The "Best Corned Beef in Town" is Almost Here!
Don’t miss out on the Annual Scholastic Assistance Committee Fund-Raising Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner—Takeout only--on Saturday, March 16th, from 4:00 to 6:30. The cost of the takeout only dinner is $15.
As was stated in the annual letter, you may also become a patron of the work of our committee by donating $20 and receiving one free ticket or donating $35 and receiving two free tickets. Again, we do not discourage larger donations.
Tickets and/or Patron contributions will also be on sale in Fellowship Hall after church services, as well as at the takeout dinner itself. Please invite your neighbors and friends to come! Also, please bring your own bag/s!
We are also asking you to donate an hour or two of your time on that Saturday morning, or that Saturday afternoon/evening. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall and/or let a Scholastic Assistance Committee member know you can lend us a hand.
Thank you for your continued and generous support of the work of our committee to supply financial help to our college/university students.
Any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to call Barbara Guenther at 732-203-1970.