UMSOM's Dr. Scott Jerome discusses Buffalo Bills' Damar Hamlin's collapse on the field and what causes sudden cardiac arrest.
COVID/ Vaccines
UMSOM's xenotransplant surgery named one of top 10 medical breakthroughs of the year by USA Today.
UMSOM's Dr. Bart Griffith and Dr. Muhammad Mohiuddin comment on the future of xenotransplant surgery.
UMSOM's Dr. Haitham Khraishah speaks about findings from his new study on heart deaths linked to extreme weather.
School Discipline and Mental Health
UMSOM's Dr. Sharon Hoover comments on alternatives to suspensions in public schools to better manage the rise in mental health issues.
Health and Medicine
UMSOM's Dr. Saleha Munir is quoted on the on the best eye drops to treat pink eye.
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