Advocacy at a Glance

Advocacy at a Glance - Q3 2023 Update

Quarterly, UDI will be providing members with an update on our advocacy initiatives. Our “Advocacy at a Glance” update will provide members with a snapshot on the UDI’s top advocacy files and initiatives.  

UDI and MHBA meet with Mayor Gillingham

On July 19, UDI and MHBA representatives met with Winnipeg Mayor Scott Gillingham. Topics discussed with Mayor Gillingham included improving the City of Winnipeg’s development permit application process, the permit reserve fund, and the 2024 city budget. The MHBA and UDI thank Mayor Gillingham for meeting with us to discuss these topics important to Winnipeg’s residential construction and land development industries

2023 Provincial Election Update

In June 2023, UDI and MHBA’s Board of Directors jointly hosted meetings with Premier Heather Stefanson and Leader of the Opposition Wab Kinew to discuss issues important to our industries in advance of the upcoming 2023 provincial election. Growing Manitoba’s economy, improving the affordability of housing, improving service levels at Manitoba Hydro, increasing immigration, addressing crime, and making Manitoba’s tax regime more competitive were just a few of the topics discussed during our meetings with the party leaders. 

Earlier in September, the MHBA wrote each of Manitoba’s three main party leaders – Premier Heather Stefanson, Wab Kinew, and Dougald Lamont –to provide them information on the residential construction industry and to highlight the top issues facing our industry. A copy of the MHBA’s election document can be found here.

UDI and MHBA, along with 8 other leading Manitoba industry and business associations, jointly hosted a “Growing the Economy” Provincial Leaders Debate on September 12. The event was well attended and drew significant media coverage. UDI members have also been provided with an update on the election promises made by Manitoba’s main political parties and other campaign news in today’s e-newsletter. 

City of Winnipeg Development Permits

UDI and MHBA representatives continue to meet with City of Winnipeg officials to improve both intake and approval timeframes for development permits. Since November 2022, we have worked closely with the public administration to identify and help resolve development permit application issues to help improve timelines for approvals and to clarify and streamline the application process. Winnipeg’s Director of Planning & Development Hazel Borys provided members with an update at UDI’s September 21st general members meeting.

City of Winnipeg’s Land Development Industry Advisory Group

UDI and senior city administration continue to meet regularly as the Land Development Industry Advisory Group to discuss issues impacting Winnipeg’s land development industry. The LDIAG’s next meeting is on October 10th.

City of Winnipeg Road Specification Steering Committee

Over the summer, UDI representatives have participated on Winnipeg’s Road Specification steering committee. This group, made up of representatives from staff at Public Works and industry and facilitated by David Krahn, has worked to establish a clear process and timeframe for how road specification changes will be reviewed and implemented in Winnipeg.

Winnipeg Public Works consultations on roads

UDI continued to meet with the city administration in Public Works to discuss Consulting Engineering services requirements on developer-led road projects and the City’s desire to extend the warranty period on new roads to 2 years. Site tours took place in September and more discussions will take place in Fall 2023.

Industry News

2023 Provincial Election Update

Manitobans will head to the polls on October 3rd to elect the next Government of Manitoba. 


Voting Information

Information on advanced voting, voting on Election Day, where to vote, and more an be found at the following link: WHERE DO I VOTE? (



Campaign Announcements Update

Below is a list of each parties’ campaign announcements made to date that impact Manitoba’s land development and residential construction industries:


PC Manitoba

·    Establish a $16 million skills training and recruitment fund to support the most in-demand industries, including construction, to help address Manitoba’s labour shortage – September 14

·    Remove the PST from the sale of trees and flowers – September 13

·    Releases economic development plan “Vision 2030” – September 11

·    Phase out the Payroll Tax over 8 years with a 50% reduction in 4 years – September 11

·    Allow seniors to defer property taxes and introduce $500 tax credit for home improvements – September 7

·    Eliminate the land transfer tax for first time home buyers – September 6

·    Reduce the tax rate for Manitoba’s lowest income tax bracket by 50% - September 5


Click here for PC Manitoba's announcements



·    Commits to removing the PST off new rental builds – September 20

·    Announces new affordable home energy program – September 20

·    Releases the “Manitoba Jobs for Manitobans” strategy which will ensure public infrastructure jobs are prioritized for Manitoba employers and workers – September 11

·    Bring in stronger rent control legislation and introduce a $700 tax credit to help make rent more affordable - August 25

·    Commits to funding 40 firefighters for a new fire hall in Waverley West – August 24

·    Freeze Manitoba Hydro rates for 1 year and will repeal Bill 36 – August 22

·    Commits to cut the gas tax and to give the Public Utilities Board new powers to review, investigate and regulate retail gasoline prices in Manitoba – August 21

·    Commit to not raise the PST – August 10

·    Commit to restore the 1-1 apprentice ratio – August 10

·    Commits to balance the province budget within the first term of government – August 9


Click here for Manitoba NDP's announcements


Liberal Party of Manitoba

·    Create a new $300 million Green Fund to help create green jobs, reduce energy costs and fight climate change – August 23

·    Establish a politically-independent Manitoba Business Development Bank – August 11


Click here to view the Manitoba Liberals 2023 Platform


Click here for Manitoba Liberals' announcements

Updates to Infill Housing Construction - Information Bulletin

“Infill housing construction” refers to construction on residential sites located in established neighbourhoods, either on existing vacant lots or with the demolition of an existing structure to accommodate the construction of a new structure. This includes single detached houses, semi-detached houses, duplexes as well as multi-unit residential complexes. Due to the proximity of infill construction sites to existing properties and structures, neighbouring properties may be impacted.

