Valley Ridge District
Virginia Conference
United Methodist Church
October 30, 2023
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At our best, we are the spirit-filled, resilient, connected, missional, faithful, diverse, deeply rooted, committed, disciple-making, Jesus-seeking, generous, justice-seeking, world-changing people of God called The United Methodist Church.
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Valley Ridge District seeks a part-time Director of Communications and Programming to join a team committed to equipping clergy and laity to serve in our local churches and communities.
Find this job description, along with others from local churches and ministry partners, on our website HERE.
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Valley Ridge District Day, November 18, 2023 | |
Beginning at 9:30 AM at First UMC, 125 W. Main Street in Salem, the Valley Ridge District will hold a morning of charge conferences, district conference, learning, and fellowship.
United as One in Mission will be our theme for the day. We will be collecting socks, gloves, and hand warmers. Collect now and bring your church's donations on November 18. They will bless the ministries at Embrace, a Valley Ridge District mission hub.
We need District At-Large Lay Members to Annual Conference in Hampton, June 20-22, and any special called Annual Conferences in 2024. Interested youth, young adults, and adults are encouraged to complete a form before November 1, 2023. Access the form using the button below. NOTE: If you have already filled out a nomination form, you do not need to fill out another one. Please contact Cindy Martin at CindyMartin@vaumc.org if you are unsure if you have completed a nomination form.
You may share this opportunity with others in your congregation.
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Celebrations in the Valley Ridge District | |
On Sunday, October 29, ten beautiful souls were baptized, and one was reaffirmed from the McDowell Charge in Highland County. Rev. Doug Forrester, Valley Ridge District Superintendent, presided with their pastor, Yoonsik "Bright" Lee. | |
Our Valley Ridge District UMVIM (United Methodist Volunteers in Mission) team has returned home after serving in North Carolina. Members of the team came from: Calvary UMC-Stuarts Draft, Cave Spring UMC, Central UMC-Staunton, Glovier Memorial UMC, Greene Memorial UMC, Main Street UMC, People United in Christ UMC, and St. Johns UMC-Staunton. We celebrate and give thanks for their work this past week with Carolina Rebuilding Ministry! Find more about their work on our Facebook page. | |
The Valley Ridge District Board of Church Location and Building (DBCLB) has undertaken the responsibilities of strategically examining the missional needs of our local churches, ministries, and communities and extending opportunities for churches and ministries to request grants. Applications are being accepted for the DBCLB's second grant cycle for 2023. Grant applications will be received through November 30, 2023. CLICK HERE to get the application in PDF format. An electronic fillable version of the application is available upon request.
The Valley Ridge District offers local churches micro-grants for communications and marketing efforts during the 2023 Advent/Christmas season. These grants can be used to promote your church's upcoming events this season through social media ads, banners, yard signs, mailings, or other ways your church communicates with its congregation and community. The deadline to complete this application found HERE is November 30, 2023.
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Seeing all the activities and events planned in our local churches and communities is exciting. This is a hope-filled time of connection and outreach. We have dedicated a NEW webpage to all these events and activities and welcome your contributions. Click the link below to find out how to share your event and to see upcoming activities near you.
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The Virginia Conference Treasurer's Office provides a monthly newsletter, Dollar and Sense, to support our local churches' work. Find the latest issue HERE.
2024 Apportionment/Asking statements were distributed for all churches earlier this month to pastors and other church leaders. Contact Donna Desper at DonnaDesper@vaumc.org if they were not received.
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UM Day at the General Assembly is February 1, 2024 in Richmond You can register here.
Faithful United Methodists from across Virginia have gathered in Richmond for over 30 years to advocate for their neighbors. Individuals arrange visits with their Senators to discuss issues that are relevant to the UM faith with direction from partners at the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy and other advocacy groups. If you are interested in putting your faith into action, register today. Learn more about the event you can sign up for the Preview Meeting on November 30 at 7 PM Learn more.
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Hermitage, Roanoke Community Guild | |
Hermitage Roanoke Community Guild is sponsoring a “brick” drive for a Reflection Garden at Hermitage Roanoke (the only Virginia Conference United Methodist residence for senior adults west of Richmond) to help celebrate 60 years of faithful service to our community. Anyone who would like to recognize a family member or friend—‘in honor’ or “in memory” is encouraged to purchase a brick. CLICK HERE for the informational flyer. | |
All God's Children Camp dates are set for 2024. We need 90 folks who are willing to volunteer a week this coming summer and spend time in the great outdoors while mentoring some amazing campers who have an incarcerated parent. So grab your Sr. High youth group, your Young Adult group or any other adult group in your church and join us! Contact Lori Smith at agcc.vaumc.org for more information. | | | | |