UNFCCC Adaptation Committee
Adaptation Finance Bulletin

 Issue No.3 
(March 2019)

The UNFCCC Adaptation Finance Bulletin provides the latest news and updates to Parties and other interested stakeholders on adaptation finance-related information from funds, UNFCCC bodies and negotiations, as well as an overview of relevant upcoming events.

Negotiating highlightsNegotiations
After intensive discussion and tireless work by all Parties, a set of implementation guidelines for the Paris Agreement was adopted as a 'Katowice Climate Package' in COP 24. This landmark adoption guides the world to the operationalization stage of the Paris Agreement and establishes a basis to promote greater ambition of climate change action. This bulletin features items relating to adaptation finance contained in the Katowice package. All outcomes adopted at COP 24 are available here.
Preparations for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the first session of the CMA
The third high-level ministerial dialogue on climate finance was convened at COP 24. At the dialogue:
  • Parties welcomed with appreciation the financial pledges and contribution announcements of Parties, including pledges to the GCF, the LDCF, the AF, and of international financial institutions and the 2018 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows (BA) of the SCF;
  • Parties underscored the urgent need to scale up the mobilization of climate finance, including through greater engagement of the private sector, to increase finance for adaptation, and to align financial flows with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.
Parties emphasized that enhanced pre-2020 ambition could lay a solid foundation for enhanced post-2020 ambition. They reiterated their resolve to enhance the provision of urgent and adequate finance, technology and capacity-building support by developed country Parties, and strongly urged developed country Parties to scale up their level of financial support to achieve the goal of jointly mobilizing USD 100 billion annually by 2020 for mitigation and adaptation while significantly increasing adaptation finance.

See the decision text here.
Long-term climate finance
The COP urged developed country Parties to continue their efforts to channel a substantial share of public climate funds to adaptation activities and to strive to achieve a greater balance between finance for mitigation and for adaptation, recognizing the importance of adaptation finance and the need for public and grant-based resources for adaptation.

Parties decided that the in-session workshops on long-term climate finance in 2019 and 2020 would focus on:
  • The effectiveness of climate finance, including the results and impacts of finance provided and mobilized;
  • The provision of financial and technical support to developing country Parties for their adaptation and mitigation actions in relation to holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels.
See here for the full text of the decision.
Report of the Standing Committee on Finance
The COP welcomed the 2018 BA of the SCF, which contains the following key findings and recommendations relating to Adaptation Finance:

Key findings
  • Climate finance flows increased by 17% in the period 2015-2016 compared with the period 2013-2014;
  • High-bound climate finance estimates increased from USD 584 billion in 2014 to USD 680 billion in 2015 and to USD 681 billion in 2016;
  • From 2014 to 2016, both mitigation and adaptation finance grew in more or less equal proportions, namely by 41 and 45%, respectively;
  • Although support for mitigation remains greater than support for adaptation across all sources, the 2018 BA found an increase in public climate finance flows that contributes towards both adaptation and mitigation from both bilateral contributors and multilateral climate funds. This makes it more difficult to track the progress made in ramping up adaptation finance;
  • Grants continue to be a key instrument for the provision of adaptation finance. In the period 2015-2016, grants accounted for 62 and 94% of the face value of bilateral adaptation finance reported to OECD and of adaptation finance from the multilateral climate funds, respectively. During the same period, 9% of adaptation finance flowing through MDBs was grant-based;
  • Adaptation finance channelled through core multilateral climate funds has so far reached over 20 million direct beneficiaries. The target for the combined number of direct and indirect beneficiaries is 290 million.
  • To encourage developed countries and climate finance providers to continue to enhance country ownership and consider policies to balance funding for adaptation and mitigation, taking into account beneficiary country strategies, and, in line with the mandates, building on experiences, policies and practices of the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism, particularly the GCF;
  • To encourage all relevant United Nations agencies and international, regional and national financial institutions to provide information to Parties through the secretariat on how their development assistance and climate finance programmes incorporate climate-proofing and climate-resilience measures, in line with new available scientific information;
  • To request the SCF, in preparing future BAs, to continue assessing available information on the alignment of climate finance with investment needs and plans related to Parties' NDCs and NAPs;
The COP also encouraged the SCF to provide input to the WIM associated with climate change impacts on the sources of financial support.

