U-Serve is Wednesday, March 30!
As last year, all studios will be cancelled and students and faculty are asked to participate in this day of service to our community. U-Serve will focus on the Underline, a transformative project which began here at UMSoA! Students will be divided into groups that will take on tasks such as documenting a "day in the life of the Metrorail," physical installations at the University Metrorail Station, live performance art at the Brickell Station and beautifying the Coconut Grove Station with art. Come together in the UMSoA Courtyard for a party afterward! A huge thank you to our sponsors: Grass River Properties, NP International, MK Realty Group and The Friends of the Underline! Read More.
Join fellow graduates for a night of Jazz Age elegance! A joint project of Student Government, Student Affairs, the Office of Commencement and the UM Alumni Association, the inaugural Commencement Ball will take place in the BankUnited Center Field House on April 2, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tickets are $16 per person. All graduating students will be permitted to purchase two tickets. The evening will feature a DJ, a champagne toast, heavy hors d'oeuvres, beer and wine. All attendees also get their UM Alumni Association membership card and a UM license plate frame, Open to both graduate and undergraduate students. For more information and to buy tickets, go to the Commencement Ball website.
Deadline to buy tickets is Wednesday, March 30!
Jose Antonio Sosa and Evelyn Alonso Rohner of Alonso + Sosa Architects will present a special Friday edition of the Currents lecture series on
April 1, at 6:30 p.m.
in Glasgow Hall. Based in Spain, they work on a variety of residential, institutional, commercial, urbanism, and landscape projects.
Founder and principal of Massimiliano Fuksas Architecture, Massimiliano Fuksas has designed award-winning buildings around the globe. He will lecture as part of the Currents series, at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 4, in Glasgow Hall.
The final Tecnoglass lecture of the year will feature local legend Bernardo Fort-Brescia of Arquitectonica. Fort-Brescia will speak in Glasgow Hall at
6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6.
Network with newly admitted Fall 2016 students in the Courtyard from 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday, April 8. Click to RSVP.
Don't miss Pizza With the Dean at 12:30 pm on April 20 in Glasgow Hall! Hear all of the exciting details of the upcoming spring Final Reviews and more.
Mobile Orchid STEM Lab by UMSoA Design/Build Studio Unveiled At Fairchild
The Fall 2015 Design/Build Studio, led by Jim Adamson and Austin Matheson, worked with Miami-Dade County Public Schools and Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden to transform an old school bus into a mobile orchid propagation lab that will travel to middle schools, countywide, to teach students science, technology, engineering and math. The "vine-cutting" ceremony, with officials from MDCPS, Fairchild and UMSoA, was March 11, timed to be part of the annual Fairchild Orchid Festival.
Read More.
Rome Program Students Work on Energy Installation at MAXXI Museum
Rome students Rogelio Cadena, Claudia Ansorena, Alyssa Atkinson and Smitha Vasan proudly represented the SOA in the building of the Sou Fujimoto Installation "Energy," in Rome during spring break. The UMSoA Rome Program was invited to be part of an international team of designers selected by Margherita Guccione, director of the architecture division of the MAXXI, the National Museum of the 21st Century Arts, to construct Fujimoto's imagined built environment. Read More.
Intersession Trip to Switzerland Gives Students First-Hand View of Late Modernity
Over spring break, Associate Professors Carmen Guerrero and Jaime Correa embarked on a Spring Break Open-Seminar in Switzerland, where twelve undergraduate and graduate students had a chance to document some of the most fundamental works of contemporary architecture in Swiss cities, including Basel, Vals, Lucerne, and Zurich. Read More.
Women In Architecture Launches at UMSoA
All women students and faculty are invited to join Women in Architecture, newly launched at UMSoA. See Mary Wissinger or email WIAUniversityofMiami@gmail.com for more information.
AIA Membership is FREE To All New Grads for 18 Months
When you join the AIA, your first 18 months of membership are free. Experience first hand the the people and resources you need to open the doors you want! Also enjoy free registration to the 2016 AIA Convention in Philadelphia! Read More.
Student and Faculty Work Covered in Local Media
Our student and faculty work with both the Underline and the Biscayne Line got some very nice write ups in local media recently. The Wyn Bradley Biscayne Line studio was written up in Gridics and work on the Underline, including U-Serve, was mentioned in Modern Cities. Kudos to everyone involved!
Juhong Park to Speak at Drawing and the Brain April 7 in Indiana
"Drawing and the Brain", a symposium gathering artists, architects and scientists, convenes to discuss the primacy of the sketch as the creative tool of invention and discovery in art and design. Today, the sketch remains an integral part of artistic inquiry yet it has been all but supplanted by digital media in design fields like architecture. Though plans, sections and elevations are produced by the computer, the sketch is a tool of invention and discovery. It requires the tactile involvement of the human hand and its direct relationship to the brain. The symposium addresses questions of authorship and mark-making; drawing and the human voice; the relationship between hand and brain; and the potential for creation of "digital/tactile machines" able to emulate touch and mark-making. Empirical discourse from the artist and architect supported by data from scientists and engineers seeks to redefine the role of drawing as a primary expression of creativity in architecture without ignoring technology. Read More.