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Issue No. 12 - March 2014
In This Issue
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Special Advocates for Education

The Special Advocates for Education (SAFE) program focuses on the needs of foster and adoptive parents as they work with their local school systems to support positive educational experiences for the children in their care.  



For educational support and information, please call or email the SAFE Specialist nearest you.  Click here to view the SAFE Specialists by region.    


For more information, contact George Humlong, SAFE Program Coordinator.

Medically Fragile FY 2014 Training Dates
The training calendar for the Medically Fragile program is available here.

For more information, contact Lisa Casebier, Medically Fragile Program Coordinator.
Medically Fragile Logo
Continuing Education Program Announces New Spring Workshops

The UK College of Social Work Continuing Education Program provides life-long learning opportunities for social workers and other health professionals to enhance their knowledge and skills and to help them meet state licensing requirements. Courses include cutting-edge programs in areas such as mental health services and interventions, substance abuse, domestic violence, child maltreatment, management, HIV/AIDS, clinical supervision, and ethics. Check out this link to see the exciting training opportunities coming this spring. Full workshop descriptions, online trainings, and online registration available at


For more information, contact Jessica Morris, Continuing Education Program Director. 


F.A.S.Track Keeps Parents Informed
F.A.S.Track is a DCBS publication produced by our Resource Parent Training Program.


This edition of F.A.S.Track focuses on the training and support available to DCBS resource parents across the Commonwealth.  It includes articles from the following programs offered in partnership with DCBS: 

  • Adoption Support for Kentucky
  • Kentucky Foster and Adoptive Parent Training Support Network
  • Kentucky Foster/Adoptive Care Association
  • Resource Parent Mentor Program

These articles include dates, times and locations for training and support group activities.


There is information related to adoption, medically fragile care, parenting youth in foster care, and the wonderful children awaiting a forever family through the Special Needs Adoption Program (SNAP).  


To submit items for publication consideration, please email   

George Humlong 


To view and/or download current and past issues of FASTrack please visit: 


What Works in Child Welfare Conference - Call for Proposals

The Statewide Citizen Review Panel (CRP) will be hosting the Third Annual "What Works in Child Welfare" conference on May 30, 2014 in Frankfort.  We are looking for presenters who can offer a 40 minute presentation on a topic that is proven to be effective in preventing or addressing child abuse and neglect.


View the proposal application here.  


For more information, contact Blake Jones, CRP Program Director. 


The University of Kentucky College of Social Work's Training Resource Center (UK TRC) is dedicated to providing training, technical assistance, service, and evaluation to professionals and caregivers working to improve the well-being of families, children, and communities.
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University of Kentucky College of Social Work Training Resource Center
One Quality Street
Suite 700
Lexington, KY 40507

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