Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, July 27, 2023
This Sunday we embark on exploring your submitted questions about faith! The first question that we will look into is, "I believe in a Loving God...but what about suffering?" Why is there suffering in the world? Where is God in the midst of suffering? How are we, as the church and as individuals, to respond to the painful situations we find around us? These are big questions but we will spend some time reflecting this Sunday, I hope you will join us.  
Reminder: We have resumed in-person worship and continue to live-stream the service on our website and YouTube channel.
Join Us This Sunday!
Hedwige Mutwale, the daughter of missionaries we support at UMC Tanzania, Mutwale Ntambo and Kabaka Alphonsine, will be visiting us during Sunday service on July 30th. Hedwige has her two children with her at Drew University, Madison, NJ as she works on her Master of Divinity program after completing undergraduate and Masters degrees at Africa University in Zimbabwe.  She will share her story and bring greetings from her parents in Tanzania.  We will have a display and post service time to talk in Fellowship Hall. Church & Society and Mission & Service share in this mission.  
With Gratitude-
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who came to lend a hand in any way during the week that we were short handed. Special thanks to Rev. David Henritzy and Anne Hughes-Hinnen for leading in Worship during Pastor Cam's vacation. We are grateful for all the help!
All Sing Sunday-
Rehearsal at 9:15 in the Sanctuary Chancel
VBS Donations Needed
You can be a HERO by donating snacks to the upcoming VBS in August! There is a sign up list in the foyer. Lots of items needed from grapes to graham crackers. Any questions, reach out to Bonnie Deroski.
Hygiene Kit Assembly-8/13
The Mission & Service Committee will be assembling hygiene kits for CWS in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, August 13 after Worship. Come lend a hand, if you can!
Thank You for Pledging!
We are wrapping up the pledging phase of the Capital Campaign! With $266,240 pledged we are 89% to our pledge goal of $300,000! We are so grateful for your partnership in building out our vision of being the best, most welcoming church we can be. 
Book Club-
The next UWF Book Club meeting will be on Thursday, September 28 from 1:00-2:00 pm in the Church Lounge. The selection to read for this meeting is "The Lacuna" by Barbara Kingsolver. All are welcome to attend. Contact Helen Vetter for more information
Mark Your Calendars and Register Your Teams! Red Bank CROP Walk is Less Than 3 Months Away!
Backpack Crew Pantry
Donations Always Welcome
The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday though Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
The current donation request is CANNED FRUIT of any kind.
Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care, please contact Pastor Cam at (732) 747-0446.