The full text of the decision is available here.
Report of the GCF to the COP and guidance to the GCF
The COP welcomed the progress of the GCF in 2018 and the approval of its 2019 workplan.

Parties welcomed the launching of the first formal replenishment process and stressed the urgency to reach pledges for the first formal replenishment process aiming to conclude the process in October 2019. They reaffirmed the necessity to focus on implementation and to speed up disbursement of funds to already approved projects in the decision.

See here for the full text of the decision.
Report of the GEF to the COP and guidance to the GEF
The report of the GEF to the COP and the seventh replenishment of the GEF (July 2018 to June 2022) were welcomed by Parties.

The decision text is available here.
Report of the Adaptation Fund Board
The CMP welcomed the financial pledges to the AF made by the European Union, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, the Brussels-Capital and Walloon Regions of Belgium, equivalent to USD 129.0 million. With the pledges, the AF surpassed the fundraising target of USD 90 million for 2018.

The CMP reiterated its concern regarding the sustainability, adequacy and predictability of funding and the encouragement of the scaling-up of financial resources.

Parties encouraged the AFB to continue its efforts to enhance complementarity and coherence with other funds both under and outside the Convention, including to better align processes and leverage financing. The AFB will report on any outcomes related to this matter to the CMP in November 2019.

The CMP decision is available here.
Matters relating to the AF 
  • Parties decided that the AF shall serve the Paris Agreement under the guidance of the CMA, effective 1 January 2019.
  • The CMP decided that the AF shall exclusively serve the Paris Agreement once the share of proceeds under Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement becomes available.  
  • Also, the CMP decided that the AF shall continue to receive the share of proceeds, if available, from the activities under the Kyoto Protocol. 
  • The CMA decided that when the AF serves the Paris Agreement, it shall be financed from the share of proceeds from the mechanism established by Article 6, paragraph 4 of the Paris Agreement and from a variety of voluntary public and private sources;
  • Following a request from the CMP, the AFB will consider the rules of procedure, the arrangements of and implications for the AF with respect to the Paris Agreement to make recommendations to the CMP.
See here for more details on the CMA decision and the CMP decision.
Matters relating to the implementation of the Paris Agreement
  • Parties confirmed that the SCF, the LDCF and the SCCF shall serve the Paris Agreement. 
  • They also requested the SCF to prepare draft guidance for the entities entrusted with operation of the Financial Mechanism, and on the LDCF and the SCCF for consideration and adoption by the CMA at its second session (November 2019). The full text of the decision is available here.
Further guidance in relation to the adaptation communication, including, inter alia, as a component of NDCs, referred to in Article 7, paragraphs 10 and 11, of the Paris Agreement
  • Noting with the purpose of strengthening adaptation action, supporting developing countries and enhancing learning and understanding of adaptation needs and actions, the CMA invited Parties, according to their national circumstances and capacities, to provide in their adaptation communication information on the elements, including implementation and support needs of, and provision of support to, developing country Parties.
  • Parties encouraged the GCF, the GEF, the AF, the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) to continue channelling support to developing country Parties for the implementation of their adaptation plans and actions in accordance with the priorities and needs outlined in their adaptation communication.
See here for the full text of the decision.

Matters referred to in paragraphs 41, 42 and 45 of decision 1/CP.21

Methodologies for taking the necessary steps to facilitate the mobilization of support for adaptation in developing countries.

The CMA:
  • Invited the SCF to consider ways to facilitate the mobilization of support for adaptation in developing countries, in the context of the limit to the increase in the global average temperature referred to in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement, and to include recommendations in its annual report;
  • Also invited Parties to further enhance their enabling environments, policy frameworks, institutions and national public financial management systems with a view to improving access to international public support, as appropriate, and to enhancing the involvement of the private sector;
  • Urged developed country Parties and invites other Parties that provide resources on a voluntary basis, United Nations entities and other relevant organizations, as well as bilateral and multilateral agencies, to assist the least developed country Parties and other developing country Parties in building or strengthening their enabling environments, policy frameworks, institutions and national public financial management systems so as to mobilize support for adaptation, in particular capacity-building, including as part of the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans;
  • Took note of the resources available through the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism for strengthening developing country Parties' institutional capacity for programming their priority climate actions and for tracking and reporting climate finance; 
  • Requested Parties to report on support provided and received in line with the reporting instruments and modalities being developed under the Paris Agreement; 
  • Invited the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism to seek to ensure that the provision of financial support to developing country Parties is balanced between adaptation and mitigation activities;
  • Requested the secretariat to include in the synthesis report prepared for the global stocktake an assessment of the support needs for adaptation of developing country Parties drawing on, inter alia, the most recent documents that may contain adaptation information.
Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support.

