Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Worship Sneak Peek
December 5, 2021 at 10:00 am
Join us for worship this Sunday in person or online at 10:00 am as we continue our countdown to Christmas with an Advent sermon series called, “Home for Christmas”. This second Sunday of Advent, we are reminded that going home is never as easy as it sounds. The call to come home means overcoming our fears that it won’t work the way we hope, and it means committing to be an example of the kingdom in our life together. Hope to see you either in person or online!
Reminder: We have resumed in-person worship and continue to live-stream the service on our website and YouTube channel.

Congregational Singing Has Resumed
Warm up those vocal cords, for we are inviting the congregation to sing with the choir on the hymns in worship again. Everyone in the building on Sundays is asked to abide by our masking policy and keep masks covering their mouth and nose at all times. Also, please remember the socially-distanced seating is always available under the balcony in the rear of the Sanctuary for those who prefer to ensure distance between themselves and fellow worshipers.
Volunteers Needed for Saturday with Santa/Community Christmas Party Helpers
Join the jolly volunteer team for the Saturday with Santa, Community Holiday Party on December 4th from 1-3. We need volunteers to help host this fun, outreach event. We'll need some greeters, craft and games helpers and some people to arrive at 3 and help clean up. Questions reach out to Suzanne Stonaker, Kathy Kelley or Bonnie Deroski or you can simply sign up to help here:
Men's Fellowship- Church Exterior Decorating- Saturday, December 4
Come join the Men's Fellowship this Saturday at 8:30 am as they decorate and illuminate the exterior of the church. All men are welcomed to join and lend a hand.
Angel Tree Is Back!
Bring your gifts by Sunday, Dec. 12
Club 77 and the Mustard Seeds have hung ornaments on the Angel Tree with care, and it’s in the back entry outside of Fellowship Hall. We’re working with Moms Helping Friends in Need again to make Christmas a bit happier for some local families. If you’re not ready to come back to church but want to get a gift for the Angel Tree, there will be a link on the Church’s website to a list of the toys and games we’re looking for. Please mark which gift you’ve chosen on the site so we can check it off our list. Gifts can be dropped off on Sundays mornings or left with the front office at Church during the week. Moms Helping Friends in Need will be picking everything up on Sunday Dec. 12. Gifts on a Star, Stocking or Bell ornament must be in by 10 AM that Sunday.
Thank you all for your generosity in supporting the Angel Tree every year!
Now Accepting Orders for Poinsettias Through December 19

Help beautify the Sanctuary for our Christmas Eve worship celebrations AND honor someone special at the same time.
Orders can be placed by order form in the Office or Online through our Church website.

Contact Amanda in the office for more information.
Advent Small Group Study
Mondays at 7:30 pm Online

We welcome you to join us for an advent study on Monday evenings starting November 29 and running through December 20. The study follows the scriptures used in Sunday worship during Advent. Join the discussion as we prepare our hearts for Christmas. See the church website for a zoom link and contact Barbara Roguski for more information.
Advent Options Alternative Gift Giving
Looking for the perfect Christmas gift? Give the gift of food, stability, or shelter to someone in need. On December 12th and 19th, stop by the Advent Options table to purchase alternative Christmas gifts in support of the NoLimits Cafe, Family Promise, and UMCOR Disaster Relief. Give a gift that gives back and bring a smile to friends and family.
Blue Christmas Service -
Tuesday, 12/21at 7 pm
Christmas is not always the "most wonderful time of year" if you are grieving losses or facing challenges in life. Join us Tuesday, December 21 at 7:00 PM for a Blue Christmas service designed to help give voice to those who are struggling in this season.
Backpack Crew Pantry
Donations Welcome

The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday though Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
The current donation request is PASTA SAUCE.
Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
Stewardship Season-2022
We Need Your Help!

Our 2022 financial pledges currently stand at $215,967 so we are well on our way to our 2022 pledged giving goal of $300,000. To those who have already pledged, Thank You! Our stewardship campaign will officially wrap up on Sunday, January 16th, so if you have not sent in your pledge card, you’re not too late! Together, we make a positive difference in our community.
Book Club - All are Welcome!

Book Club will be meeting January 27, 2022 at 1:00 pm in the library.

The book selection for this meeting is The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd.

Contact Helen Vetter at (732) 741- 0051 with any questions.
Adult Education In person or Online

Adult Education class is meeting 8:45-9:45 am on Sundays in person and has an online option on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm through Zoom. We will start the Fall with a DVD lecture by Father Richard Rohr on the stages of spiritual development. We are then looking to move into his book Falling Upward about moving into the “second half of life” and the failures, disappointments, or even tragedies that are often instrumental in our coming to question the values of the “first half of life” and begin the search for something deeper. 
We are no longer collecting bottle caps and plastic bags at church
Read on to find out why and discover easy ways to continue your recycling efforts for a greener earth!

At a recent visit to Mazza’s recycling center, we learned Bottle Caps are now accepted in our single stream recycling! However, unless they’ve been twisted back onto a bottle, they can fall through spaces in sorting equipment. So before tossing into the blue bin, make sure caps are screwed on.

Because it is now so easy to recycle caps from home, we will no longer be collecting caps at church.
Single Use Plastic Grocery Bags and other stretchy plastics do not belong in your single stream recycling as they can damage sorting equipment. However, they can easily be recycled at any number of locations in the area. Recycling sites include Middletown Reclamation Center (for residents only) and a variety of local grocery and department stores such as Target, Whole Foods and Kohl’s. 

We ended our plastic collection efforts in February of 2020 when we completed our TREX Challenge and received a free bench. If you haven’t seen the bench stop by the playground and check it out!
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care,
please contact Rev. Jessica Naulty at 908-400-2343 or