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August 2022


"Our teachers take pride in the relationships that are built with students and their families, creating a learning environment that maximizes each student’s opportunity for personal and academic growth." Darcy Bults

Providing Leadership and Service Opportunities with a Focus on Whole Person Education 

Hello, my name is Darcy Bults and beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, I will be moving into the Vice-Principal position at UMEI Christian High School. I am very excited about this new role, especially after having been teaching at UMEI for the past decade and discovering the incredible benefits that the school has to offer to its students and community alike.

The vision of UMEI has always been to provide students the opportunity to reach their full potential both spiritually and academically, and with my new role, I will work hard to continue this and build on it.

One of my goals for UMEI is to emphasize the positive impact students and teachers can have on each other on a daily basis. Spending every school day together should be something that is eagerly anticipated. By creating a space of joy and intrigue, I will work tirelessly so that the students will want to come to school to learn and grow as adolescents while enjoying the process. I want them to feel safe and comfortable to be themselves and be confident in that. The teachers at UMEI, working together as a team, want to help each student achieve this goal.

Our teachers take pride in the relationships that are built with the students and their families, creating a learning environment that maximizes each student’s opportunity for personal and academic growth. This involves regular communication between teachers, parents, and students while providing as many opportunities for student success as possible through timely and constructive feedback.

The 2022-2023 school year at UMEI is going to be filled with exciting new initiatives and experiences. I am looking forward to getting started in my new role and all that comes with it!

Ben Recker: Get Involved for the Best Experience

Hello! My name is Ben Recker and I'm a grade 10 student at UMEI. Growing up, UMEI has always been a place where I would attend. I got to know the school through UMEI lunches, theatre, school sports and even camp ExploreU. I am involved at UMEI in several different ways; I am a part of all the sports teams and I am in choir where we go into the community and sing. I have been involved in service days, where we go to businesses in the community and volunteer for the day; just help out where we can help.

If you want the best experience at UMEI you need to get involved. Something as small as signing up for a club once a week, or playing sports 4 times a week, the memories you will make will be ones you never forget. One of the many benefits of a small school like UMEI are the small class sizes, you always have more one on one help because it's a small class and you can develop better relationships with your teachers. It is a more comfortable place to be, a place where we all belong. For example, there are eight people in my math class, which means there aren't thirty kids asking a question at the same time. The environment is safe. You can ask a question whenever you want. At UMEI we are basically one big happy family. We eat together, have parties together, we even sing Happy Birthday to each other.

UMEI has made me into a better person. I have more confidence and can find God in my life more. It feels like I can find him more often too. I have made loving relationships that will last a lifetime. UMEI is a place where everyone is your friend. You may disagree sometimes, you may not have some things in common, and you may fight with them, but UMEI teaches us to show everyone grace.

Christian focused education is a value that i believe runs throughout the school. We all take R.S. class, attend chapels once a day, and find God through out the day. UMEI is a place where God is working. He is working in everyone. UMEI is an accepting place for every students background, no matter what. Over these two years I've learned many different things, things i will need for the rest of my life, but i would say the greatest thing I have learned, is to love everyone no matter what. Love them for who they are as a human being. 

(An Excerpt from a UMEI Church Visit at NLUMC)

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UMEI Christian High School

614 Mersea Rd. 6, RR#5

Leamington, N8H 3V8 Canada


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