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Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Click to watch Pastor Cam's Weekend Preview-

Please join us Sundays at 10:00 am for Worship in person and online.

UWF General Meeting-2/17

The ladies of the UWF invite all to their next general meeting on Saturday, February 17 at 10 AM.  We have a wonderful speaker scheduled to be with us --Kabaka Ndala Alphonsine from Tanzania.  Our church helps support Kabaka and her husband so this is your chance to meet and listen to her. Contact Gerri Poranski at gporanski713@yahoo.com for more information.

Upcoming Missionary Visit-

2/17 (UWF Meeting and Lunch) & 2/18

Our friends from Tanzania, Mutwale and Kabaka, will be visiting our church for a few days in February.  They have much news to share with us about their work (over 35 years) of planting church communities and providing help to widows, orphans, and families, especially with skills to survive and education for their young children.  The government does not provide pre schools nor does it support much primary education, so our funds from our conference really make a difference in how they can help so many others. Some of the programs supported by the missionaries are: Mission Center projects, Womens Activities in the Tanzania Conference, the building of a preschool a guest house at center, and the work with youth, sewing project and now building a primary school classroom. On Saturday, Feb. 17th we will talk with Kabaka during our UWF meeting with a clergy and laity lunch at 11:30. On Sunday, there will be a clergy conversation during worship and sup and sandwich after worship.  Please come to meet them, hear their story, and learn how our funds in mission help all of us learn about another culture!  Any French or Swahili speakers? If not, no problem, as they speak English!  See you soon.  - Janie Schildge

Make Sure to Take Your Lenten Devotional Booklet this Sunday at Worship!

This year, we are taking a Lenten journey with the contributors of “A Sanctified Art,” as we journey with them through Lent reflecting on the spiritual practices of cultivating and letting go. Each week of Lent features scripture, poetry, and an opportunity to reflect through journaling and coloring.  We hope that these resources will be helpful to you and will deepen the meaning of your Lenten journey!

UWF Book Club- 2/22

The UWF Book Club's next meeting is on Thursday, February 22, at 1:00 pm in the lounge. The February selection is "Justice Crimes, Trials, and Punishments" by Dominick Dunne. If you would like to get started on the next selection, please read "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

From 10:00-12:00, all are welcome to bring their favorite title by an African-American author to read (or have read) for the group, or just join us and listen. Appropriate for all ages and especially families with children 2-12+ years old.

The Mission and Service Team would like to thank the congregation for their continued support and generosity. In 2023, we as a church had the honor of donating to the following 25 organizations:

  • The Source (Red Bank Regional High School)
  • Parker Family Health Center
  • UMCOR : Earthquake Relief Turkey and Syria; Israel Relief
  • Crop Walk
  • University of Minnesota Global Surgery Program
  • Madonna House
  • Oasis TLC
  • Mary's Place By The Sea
  • The Center in Asbury Park
  • Interfaith Neighbors
  • Monmouth Day Care
  • Serenity Stables from Combat to Calm
  • Habitat for Humanity Monmouth County
  • HABcore
  • Kabaka
  • UMC of Red Bank Scholarship Fund
  • No Limits Cafe
  • Lunchbreak
  • Family Promise
  • Men's Hope and Comfort Center
  • Bridge of Books
  • Waves of Education (Advent Option)
  • Women's Heartwarming Center (Advent Option)
  • CWS Blanket Fund (Advent Option)
  • We collected and assembled 100 Health Kits for CWS

We are making a difference in our community as we do God's work.


The Mission and Service Team

GreenFaith Meeting-2/25

The next GreenFaith meeting will be on Sunday, February 25th at 11:30 am in the lounge. Please come with your ideas on where we should focus our efforts in a changing environment. Take a look at this article about Bishop Agustín Altamirano Ramos and his efforts in Mexico here. Thanks for caring for planet earth.

Announcing the Annual Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner-3/16

Please mark your calendars for the Scholastic Assistance Corned Beef and Cabbage Takeout Only Dinner to be held on Sat., March 16th from 4:00—6:30.  Please send your green Patron/Ticket form and check to Peg Rizzo with # of ticket requests (see letter previously sent). Doing this early will help give us an accurate count to determine how much corned beef and other food to purchase. Tickets will also be sold at Fellowship Time on Sundays and at the door. We will also be happy to accept Patron donations at those times.  

Free-Health-Camp-or-Yoga-Class image

Saturday Yoga

Get ready to move! YOGA is back! Every Saturday morning from 8:45-10 am in Room 114 or online. (the link can be found on the church calendar.) Join us for movement meditation and community. All levels are welcome. Bring a mat, towel and water. This is a donation based class to benefit UMCRB.

VBS Adult Volunteers Needed-

We are looking for some new adult volunteers for VBS this summer from June 24-28, 9:30-12:00. Even if you have no idea what VBS entails, we'd love you to explore the opportunity. We'll train you for what you would need to do. No experience necessary. Just a willingness to do something new and share your kindness with the kids. Please contact Bonnie at bderoski@umcredbank.org.

BPC Food Pantry- Donations Welcome

The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday though Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.

The current donation request is *HUNT'S* Tomato Sauce or any tomato sauce NOT in glass jars.

Thank you for your continued support. Email us at backpackcrewnj@gmail.com with any questions.

Worship Readers Needed!

Would you lend your voice to our worship service on Sundays? If this interests you, visit www.signupgenius.com/go/9040f45abaf2fa0fe3-worship1#/ to sign up to read. We appreciate the generosity of this congregation always being willing to serve our church in many ways. Contact Amanda in the office with any questions or if you need help signing up.

Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care, please contact Pastor Cam at (732) 747-0446.
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