know.
Thank you,
A. Sue Carlisle, MD, PhD
Vice Dean
UCSF School of Medicine, ZSFG