The CMA:
  • Invited Parties, academia and other relevant stakeholders to undertake further technical work, building on the existing work of the AC and the LEG, in collaboration with the SCF, and taking into consideration ongoing relevant work under and outside the Convention, on developing methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support;
  • Invited the AC and the LEG, in collaboration with the SCF, and relevant experts to contribute to the technical work referred to above by continuing to compile existing methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support; 
  • Further invited Parties, United Nations entities and other relevant organizations, as well as bilateral and multilateral agencies, to submit by April 2020 to the AC and the LEG information on gaps, challenges, opportunities and options associated with methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support, including in the areas of adaptation needs, plans and strategies; enabling environments and policy frameworks; frameworks used for assessing the effectiveness of adaptation efforts; efforts and systems to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of adaptation efforts; support through all instruments and channels, including domestic, international, public and private sources and progress towards the implementation and achievement of adaptation goals, plans and strategies.
The full text of the decision is available here.

Identification of the information to be provided by Parties in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement
  • The CMA reiterated that developed countries shall biennially communicate indicative and quantitative and qualitative information including projected levels of public financial resources to be provided to developing countries.
  • The CMA also requested developed countries to submit the biennial communications starting in 2020 and encouraged other parties providing resources to communicate biennially on a voluntary basis. The communication should include, for instance, the following information:  
    • Enhanced information to increase clarity on the projected levels of public financial resources to be provided to developing countries; 
    • Indicative quantitative and qualitative information on programmes, including projected levels, channels and instruments;
    • Information on policies and priorities, including regions and geography, recipient countries, beneficiaries, targeted groups, sectors and gender responsiveness;
    • Information on purposes and types of support: mitigation, adaptation, cross-cutting activities, technology transfer and capacity-building; 
    • Information on how Parties are aiming to ensure a balance between adaptation and mitigation;
    • Information on how support provided and mobilized is targeted at helping developing countries in their efforts to meet the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement, to make finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development.
  • The secretariat will establish an online portal for posting and recording the communications, prepare a compilation and synthesis of the information starting in 2021 with a view to informing the global stocktake and organize biennial in-session workshops.
  • Parties also decided to convene a biennial high-level ministerial dialogue beginning in 2021.  
See here for the text of the decision.

Setting a new collective quantified goal on finance in accordance with decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 53

The CMA decided to initiate at its third session (November 2020) deliberations on setting a new collective quantified goal from a floor of USD 100 billion per year. The full text of the decision is available here.
News from the Gre en Climate Fund (GCF ) GCF-News 

  • On 28 February, the GCF Board approved USD 122.5 million for their Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, approximately 50% of which (USD 62.5 million) is targeted for the national adaptation planning (NAP) process and other adaptation planning. More broadly, the meeting set the stage for a successful first replenishment, and approved nine new climate resilience and low emission projects totaling USD 440 million in GCF resources
  • As of 7 January 2019, total cumulative pledges to the GCF amounted to USD 10.3 billion.
  • To date, the GCF Board has approved USD 4.6 billion in funding for 93 projects that enhance the resilience of 272 million people. Of the approved projects 39% address mitigation, 25% target adaptation and 36% aim at cross-cutting objectives. The figures below show the distribution of projects by regions and countries, clearly indicating a focus on supporting the most vulnerable countries.
                          Fig. 1. Distribution of GCF projects per region and country

