Summer Newsletter
A Message from our Campus Minister
The image you see above is from our last worship of the spring semester. During the sermon I invited the students to think about what was distracting them from paying attention to the beauty of the world around them. Because the reality is we are all so over-scheduled, over-planned, over-stretched, that we miss the grass beneath our feet and the welcome of our neighbor. During communion I had students draw what helps them pay attention. One student drew the UKirk house, because it is a place where they can center, rest, recalibrate, and be fully themselves. It was the reminder that I needed to pay attention to wood floors of this house, the old door frames and brick work. This house, and these students, are a great reminder that ministry is happening, in the simple action of welcoming one another, of offering a cup of coffee, or a "how are you". So as we fly through this summer, I hope you find space to be present, maybe draw with some chalk, or just take a deep breath and notice where God is already at work in this world and where we are invited to join in.
Rev. Rachel Penmore
Welcome our 2023-2024 UKirk Interns!
Audrey Blackburn - Worship
I am a senior majoring in Spanish and minoring Sign Language with the hopes of being a high school Spanish teacher. Ukirk has always felt like a second home to me so I am super excited to be the worship intern! While I have grown up in the Presbyterian church, I am looking forward to growing more in my personal faith journey with this position and continue to represent UKirk as the loving and welcoming environment it serves to the community.

Selina Ward - Community Life
I’m a rising junior. I’m majoring in Psychology with a minor in Child and Family Studies. I joined UKirk freshman year and am looking forward to being an intern for the 23-24 school year! 

Outside of UKirk, I’m a member of Delta Gamma, Vol Swim Club, and Brain Exercise Initiative. I enjoy reading, working out, swimming and spending time with friends and family in my free time!
Zach Wright - Hospitality
I am excited to serve as the Hospitality Intern for the upcoming school year. I am a senior majoring in kinesiology. I am from Knoxville and grew up going to Fountain City Presbyterian Church. Outside of UKIRK I am involved in Diversity Educators and The Kinesiology Student Association on campus. In my free time I enjoy playing soccer, hanging out with friends, and going to any UT sporting event. 

Footvol Parking Update
We are SOLD OUT of football parking spaces for the 2023-2024 season. Thank you for all your support of UKirk and for supporting our Vols!
If you would like to be added to our waitlist please email [email protected]
Important Fall Dates!
Mark your calendars
Want to know how to support our students?

UKirk is an entirely donor funded ministry, and the reason we can create such vibrant ministry is because of your support. Please consider a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor with UKirk and help us continue to create a spiritual home for our students on UT's campus!

Throughout each week we do our best to provide healthy accessible meals and snacks for our students to help fight food insecurity on campus.

There are many ways you can help support and feed our students. Here are a few ways!

  • $150 will sponsor one Free Monday Lunch
  • $250 will sponsor one Wednesday night dinner 

We remind our students every chance we get that they are a part of the connectional church. IT is a community that lifts one another up , supports one another, and prays for one another. Know we are praying for you and we appreciate you keeping us in your prayers!
At UKirk UTK, we believe that every person, without qualification, should have the opportunity for God’s amazing love to be made known to them. We believe what God intends for the world is a reality in which people recognize God’s image in the other and value diversity of perspective, race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ideological and political beliefs, or any other point of contention or division in our society. We believe all people are invited to Christ’s table, not to fit in, but rather to bring their honest, authentic, and, at times, broken selves to belong and experience the grace of God.
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