The Infill Housing Construction Information Bulletin was updated earlier this month and posted to the Information Bulletins webpage as bulletin number 2023-006-B/Z.

View the Information Builletin HERE

A Message from City of Winnipeg Zoning

We are pleased to advise that on September 25, 2023, the Zoning & Permits office located at Unit 31 – 30 Fort Street will be expanding in-person services, offering appointments to meet with Zoning Development Officers. 


Anyone wanting to meet with a Zoning Development Officer will need to book an appointment in advance. Walk-in appointments will not be available.


Ways to book an appointment:


General inquiries


Permits Online

Manitoba Hydro - 2023 Integrated Resource Plan

Manitoba Hydro’s first ever Integrated Resource Plan is now available on our website.

This plan is the result of over two years of work, including multiple rounds of engagement to build our understanding of Manitobans’ energy plans and perspectives. Thank you for your contribution to this work.

The feedback we received helped us to complete extensive modelling and analysis on a range of possible futures. Here’s some of what we learned:

  • The energy transition is already underway, driven by Canada’s move to net-zero goals and a low or no-carbon energy economy.
  • Electricity demand in our province could double in the next 20 years and new sources of generation could be needed within the next 10 years.
  • Investments to meet this additional electricity demand will put upward pressure on rates.
  • Managing this energy transition will be critical to ensuring we can continue to provide safe, reliable, and cost-effective energy for our customers.
  • Using energy efficiency to make the most of the energy we already have will be key to a successful energy transition.
  • Strategic use of natural gas will play a role in getting to net zero.
  • Wind generation is a cost-effective potential energy choice.


Visit Integrated Resource Plan to find out more about what we learned, the near-term actions we’re planning to take, and the key indicators, or signposts, we will monitor to understand how we can best prepare to meet the future energy needs of our customers.

A Message from OurWInnipeg 2045 Team

OurWinnipeg 2045 team would like to share that Council’s Strategic Priorities Action Plan (SPAP) was approved by Council on May 30, 2023 and can be viewed in its published format here. This direction will flow into the multi-year budget process underway internally.


Delegations who presented at the committee meetings or made a submission contributed to a stronger recommendation from Council to align SPAP with existing City master and strategic plans. Council’s Recommendation 4 states:


“That the Public Service work with Council and report back in September 2023 with a framework to measure and report on the Strategic Priorities Action Plan (SPAP) progress, including key performance indicators and how the Strategic Priorities Action Plan (SPAP) aligns with adopted Council policies and strategies (including for example, but not limited to, the Winnipeg Recreation & Parks Strategies, Community Energy Investment Roadmap (CEIR), the CSO Master Plan, Winnipeg Transit Master Plan, Newcomer Welcome and Inclusion Policy, etc.).”


If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

New Manitoba Hydro Land Management Site and Subdivision Status Dashboard

Manitoba Hydro’s Property Department has launched a Land Management Site. This is a new platform that offers resources and services related to land management dealings with Manitoba Hydro.

One particularly helpful feature of the site is the new Subdivision Status Dashboard, which allows you to check the status of your subdivision within Manitoba Hydro's easement obtaining process. The dashboard is best viewed on a desktop computer and offers a convenient way to stay informed about the progress of your subdivision.

The Manitoba Hydro Land Management Site currently offers a variety of helpful resources related to the subdivision process, including guides, links to service application forms, FAQ’s and will continue to expand and offer more resources over time.

A potential future development is the use of digital, online applications for Easement Encroachment.

We invite you to visit the site today to learn more about the resources and services available here.

Feedback and suggestions regarding the site and dashboard are gladly welcome by Manitoba Hydro and can be shared at the next meet up between Manitoba Hydro and the Urban Development Institute. 

MB Hydro - Residential Development

Manitoba Hydro has updated its website to allow developers to apply online for pre-serving of both residential and commercial developments. You can find more details from Manitoba Hydro via the links below:

Residential Developments

Commercial Developments

Residential construction investment drop

According to Statistics Canada residential construction fell 4.1% in July

How the Feds Could Push Cities to Build More Homes — with a Carrot or Stick

From local zoning to community consultations, there are plenty of ways cities are hitting the brakes on residential construction, even as Canada faces a significant housing shortage.

Betting on the promise of Pembina

Pemby site designed so it ‘takes advantage of the area’s surroundings’

Manitoba plans to use wind power to double or triple energy-generating capacity over next 2 decades

Future hydro-electric dams likely too costly, despite growing demand for electricity

Worker dies after high levels of carbon monoxide found in home under construction

A worker at a home under construction in Winnipeg has died after high levels of carbon monoxide were detected inside.

Highland Pointe approaches another milestone

Phase 2 of the 400-acre housing development near the north perimeter is expected to be complete by the end of summer

Roots of conflict between developer, Winnipeg city councillor date back 14 years

River Heights Coun. John Orlikow vowed to take time developing Parker lands after city hall 'rush job' in 2009

Inflation impacting developments in Winnipeg

MHBA President & CEO Lanny McInnes on how inflation has impacted the construction industry

Tower-ing opportunity in St. Boniface

Water Tower District development set for former Canada Packers site

Provincial money to help city reduce sewer backups, pollution

Manitoba is flowing more cash to the City of Winnipeg to stem chances of sewage backing up into basements and the Red River in southwest Winnipeg..