Source: Green Climate Fund

Update of procedures:
  • The 19th GCF Board meeting from February to March in 2018, approved the Fund's first project under its new Simplified Approval Process (SAP). This project is an adaptation initiative by Namibia's Environmental Investment Fund (EIF), a GCF Direct Access Entity, to improve the ecosystem management practices of farmers. The GCF Board adopted SAP towards the end of 2017 as a new approach to streamlining applications seeking up to USD 10 million of GCF funding. SAP is applicable for smaller projects that can be scaled up and have minimal environmental and social risks. As of January 2019, four projects (one in mitigation and three in adaptation) were approved under the SAP framework. More information about SAP is available here.
  • The 19th Board meeting also made a number of significant policy decisions.
    • It approved the Indigenous Peoples Policy. This policy is designed to ensure Indigenous Peoples benefit from GCF activities and projects in a culturally appropriate manner. The intention is that they do not suffer harm or adverse effects from the design and implementation of GCF- financed activities. The full text of the policy is available here.
    • The GCF Board also approved the Environmental and Social Policy. This policy elaborates GCF's commitment to integrating environmental and social issues into its decision-making and outcomes. This establishes the principles, requirements, and responsibilities for the GCF to deliver on these commitments. The full text of the policy is available here.
  • Despite the intensive discussions and active engagements made by participants and the approvals on some important matters, the 20th board meeting, in the Republic of Korea in July 2018, was not able to reach the agreement to approve new projects and programms, policies of investment criteria and accredited entities. Further information is available from the press release and relevant documents of the meeting.
  • Overcoming the difficult time at the 20th meeting, the board successfully concluded its 21st meeting, held in Bahrain in October 2018, with the approval of new projects and programmes of the total over USD 1 billion, and 16 additional accredited entities. Portfolios of projects and programmes adopted at the 21st board meeting are available here

21st GCF Board meeting (Source: GCF)
  • Moreover, the board decided at its 21st meeting to launch the first formal replenishment process which can promote the social transition towards low-emission and climate-resilient development. Considering the status of the fund and the guidance from the COP, the GCF secretariat and the board prepare for the next steps of the formal replenishment process, including a comprehensive review of the GCF's initial strategic plan for the period of 2015 to 2018. The board aims to conclude the first replenishment process in October 2019. The decision and documents of the meeting are available on the GCF website
  • At its 22nd meeting, the GCF Board selected Yannick Glemarec to be its new Executive Director. Mr. Glemarec brings 30 years of international experience in climate change, development, finance and their interrelationships.
GEF (SCCF/LCDF) - Update  GEF-update  
  •  As of 30 September 2018, total cumulative pledges to the Least Development Countries Fund (LDCF) amounted to USD 1.33 billion, of which 95%, USD 1.28 billion had been paid.
  • During the December 2018 Council meeting, the following pledges were announced to the LDCF and the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) (see Joint Summary of the Chairs for the LDCF/SCCF Council):

    • Belgium, Walloon Region of: EUR 2.9 million to the LDCF
    • Denmark: DKK 150 million to the LDCF
    • Finland: EUR 2 million to the LDCF
    • France: EUR 20 million to the LDCF
    • The Netherlands: USD 9.1 million to the LDCF in 2018
    • Sweden: SEK 135 million to the LDCF in 2018
    • Switzerland: USD 9.9 million to the LDCF and USD 3.3 million to the SCCFBelgium: EUR 7 million (USD 8.6 million)
  • In May 2018, the LDCF/SCCF Council approved five additional LDCF projects for Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chad, Congo DR, and Sao Tome and Principe, which have been allocated a total of USD 30.32 million of the LDCF resources. In addition, six projects requesting a total of USD 45.85 million were approved at the 25th LDCF/SCCF Council in December 2018, as described further in the section below.
  • Cumulative pledges to the SCCF amounted to USD 352.31 million as of 30 September 2018, 99% of which had been paid. As of 31 October 2018, developing countries had accessed a total of USD 349.8 million out of which USD 289.14 million of 67 projects were under the SCCF Adaptation Program.
First LDCF Work Program
  • The 25th LDCF/SCCF Council, held in December 2018, approved the first work program for LDCF in line with the new Programming Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (see next section). It comprises six projects, supporting Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Mozambique, Rwanda and Sudan, and amounts to USD 45.85 million in total.
  • The LDCF Work Program encompasses a range of adaptation priorities, including urban and rural resilience building through water supply and sanitation management, climate proofing rural settlements, strengthening capacities of agro-pastoral communities to plan for and adapt to climate change, and strengthening climate monitoring capacities and early warning systems and information to respond to climate shocks. The Work Program proposed at the Council is available here.
Update of LDCF/SCCF Programmes and Procedures
New Programming Strategy on Adaptation
  • The LDCF/SCCF Council approved a new Programming Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change for the LDCF and the SCCF, along with operational improvements, for the period of 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2022 in its 24th meeting in June 2018. The LDCF and SCCF programmes are operated under the guidance of the Strategy, which aims at three strategic objectives and expected outcomes, promoting innovation and technology transfer, mainstreaming adaptation and resilience and fostering enabling conditions in developing countries (see the table below):
Table 1. Strategic objectives and expected outcomes in the strategy

Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) objective
Expected outcomes
CCA-1: Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience through innovation and technology transfer for climate change adaptation
Outcome 1.1: Technologies and innovative solutions piloted or deployed to reduce climate-related risks and/or enhance resilience
Outcome 1.2: Innovative financial instruments and investment models enabled or introduced to enhance climate resilience
CCA-2: Mainstream climate change adaptation and resilience for systemic impact
Outcome 2.1: Strengthened cross-sectoral mechanisms to mainstream climate adaptation and resilience
Outcome 2.2: Increased ability of country to access climate finance or other relevant largescale, programmatic investment
CCA-3: Foster enabling conditions for effective and integrated climate change adaptation
Outcome 3.1: Climate-resilient planning enabled by stronger climate information decision-support services, and other relevant analysis
Outcome 3.2: Institutional and human capacities strengthened to identify and implement adaptation measures
Source: Report of the GEF to the 24th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Available here.
  • Private sector engagement is one of the key components of the Strategy. Of particular relevance is the local private sector, especially micro, small, and medium enterprises, as they play an important role for the economy and communities in developing countries, providing services and access to hard-to-reach populations and rural communities. Private sector engagement will be fostered for the LDCF and SCCF through the three objectives.
  • The Strategy is designed to be complementary to the efforts to support adaptation by the GCF and other related funds, building on the unique features of the LDCF and SCCF and of the GEF in the global environmental finance architecture. Furthermore, beyond the complementarity of adaptation-related funds, the focus of mainstreaming seeks to ensure alignment of LDCF/SCCF activities within a broader climate and environmental finance architecture.
  • The LDCF and SCCF updated their operational policies for the enhancement of the project selection and approval process. For example, the LDCF, as a part of the operational improvement in the strategy, raised the cumulative per-country ceiling to USD 50 million per LDC, with a cap of USD 10 million per LDC for the period 2018-2022. The cap and the cumulative ceiling may be raised before the end of the four-year programming period, depending on the level of donor contributions and programming.
  • Moreover, the Strategy underlines the enhancement of gender equality and mainstreaming with improving inter-agency coordination between major climate funds. The full text of the Strategy is available on the GEF website. The GEF Secretariat is carrying out proactive consultations with countries to inform all relevant stakeholders of the changes in operational procedures, and opportunities arising with the new programming strategy.
Adaptation Fund (AF) - Update AF-Update  

