Population Health and
Health Equity at UCSF
If you are like me, you are likely asking - “Why another newsletter?” 

Here’s what we think you might find useful in this regular newsletter related to Population Health and Health Equity (PHHE) at UCSF:

  • Data and other resources for PHHE research.  Many of these data may be of interest to you even if you don’t yet think of yourself as a researcher in population health or health equity.  These resources will continue to grow over time, thanks to investments from the SOM and the Executive Vice Chancellor’s office in the Population Health Data Initiative.  New resources and funding opportunities will continue to be announced via this newsletter and links will live on our website.

  • Announcements of coming events across UCSF that are relevant to PHHE, including ones that we sponsor. If you have such an announcement, please email us

  • Features on work in population health and health equity here at UCSF. Our goal is to continue to nurture and grow the community here at UCSF engaged in population health and health equity.
Need help about how to use or access data?

IBM/MarketScan Claims Data

Did you know that UCSF has a site license and researchers can get free access?

MarketScan includes geocoded, commercial claims data for more than 50 million people.

See a publication using MarketScan data.

National Center for Health Statistics

Interested in analyzing rich nationwide health surveys on a range of health topics? Access to the geocoded restricted versions of these data sets is now free for UCSF researchers at the local Restricted Data Center. Other available data sets include birth certificates, the National Health Interview Survey, and many others.

UCSF researcher Rita Hamad has used geocoded National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data to examine the effects of state education policies on cardiovascular health. See her recent article .

A Moral Imperative to Protect the Health and Well-Being of Children: An Interview with Dr. Marissa Raymond-Flesch

Marissa Raymond-Flesch, MD, MPH, assistant professor of pediatrics, grew up in New Mexico, a minority-majority state with tremendous health challenges for youth.Her high school class started with about 1,000 students but graduated with just under 500. Students were lost to gang violence, poverty, and pregnancy. This experience fostered a sense that something was broken and needed to be fixed; she became deeply interested in how she could improve the lives of Latino youth. Since then, she has focused her career on understanding the challenges that Latino and immigrant communities face.
2020 Deans' Population Health and
Health Equity Scholars
The UCSF School of Medicine is pleased to announce the 2020 Class of Deans' Population Health and Health Equity (PHHE) Scholars. These awards are made to junior faculty working in the area of population health or health equity, broadly defined.

This year, we are excited to announce partnerships with the Global Brain Health Institute and the AIDS Research Institute (ARI), as well as the UCSF Schools of Dentistry, Nursing, and Pharmacy, to expand funding to scholars committed to population health and health equity across UCSF.
Immigrant health was the focus of the  2nd Annual Colloquium on Population Health & Health Equity held in October, 2019.

Recordings of the Colloquium can be viewed on the website.

Colloquia will be regular events, so stay tuned. 
Health Disparities Webinar Series
California Department of Health Care Services

February 22, 2020

Bay Area PHHE Researchers Monthly Happy Hour

Join your PHHE colleagues on first Fridays for informal mentorship, potential new research collaborations and fun! Sign up to be added to the invitation list.