Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Pastor Cam's Weekend Preview-
Come and join us at Pride in the Park this Saturday at Riverside Park in Red Bank between 1 and 4PM. As a congregation, we continue to celebrate the beautiful spectrum in which God has created us!  On Sunday, we will continue our journey with our approach to scripture that reconciles with the world around us. Specifically, we are taking a look at the way scripture was used to denounce Galileo's heliocentric model of the universe, and what we can learn from how scripture was used in that debate in world history.  
Reminder: We have resumed in-person worship and continue to live-stream the service on our website and YouTube channel.
Summer Song Requests-
We want your input! All are invited to pick up an index card during worship over the next couple of weeks and to share your top 3 or 4 favorite hymns. We will be drawing from the list we compile during the months of July and August when planning our congregational hymns!  
I Believe...But-
People of faith are not immune to doubts or questions regarding various elements of our religion and religious expression. It is important to remember, that doubt is not the opposite of faith, but a tool to investigate and go deeper into it. What doubts do you have? What questions about this faith we claim here at UMCRB? Over the next few weeks, you are invited to share your questions via index card. This summer, Pastor Cam will dive into some the common themes that arise from the questions gathered. 
Pride in the Park- 6/10
We invite you to join our Church and Society team at Riverside Gardens Park on Saturday, June 10th from 1-5 as we celebrate and support Pride in the Park in Red Bank. If you're interested in helping set up around noon, cleaning up around 5, or representing our church anytime in between, please call Kathy Hackler at 732-670-4706 or email The more the merrier and we'd love to have you there with us.
"On a Sunday Afternoon" Fundraiser Luncheon at Thomas T. Fortune Cultural Center-6/11
The T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center's On A Sunday Afternoon luncheon and fundraiser June 11 will kick off Juneteenth Week. There is a luncheon and lecture with Dr. Khalil Gabran Muhammad from noon to 3 p.m., June 11 for $50. There is also a package for the lecture and then a show following at the Two River Theater in Red Bank for a 3 p.m. matinee of "Two Sisters and a Piano." That combination is $100.
UWF Craft Group Meeting- 6/13
Craft Group will meet on Tuesday, June 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Library Lounge area. We will be getting our 4th of July and summer cards ready for display on Sunday mornings. We have some Father's Day and Graduation cards left too. If you would like to knit or do another craft, you are welcome to bring your handiwork and enjoy the fun and fellowship with us!
Count Basie Center for the Arts Juneteenth Celebration-6/14
The Count Basie Center for the Arts will hold a community Juneteenth celebration on at The Vogel, 99 Monmouth St. The entry is free with a $10 suggested donation. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. The event will feature a performance by the Count Basie Center Gospel Choir, led by director Gwen Moten. A theatrical presentation of Moten’s life story, "From Birmingham to Botswana," will open the evening’s festivities. Also performing are Calpulli Mexican Dance Company’s Red Bank community, Italy Lee, 2022 state champion of the national Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Out Loud recitation competition, Vocalist and Jersey Shore musical luminary, Layonne Holmes, Percussionist and educator Ty Laws, Pastor Terrence Porter of Red Bank’s Pilgrim Baptist Church, and hosts Jaz Graham and Delisha Grant.
Hygiene Kit Collection-
Mission and Service Committee is asking the church family to donate items for Hygiene Kits. The kits will be given to Church World Service (CWS) for disaster relief. We are trying to assemble 100 kits.
ITEMS NEEDED:  Hand towels approximately 15"x28" to 16"x32" (no fingertip, bath size, dish towel or microfiber); sturdy - wide tooth comb (no pocket size, picks, or rattail); bath size bar of soap in the wrapper (no Ivory or Jergens); and Toothbrush in the package.
Please put your donations in the BOX by the back doors. Tentative assembly will be sometime in June.  Monetary donations are also accepted. Please make check payable to RBUMC with notation for "Hygiene Kits". Thank you for helping us reach our goal. Any questions, please contact Carol Voorhees at 732-670-6270.
We are moving into the pledging phase of the Capital Campaign!  Thank you to all who attended a cottage meeting and to all of the hosts for their wonderful hospitality.  We would love for your partnership in building out our vision of being the best, most welcoming church we can be!  If you are led to do so, you are invited to make a pledge by the end of June!  Good news, after our leadership pledges, we are almost half way pledged to our goal of raising $300,000! THANK YOU!
Red Bank Juneteenth Celebration-6/18
Red Bank is hosting its 4th annual Juneteenth Celebration at Johnny Jazz Park from 1:00-4:00 pm on Sunday, June 18th. This event features live jazz, performances, guest speakers, vendors, food trucks, giveaways and more!
UWF Book Club Meeting-6/22
The next book club meeting will be on Thursday, June 22 at 1:00 in the lounge. The June selection is "The Stolen Book of Evelyn Aubrey: A Novel" by Serena Burdick. Contact Helen Vetter for more information. All are welcome to attend.
Backpack Crew Pantry
Donations Always Welcome
The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday though Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
The current donation request is Boxed or Pouches of Instant Mashed Potatoes. 
Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
VBS 2023-Sign Up Now to Volunteer
Do you like running kids games and leading sports? VBS is seeking an adult leader for the Recreation Station from August 7-11 from 9-noon. See Bonnie Deroski for more info.
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care,
please contact Rev. Cameron Overbey at or call (732) 747-0446.