  • As of 13 February 2019, total receipts to the AF, including sales from Certified Emission Reduction (CER) proceeds, amounted to USD 841.98 million. The latest figures on funding are available at the AF's financial status webpage 
  • The fund hit a record high of its single year resource mobilization with new pledges of USD 129 million announced during COP 24 in Katowice, Poland. Additionally, a new and innovative donation campaign with Visa for vulnerable communities and ecosystems at the conference venue during COP 24 achieved  USD 67,453 for the Fund.
  • The implementation plan   on the 5-year Mid-term Strategy (MTS) was agreed at the AFB's 31st meeting to guide the Board and the Secretariat towards the full operationalization of the MTS in all AF activities, in line with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Structured along the three strategic pillars of the MTS (Action, Innovation, and Learning and Sharing), the implementation plan provides goals for AF activities for the successful and flexible implementation of the MTS, including budgetary arrangements and outlines new types of project support to be provided for vulnerable developing countries. The series of decisions by the AFB at the second meeting in 2018 enables strategic alignment with ongoing activities and accelerates the implementation of the MTS.
  • Apart from the regular projects approval process, the Board, at its 32nd meeting initialized additional small-grant funding windows of USD 5 million as part of the launching of its Medium-Term Strategy, for its targeted areas to further support national implementing entities (NIEs) for adopting innovative approaches, scaling up successful project implementations and managing and sharing knowledge and experience. The grants, which were launched at COP 24, are available to NIEs beyond existing funding channels.
  • Thesecond phase of the overall evaluation of the Adaptation Fund was finalized in May 2018. The evaluation finds that the Fund is very relevant to the global climate finance architecture through its various activities, specifically adding value to the global climate finance architecture in three aspects; exclusive focus on adaptation, supporting concrete activities and direct access implementation. The Fund's portfolio is in alignment with its mandate and strategic priorities and is making progress toward all seven outcome areas of its Strategic Results Framework.
  • At its 31st meeting in 2018, the Board took note of the robustness of the accreditation process as outlined in the first review of the accreditation process by the secretariat, in collaboration with the Accreditation Panel, since the inception of the Adaptation Fund. The Board also adopted an updated, improved re-accreditation process with defined timelines and refined reviews, which helps applicants avoid a major gap between the expiration of accreditation and achievement of re-accreditation. It was also decided to enhance assistance to applicants at earlier stages such as through an in-country visit, encouraging NIEs to build capacity by working on projects being implemented by multilateral or regional implementing entities, exploring ways to reduce language barriers, and determining early whether applicants are eligible for the Fund's innovative streamlined accreditation process designed for smaller entities.
  • At its 32nd meeting, the Board decided to approve a 'fast-track' accreditation process for implementing entities that are already accredited with the GCF (a process already exists for the GCF to fast-track Adaptation Fund implementing entities) to speed up the accreditation of implementing entities, effectively utilizing complementarity with the GCF. The Board also approved the revised accreditation application form which incorporated 'anti-money-laundering/countering the financing of terrorism' in the supporting documentation section.
  • As a part of its readiness support for NIE applicants, the AF launched a new 'readiness support package' at a workshop in Kenya, in April 2018. The workshop provided an important platform through which developing countries discussed challenges and gaps to enhance Direct Access to climate finance, including enhancing the capacity of developing countries that were already implementing Direct Access to provide peer support for accreditation and be able to effectively address some of the identified gaps and challenges. The readiness package will respond to specific needs of individual countries and will facilitate the delivery of enhanced, flexible and targeted support for accreditation by employing a suite of tools simultaneously to advance the delivery of climate finance through Direct Access. This new support package is expected to accelerate the accreditation process and contribute to enhancing the capacity of both the accredited and applicant countries through peer support. Details of the workshop are available here.
  • The Fund hosted its 5th Annual Global
    Climate Finance
    Readiness Seminar in
    Adaptation Fund: Readiness Program Builds Success 
    Adaptation Fund: Readiness Program Builds Success
    Washington, DC. in late August 2018, in which 25 of its NIEs gathered from across the globe to share best practices and lessons in developing effective projects. Participants from the Fund's newest NIEs in Niger, Tanzania and Bhutan were among those who participated in the four-day workshop. It provided an interactive forum for NIEs to engage in areas such as monitoring and evaluation, stakeholder engagement, reaccreditation, and applying the Fund's environmental, social and gender policies in practice. The
    seminar included a first-ever site visit to local adaptation projects in Washington, D.C., led by the city's climate
    - which is part of the global
    100 Resilient Cities
    initiative. Projects
    visited focused on watershed
    restoration in vulnerable and low-income communities to reduce flooding and stormwater run-off.
  • In support of its Knowledge Management Strategy approved by the AFB in October 2016, the Secretariat released a new publication detailing lessons learned and best practices from the Fund's first 13 portfolio monitoring missions throughout the world. The Fund also launched a new Knowledge & Learning microsite as part of the strategy to capture and store adaptation lessons and experiences from the field.
  • The Secretariat conducted two portfolio monitoring missions to projects under implementation to collect and analyze lessons learned. One such mission was conducted in Cambodia for the project titled "Enhancing Climate Change Resilience of Rural Communities Living in Protected Areas of Cambodia" which is currently implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and executed by the Ministry of Environment (MOE). The other mission was conducted in South Africa for the project titled "Taking Adaptation to the ground: A Small Grants Facility (SGF) for enabling local level responses to climate change" implemented by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and executed by SouthSouthNorth (SSN).
32nd meeting of the AFB 
The outcome of the 31st meeting of the AFB in March and the 32nd meeting in October 2018 and all meeting documents are available on the AF website .
Latest from the Adaptation Committe (AC)AC
