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Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!


Thursday, February 29, 2024

Click to watch Pastor Cam's Weekend Preview-

Please join us Sundays at 10:00 am for Worship in person and online.

HUBOB Super Soup Sale-3/3

Our Super Soup Sale will feature quarts of Soup, Chili, and more, such as biscuits and cornbread. Help the Church Budget by making some Soup and Chili and bring it to sell on Sunday, March 3rd. Sign up in Fellowship Hall to tell the HUBOB Team what you plan to make and you'll get your quart containers and instructions on labeling your soup. Soup will be on sale after Worship.

The "Best Corned Beef in Town" is Almost Here!

Don’t miss out on the Annual Scholastic Assistance Committee Fund-Raising Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner—Takeout only--on Saturday, March 16th, from 4:00 to 6:30. The cost of the takeout only dinner is $15.

 As was stated in the annual letter, you may also become a patron of the work of our committee by donating $20 and receiving one free ticket or donating $35 and receiving two free tickets. Again, we do not discourage larger donations. 

Tickets and/or Patron contributions will also be on sale in Fellowship Hall after church services, as well as at the takeout dinner itself. Please invite your neighbors and friends to come! Also, please bring your own bag/s!

We are also asking you to donate an hour or two of your time on that Saturday morning, or that Saturday afternoon/evening.  Please sign up in Fellowship Hall and/or let a Scholastic Assistance Committee member know you can lend us a hand.

Thank you for your continued and generous support of the work of our committee to supply financial help to our college/university students.

Any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to call Barbara Guenther at 732-203-1970.  

Our Green Faith congregation is a caretaker of our living planet and we want to plant trees this spring to keep a healthy environment, provide for fresh air, and homes for birds, animals and pollinating insects. Tree roots also hold moisture and prevent erosion. Please sign up to get a seedling plant and to take care of planet earth! The Green Faith Team will coordinate a group planting event soon after kids get the seedlings, or you can plant yours in your yard. Visit

https://www.neighborhoodforest.org/parent-registration/?school=18603 to register your child.

Easter Flower Orders Now Through 3/17-

Springtime is here and the celebration of the renewal of Easter is coming soon! Starting Sunday through March 17, flowers for our Easter service can be purchased online or through paper form found in the bulletin on Sundays. They make wonderful gifts for family and friends and help beautify our Sanctuary. Flowers can be in memory, honor or celebration of friends or family. Plants are $20.00 each.

Make Sure to Take Your Lenten Devotional Booklet this Sunday at Worship!

This year, we are taking a Lenten journey with the contributors of “A Sanctified Art,” as we journey with them through Lent reflecting on the spiritual practices of cultivating and letting go. Each week of Lent features scripture, poetry, and an opportunity to reflect through journaling and coloring. We hope that these resources will be helpful to you and will deepen the meaning of your Lenten journey!

UWF Craft Group-

Easter & St. Patrick's Day Cards Available

Craft Group is currently featuring St. Patrick's Day cards and Easter cards. Stop by our table in Fellowship Hall on Sunday mornings to see our handiwork. Cards are $1.00 each, and your purchases help United Women in Faith fulfill their budgeted mission donations.

Adult Education-New Series

Two of the finest spiritual thinkers of our time, Joan Chittister and Richard Rohr, encourage us to be prophetic voices in our time: called to a Third Way—in the words of Jeremiah, "a heart of flesh"—in contrast to the righteousness so common in Western society today. Joan challenges us by asking, "Who are you?" while Richard dares us to change now.

Six sessions include these topics:

           Opening Remarks: Joan Chittister & Richard Rohr

           Prophetic Spirit for Today: Joan Chittister

           Order vs. Charism: Richard Rohr

           Dialogue: Joan Chittister & Richard Rohr

           Women, Religion and War: Joan Chittister

           Seeing in a New Way: Richard Rohr

These teachings were presented at a conference in 2006.

VBS 2024-Registration Open

Follow the clues to register your child or volunteer to help with this year's VBS - Seekers in Sneakers: Discover Jesus!  VBS is taking place in June 24-28, 9:30 am-12:00 pm for children entering Kindergarten in Fall 2024 to children who completed 6th grade in Spring 2024.

Geocaching activities will challenge children to dig into the Bible to find the way to Jesus. This journey of discovery has many twists and turns, so children will learn to:

- ask questions

- work with others

- shine their light in the world

- follow Jesus’ example of serving others, and

- trust Jesus when things go wrong

Visit https://www.umcredbank.org/vacation-bible-school-2024/ to register and/or volunteer.

Free-Health-Camp-or-Yoga-Class image

Saturday Yoga

Get ready to move! YOGA is back! Every Saturday morning from 8:45-10 am in Room 114 or online. (the link can be found on the church calendar.) Join us for movement meditation and community. All levels are welcome. Bring a mat, towel and water. This is a donation based class to benefit UMCRB.

BPC Food Pantry- Donations Welcome

The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday though Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.

The current donation request is *HUNT'S* Tomato Sauce or any tomato sauce NOT in glass jars.

Thank you for your continued support. Email us at backpackcrewnj@gmail.com with any questions.

Worship Readers Needed!

Would you lend your voice to our worship service on Sundays? If this interests you, visit www.signupgenius.com/go/9040f45abaf2fa0fe3-worship1#/ to sign up to read. We appreciate the generosity of this congregation always being willing to serve our church in many ways. Contact Amanda in the office with any questions or if you need help signing up.

Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care, please contact Pastor Cam at (732) 747-0446.
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