1. That Council affirm its support for the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) application.
2. That the HAF application be amended to legalize four dwelling units per residential lot be permitted as-of-right city-wide.
3. That the HAF application be amended to legalize four units of up to four storeys as-of-right within 800 metres of high-frequency transit corridors as outlined in the City’s HAF application and informed by the initial network changes in phase one of the Winnipeg Master Transit Plan.”
4. That the HAF application be amended to ensure that new housing zoning reforms targeted for mall sites and commercial corridors – as proposed in City Council’s Strategic Priorities Action Plan – allow for as-of-right development to facilitate quick approvals and construction of new housing.
5. That as-of-right approvals specified in Recommendations 2, 3 and 4 be contingent upon applicable zoning and by-law changes that are subject to a public hearing prior to enactment, and upon reasonable standards for construction, servicing and design, consistent with standards adopted or projected in other cities with completed HAF agreements, including:
a. Lot size specifications, requiring that four units as-of-right be limited to a standard lot size or greater, with dimensions to be determined by Council after consideration of recommendations by the City Public Service, with total dimensions sufficient to support four housing units.
b. Building form standards broadly consistent with existing Infill Guidelines, modified where necessary to meet the spirit of Recommendations 2 and 3.
c. Height limits for developments under Recommendation 3, so four-storey as-of-right allowances are no greater than 48’ and apply only to developments of four units. (Permitted heights for zones covered by Recommendation 2 alone would remain consistent with existing Infill Guidelines requirements).
d. Urban servicing capacity requirements (including land drainage, water service, paved roadway and laneway service, and sufficient wastewater and flood protection capacity to meet existing provincial and federal regulations).
e. Environmental standards, including the application of a tree protection and replacement by-law if City Council adopts such a by-law in future;
f. Retention of the City’s right to require consent to standardized development agreements where these would already typically be applied to new for-profit multi-residential developments to recover direct infrastructure costs to taxpayers, especially for those developments contemplated under Recommendation 4.
6. That all five Community Committees engage in consultation on the proposals, as outlined in Recommendations 2-5 above, no later than year-end 2024.
7. That the Public Service be directed to schedule public hearings and report back to the appropriate committee of Council, with the required by-law amendments to implement the intent of the foregoing. Winnipeg Zoning By-law and Downtown Zoning By-law amendments should be brought forward, if possible, as part of the Rapid Zoning By-law Amendments process, targeted for spring 2025 as noted in the HAF application.