  AC members at the 14th meeting of the AC
  • In April 2018, the Adaptation Committee (AC) held a workshop on accessing the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme of the GCF for adaptation. The workshop took place in the context of the NAP Expo (see the LEG section below). In addition to furthering the AC's and the GCF's joint efforts on this matter in support of developing countries, the workshop aimed to inform the assessment of progress in the national adaptation plan process.
    A report on the workshop is available and covers the key issues addressed as well as possible ways to enhance access and accreditation. 
  • The 14th meeting of the AC was held from 24 -26 October 2018 in Bonn, Germany. The AC agreed on its new flexible three-year workplan from 2019-2021, which includes cross-cutting thematic areas for adaptation and builds on previous developments by the AC  and relevant constituted bodies and organizations. At COP24, Parties welcomed its annual report and its new flexible workplan through a decision that also contains relevant recommendations by the AC.
  • The AC and the International Trade Centre (ITC) co-organized a workshop on "Fostering engagement of the agri-food sector in resilience to climate change" from 29-31 October in Switzerland with broad participation from the private sector, governments, academia, civil society and development banks. The workshop discussed how to enhance the climate resilience of the agri-food sector through three thematic focus namely; i) assessing climate risks and preparing adaptation strategies; ii) implementing adaptation strategies, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through accessing finance, technology, Public-Private Partnerships and capacity building; iii) designing policies and incentives for private sector investment in adaptation, including for formulating and implementing NAPs and nationally determined contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. Further information is available here. Findings from the workshop will be discussed in more depth during the AC's next Adaption Forum, which will take place in the context of the NAP Expo in April 2019.
  Participant to the workshop 
Latest from the LEGLEG
  • The LDC Expert Group (LEG), at its 33rd meeting in February 2018,developed its two-year rolling work programme for 2018-2019, concluded its recommendation to the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) on the updating of the least developed countries (LDC) work programme and finalized the consideration of the needs related to adaptation arising from the implementation of the Paris Agreement which were thereafter forwarded to the SBI for consideration. The meeting also provided an opportunity for the LEG to interact with officials from the Government of Sao Tome and Principe, the GCF, the GEF and other related institutions supporting the LDCs. COP 24 adopted the updated elements of the LDC work programme through a decision.
  • The LEG also organized the NAP Expo from 4 to 6 April in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. The NAP Expo was organized in collaboration with the AC and relevant organizations and provided opportunities to promote the exchange of experiences and foster partnerships between a wide range of actors and stakeholders on how to advance NAPs. The NAP Expo featured latest technical guidance on NAPs and related aspects, accessing funding from the GCF, methodological issues on climate data and assessments, adaptation solutions in key sectors and, monitoring, evaluation and learning. It also featured important sessions on gender considerations, the SDGs, sub-national planning, participation and transparency, among others. Complete information, sessions and presentations from the NAP Expo are available  here.
  • The 34th meeting of the LEG was held from 21- 24 August in Sierra Leone. It discussed the
    implementation of its rolling work programme for 2018-2019 and the progress made with the support
    Participants of the 34th meeting of the LEG
    provided to countries by the GCF, the GEF, the support programmes for NAPs and the various UN agencies and organizations
    for formulating and implementing national adaptation plans. The meeting also discussed emerging experience and next steps in the country case studies on NAPs (Open NAPs), training in NAPs, and the NAP Expo. Further information on the meeting is available here.
  •  The LEG also developed, with the support of the secretariat, the  annual report to the SBI on progress made by developing countries in the process to formulate and implement NAPs. The report provides statistics on progress made by the countries as well as highlights on emerging experiences. A glossy version of the report was also launched by the LEG at its side event in COP 24 in Katowice, Poland.
Latest from the Executive Committee of WIMWIM
  • Responding to a request by COP23, the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM) and the SBI jointly organized the Suva expert dialogue during SB48 to explore a wide range of information on ways for facilitating the mobilization and securing of expertise, and enhancement of support, including finance, for averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage. Over 200 experts, policy-makers and practitioners engaged in the dialogue to start co-designing tailored approaches to respond to emerging and evolving needs to address residual impacts of climate change at local, national, regional and international levels.
  • The outcomes of the dialogue will inform a technical paper which will elaborate the sources of financial support provided through the Financial Mechanism and other sources. This technical paper, in turn, will also inform the review of the WIM in 2019. More information is available here. 
  • The 8th meeting of the Executive Committee of WIM was held from 18 to 21 September 2018, in Bonn, Germany. Based on the report from the Task Force on Displacement, the committee members agreed to consider steps forward, at its next meeting, to facilitate action and support, including finance, technology and capacity building for developing country Parties in their efforts, as appropriate, to integrate approaches to avert, minimize and address displacement related to the adverse impacts of climate change into relevant national planning processes, including the process to formulate and implement NAPs. See alsothe meeting page and an annual report for further information.
Latest from the SCFSCF
  • The 2018 SCF Forum was held in Songdo, Republic of Korea on 5 and 6 July. Under the topic "The Climate Finance Architecture: Enhancing collaboration, seizing opportunities" it sought further synergy with relevant stakeholders and opportunities for new policy instruments at the international and national levels. About 130 participants joined the forum and exchanged their various perspectives on climate finance architecture across five thematic clusters, namely state of finance, UNFCCC funds and others, new climate finance instruments, national climate finance architecture and national governance. How to improve the channeling of finance into adaptation was also one of the central elements of the discussion. Further information on the forum and the report are available here.

