Navajos John and Lena Charley had a ministry among the elderly in senior citizen centers and nursing homes. They also taught preschool and boarding school children, had adult Bible studies, and visited homes and hospitals. John preached from time to time at camp meetings, and he and Lena taught Navajo reading and shared Christ at many funerals. A number of Navajos, including a medicine man, came to Christ through their witness.
In 2001 while running errands, Lena Charley died when a gusty wind caused her pickup to roll. It was during a week of Vacation Bible School and Foothills Bible Church from Littleton, Colorado, was there leading it. With John's encouragement, VBS continued.
After Lena died, Johanna, the youngest, continued in ministry with John. Home and nursing home visits built friendships. In homes when a need was expressed, the Word was opened and prayer was given to the only One who had the answer. If a family member died, John and Johanna were at the funeral encouraging those who were mourning.
Johanna expanded her ministry to church activities at Black Mountain Mission in the Tselani-Cottonwood area. Along with the things she did with her dad, she helped with Child Evangelism and taught youth. When John became ill with cancer, she took some time to care for him. Since John's death in 2014, she has carried on what they were doing together and what she was doing on her own. With her sweet and caring spirit she has been able to have a large impact on the youth of the community and of the church.
Foothills Bible Church has made it a tradition to come to the Charley home each summer and put on a VBS and the John and Lena Charley Memorial Basketball Tournament. This year's tournament will be held June 22-26 from 1-4 p.m. at the Tselani-Cottonwood school gymnasium. Johanna's siblings, Leslie, Jonathan, Jonah, and their children help Johanna with the tournament, working with the kids and giving their personal testimonies. Young and old look forward to the annual tournament. The event draws many children to the VBS and adults and youth to the tournaments. Many have come every year but there are always new faces.
Johanna is following in her parents' footsteps and was recently approved to start raising support to be a full-time missionary with UIM International. She desires to have the Lord glorified and lifted high as she strives to reach her people in the Tselani-Cottowood area for Him.