Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Pastor Cam's Weekend Preview-
Reminder: We have resumed in-person worship and continue to live-stream the service on our website and YouTube channel.
Capital Campaign 2023-
Sign Up For a Cottage Meeting
During this phase of the Capital Campaign, everyone is invited to sign up and attend a "cottage meeting!" These gatherings are an opportunity to gather in small groups to view a presentation with more details regarding the upcoming projects, receive literature about the campaign, and learn more about how to support and contribute to the effort! Not the least of all, they are opportunities for small group fellowship! To accommodate varying schedules, many sessions have been scheduled over the next month. Here are the available dates:
Cottage Meeting Schedule:
May 15 at 7 pm - Jenni & Brian Foster
May 17 at 7 pm - Bobbie Ridgely & Mike McGroary
May 21 at 11:30 am - Church Lounge
May 22 at 7 pm - Church Lounge
May 23 at 7 pm - George & Janie Schildge
May 24 at 7 pm - Andy & Karen Judkis
May 30 at 7 pm - Mark & Kathy Hackler
June 6 at 7 pm - Janet Early & Bob Shindel 
Sign up by visiting the table during fellowship time or by reaching out to Amanda in the church office! Thank you for your support and partnership!
  • Youth Sunday 5/14
  • Church Grounds Clean Up Day 5/20
  • UWF Sunday 5/21
  • Confirmation Sunday 5/28
  • Scholastic Assistance Sunday 6/18
Plant & Play Was a Success- Thank You to All Who Helped!
Our pollinator garden is filled with plants! A big thank you to our youngest church members for helping out. Thank you to Janie Schildge for leading the littles in our day of fun!
Thank You Youth Leaders!
As we celebrate our youth this week, we want to thank our youth leaders for their amazing work with the kids this year. We send our heartfelt thanks to Greg Jansky, Jim Stonaker, Sue Stonaker, Kathy Kelly & Alyce Zabawa. Your leadership is a blessing to the youth here at UMC Red Bank!
Participate in "No Mow May" and Help Pollinators!
Attention Church Council Members:
We have been approved to hold a special session of our Charge Conference on May 14th @ 11:30 (After Worship on Sunday). We will have 2 items of business to vote on.
1. To elect a second alternate lay delegate for the 2023 Annual Conference session. Layperson, Carol Rigler is duly qualified and has been nominated by the Nominations Committee and the nomination affirmed by Church Council. Due to schedule conflicts our elected delegate and first alternate are unable to attend this year's session.  
2. To accept a gift from the estate of Susan Drury.
We will gather in the lounge at 11:30. The entirety of the meeting should take no longer than 15 minutes or so. If you are able to join us for this brief time together, that would be most appreciated!
CO2 Emission Avoidance Update-
From April 1 - May 2, we have avoided 8798 lbs of CO2. Since system start up, 1,100,184 lbs (or 499 metric tonnes) have been avoided. Lets keep up the good work!
Youth Happenings -
It's been a great Sunday school year!!! Hard to believe we are coming close to its close.
-Regular Sunday school will end on May 21st and Summer Sunday school will start May 28th
- In the Preschool Class (2-4yr olds) - we will continue with free play, and a book/snack time
- In the Elementary Class (5-11yr olds together) - we'll be working on Connecting with Self & Others, and Seeking God Together. 
-The Prayground and the Family Friendly Lounge are available for parents and children under 2
-Bagels + Faith will not meet on May 21st and will have its last meeting on May 28th
*Please note: Youth Group will break for summer on May 24.
VBS 2023-Sign Up Now to Volunteer
Running 8/7 through 8/11, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, join us! Kids or adult and teen volunteer heroes needed for kids leaders, snacks, crafts, registration, decorating, clean up & more. 
Backpack Crew Pantry
Donations Welcome
The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday though Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
The current donation request is GRANOLA BARS. 
Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care,
please contact Rev. Cameron Overbey at or call (732) 747-0446.