The SCF's 18th meeting in Bangkok (10-12 September) and its 19th meeting in Bonn (29-31 October) discussed various issues relating to the financial mechanism. One of the significant outcomes of the meetings is the2018 Biennial Assessment and Overview of Climate Finance Flows (2018 BA). The 2018 BA provides an overview of global climate finance flows in 2015 and 2016, including public and private finance, domestic climate finance, South-South cooperation as well as other related figures and information. The mapping of available datasets and further assessment of global climate finance flow enables BA 2018 to become more robust to track the long-term goal of the Paris Agreement. The key takeaways of adaptation finance from the 2018 BA are available at the negotiation highlights.



  • Moreover, the SCF agreed on the draft guidance to the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism. The guidance to the GCF, covering different aspects of the GCF work, welcomes the outcomes of the 21st GCF Board meeting and encourages the board to address the policy gaps and improve the rate of disbursements. In the guidance to the GEF, the COP welcomes GEF-7 replenishment and encourage the GEF to strengthen their activities in terms of technology, the private sector and their financing operations. More information on the meeting and the documents are available here.
  • TheIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) finalized the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C on 8 October 2018 responding to the invitation by the COP (1/CP.21, paragraph 20). The report highlights the climate change impacts at a global warming of 1.5 °C.
  • Noting that it is challenging to measure adaptation finance needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C, the special report estimates that the total cost of adaptation might be lower at global warming of 1.5°C than for 2°C.* It also highlights that adaptation finance is mainly supported by the public sectors, including through budgets of national and subnational governments, bilateral cooperation agencies and multilateral development banks and UNFCCC channels. Although there is a growing trend of funding from the private sector and the civil society in some regions, the report indicates that challenges still exist for scaling up adaptation finance and enhancing its accessibility from the countries which are vulnerable to climate change impacts. The full report is available at the IPCC special page here.
* The full report, in Chapter states that the cost would be higher than a 2014 UNEP estimate of 22.5 billion USD

Upcoming events, January - July 2019Events


More information
12-15 March
Adaptation Fund:  33rd Board Meeting (Bonn, Germany)  

19-21 March
UNFCCC:  15th Meeting of the Adaptation Committee (Bonn, Germany)
20-22 March
UNFCCC:  20th Meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance (Bonn, Germany)
8-12 April
UNFCCC:  NAP Expo (Incheon, Republic of Korea)
The AC's Adaptation Forum will be held in conjunction with the NAP Expo.
9-11 April
UNFCCC: 9th Meeting of the WIM Excom (Bonn, Germany)
17-27 June

on Adaptation Finance will be organized in conjunction with SB 50. More information will be updated here