heck out Lina Bo Sardi: Together - Panel Discussion, Wednesday, May 11, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The panel discussion is the opening of the exhibition of the same name, on view at the Miami Center for Architecture & Design from May 12 to July 28, 2016.
Artist Madelon Vriesendorp, curator Noemi Slager and filmmaker Tapio Snellman will discuss the life and work of Lina Bo Bardi, one of the unsung heroes of 20th century architecture and design, and the influence of her contributions in their own lives and in architecture and design at large. This panel discussion is made possible by the Miami Design District, a neighborhood dedicated to innovative fashion, design, architecture and dining experiences. Learn more about the Miami Design District
on their website
. This panel discussion is part of MCAD's Art & Architecture Lecture series, a Knight Arts Challenge Project. The Lina Bo Bardi: Together exhibition at MCAD is sponsored by Arper with major support from the Miami Design District and TWENTY TWO GROUP. Additional support provided by Luminaire. Learn more
about the exhibition
The Panel Discussion is at the Melin Building in Miami Design District: 3930 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite 200, Miami, Florida 33137. Free and open to the public. RSVP Required - Click Now!
The annual intensive
SoA Capstone Workshop takes places all week in downtown Miami. The interdisciplinary team is organized into subgroups that study architectural, planning, urban design and real estate challenges and opportunities within a study area and generate proposals at a variety of scales.
In partnership with the Miami Downtown Development Authority (DDA), this year's Capstone will be based on historic Flagler Street in downtown Miami, with a focus on key properties that present opportunities to provide a catalyst for the revival of this historic street through adaptive reuse, infill and development. The Capstone teams will perform architectural and real estate analyses, carry out design and development scenarios for each property, and present strategies and proposals for the public realm that build on the Downtown Development Authority's (DDA) streetscape initiative. Join the participants of the Capstone Project for a reception and their exciting presentations on
Friday, May 13, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the historic Olympia Theater, 174 E. Flagler Street.
Meetinghouse in downtown Miami is hosting two exciting exhibitions through May 15. Giuseppe Terragni in Rome, curated by professor Jean-Francois LeJeune, and Casa Malaparte, curated by Petra Liebl-Osborne.
Students Urged to Get Involved, Address Social Injustice at 2016 Commencement
In commencement ceremonies May 5 and 6, UM students were told they had the power to change the world - and the obligation to do so. At the graduate ceremony on May 5, former Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, called on students to address the hemisphere's biggest challenges, while Stephen Lewis, the Canadian co-founder of AIDS-Free World who served the United Nations for two decades, urged students to see the "constant panorama of injustice and struggle" and create a more decent, civilized, and humane international society at the undergraduate ceremony on Friday.
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Honors Day Celebrates the Best of UMSoA
Honors Day is the chance to celebrate all UMSoA graduating students, as well as to present awards and scholarships to a number of outstanding students and faculty. Congratulations to them all! Read More.
Final Reviews Were a Success, On Campus and Off
A fencing academy in Tropical Park, the Hangtown Food Market, sea level rise intervention, a tropical hospital and the architecture of the stage are just a few of the fascinating studios students took this semester. From April 20 through 26, Final Reviews gave them a chance to present their work to juries of faculty and invited guests.
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UMSoA Students Participate in US DoE Race To Zero Design Competition
UMSoA Master of Science students Abhirajika Agrawal and Ariela CAssinelli, both of whom focus on sustainable building, were part of the first team from the University of Miami to enter the United States Department of Energy's Race to Zero Student Design Competition. The Race to Zero is an annual competition, open to students and faculty from any interested collegiate institution. The competition is based upon a real-world scenario where a builder is developing a new high performance home product line or needs to update an existing product line (house plan) to a high-performance house design.
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Alpha Rho Chi Is Soliciting Art For Its Silent Auction
Last year's silent art auction was a success, tripling the fundraising goal set by the chapter and Alpha Rho Chi is now soliciting art to auction in the fall. They are asking for donations of original art created by current students, faculty and alumni to auction. To contribute, please contact fundraising chair Michael Burke at apx.agamedes@gmail.com or msb73@miami.edu.
AIA Membership is FREE To All New Grads for 18 Months
When you join the AIA, your first 18 months of membership are free. Experience first hand the the people and resources you need to open the doors you want! Also enjoy free registration to the 2016 AIA Convention in Philadelphia! Read More.
AIA Rhode Island Scholarship Opportunity
AIA/ Rhode Island Architectural Forum is pleased to announce its Eleventh Annual Scholarship Awards Program. Scholarship funds will be credited to the winning student's college account for the payment of tuition costs. The Scholarship Award committee of the AIA/ Rhode Island Architectural Forum will review the applications and determine how many scholarships to award and in what amount the awards will be made. To be eligible, applicants must either be enrolled in an accredited school in Rhode Island pursuing studies in architecture, or be a Rhode Island resident studying at an accredited school outside of Rhode Island.
Full details are available on the AIA/Rhode Island website.
Austin Matheson Designs and Crafts New Presidential Chair
Professor Austin Matheson took on an interesting challenge this year: designing and creating the newest physical tradition at the University of Miami. The Presidential Chair debuted at a one day exhibition in the Korach Gallery on April 28 and was on display through all six commencement ceremonies May 5, 6 and 7.
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Summer Studios? Traveling Abroad? Please Keep Us in the Loop!
As you teach and travel this summer, please make sure that our Communication Office is aware of all the cool and wonderful things you are doing, with students or on your own. You are welcome to the Instagram account login info, or can simply send pics to Annette to have posted. We also have the opportunity to get extra exposure through the main UM Instagram and SnapChat streams, which is a valuable opportunity which requires a little planning and notice. Thanks for keeping us informed so we can tell your fantastic stories!