The ECenter is the co-curricular heart of ideas, innovation, and entrepreneurship at UNH. Our goal is to create the next generation of leaders with an entrepreneurial mind-set who can see opportunities and identify creative solutions others have missed, one idea at a time. Although part of UNH, we are independent of any one college.
November 2020 Newsletter
The Latest Happenings from the ECenter
As crazy as 2020 has been, we do have much to be thankful for as we return from our long Thanksgiving weekend and look towards year-end and peek into 2021.

I never tire of constantly saying or writing about how thankful I am for the amazing UNH students who make the ECenter their home with their passion, heartfelt ideas, and motivation to succeed. Even in the era of COVID and life on ZOOM, this semester has exceeded all that came before it.
Top of that list is the amazing outcomes from our fall Ideathon/Hackathon that was in support of the Seacoast’s GATHER Pantry Market. To spend 22 hours of a weekend helping solve real problems for a non-profit is a testament to the desire and passion of Wildcat students. Thank you to RiverStone for their sponsorship of this event.

The “Pitch Bootcamp,” sponsored by Bottomline Technologies, yielded one of our most attended events, where students heard from best-selling author and Babson College Entrepreneurship Center director, Debi Kleiman. You'll read more in the next newsletter.
Likewise, eight of the nine finalists for UNH Changemaker Collaborative's Social Venture Innovation Challenge came out of the ECenter. This again highlights the value of the high-impact experiential approach we take to make believers out of innovative dreamers.

While we all yearn for the pre-COVID days and more personal interactions, we applaud all of our students, donors, and partners for their part to always be supporting the future of student entrepreneurs and the development of the entrepreneurial mindset.
On behalf of the rest of our ECenter team, Heather MacNeill, Allison Bell, and Travis Thompson, we wish you the best for the holidays and look forward to more adventures in the new year.

Stay curious,
Ian Grant
Executive Director, ECenter
Support the UNH ECenter and give the gift of student ideas, innovation, and entrepreneurship this GivingTuesday. ECenter programs are 100% donor funded.
BIPOC Idea Workshops
We were thrilled to kick off our first event of the semester on September 15th and 16th with our BIPOC Idea Workshop, "Success as Black Entrepreneurs: Stories and Insights for the Next Generation of UNH Students."

This webinar panel discussion shared stories from the trenches of several successful entrepreneurs of color (four of whom are UNH alumni!) and how they overcame challenges to launch their companies. It was geared to help aspiring students with any idea for a business know what the first and next steps should be to make a dream idea a reality.

This event featured:

  • Lisa Carter-Knight, founder of Drinkwater Productions (marketing)
  • Rayvoughn Millings ’17, co-founder and CTO of Shtudy (recruiting company)
  • Joel Nkounkou ‘18, co-founder and CEO of ecoText (education software)
  • Samara Walker ‘14, founder and CEO of Àuda.B (cosmetics)
  • Moderator Geno Miller ‘17, founder and CEO of Shtudy (recruiting company)

With over 60 attendees for this event, many joining both session, it was clear that the stories and experiences shared by our speakers resonated with many of the attendees. Commented one student, "the best way to learn how to do something is to learn from people who have done it. The ECenter provided a great opportunity to hear from successful entrepreneurs as they explain the reality of being a part of a startup and their personal advice for success." Another student described the event as a "raw conversation between alumni and the struggles of the real word that will give us an insight when we graduate."

The goal of all our ECenter events is to motivate students to take the first or next step, discover their creativity, and embrace an entrepreneurial mindset. While the path of an entrepreneur is certainly not always easy, the personal experiences shared by our speakers of color help students prepare for the challenges and enjoy the successes ahead, while knowing they are not alone.

This event was sponsored by UNH Entrepreneurship Center (ECenter) in partnership with TRIO, the Beauregard Center, McNair Scholars Program, the Community, Equity, and Diversity Office, the National Society of Black Engineers, and MOSAICO.
Student Spotlight: Nathaniel Hunt '22 (COLA)
This month’s student spotlight is Nathaniel Hunt, co-founder of Spaitr, of Rochester, NH! He is on track to graduate in 2022 from the College of Liberal Arts, with a major in Philosophy with a secondary focus in Business, Innovation and Technology, and a minor in International Affairs. UNH and the UNH ECenter is lucky to have him here after he transferred from Castleton University his sophomore year.

We were excited to interview Nathaniel to learn more about his experiences with the ECenter: 
Did you have a background in innovation and entrepreneurship before coming to UNH?

Before coming to UNH I had absolutely no background or experience at all with ideas, innovation, or entrepreneurship. I had the idea for Spaitr almost four years ago at this point but I didn’t possess any of the skills to make it a reality until I came to UNH and discovered the ECenter.
What is Spaitr and how did you get started?

Spaitr is an idea that I had a little over three and a half years ago when I was at National Championship Weekend for college lacrosse, but as I said before I didn’t have any of the skills I needed to make it a reality. Once I found the ECenter I was about to really formulate my ideas and find my co-founders and develop Spaitr. Spaitr is a two-fold venture. The first part will be a butt end that will go in the end of a lacrosse stick that will track diagnostic information. Part two will be an application, which the plug will connect wirelessly to, that will serve as a platform for coaches to create a group for their team and track their results, growth, and diagnostics.
How did you hear about the ECenter? 

I heard about the ECenter from a friend in my dorm. I mentioned my idea to him and he thought I should reach out to the ECenter because he had a class there and thought it was a great resource.
How did the ECenter help you grow your company?  

I think the real question is “How didn’t the ECenter help me grow my company?” Not only has the ECenter provided me with the coaching I needed to learn the business skills that I did not possess, but it also helped me connect to my co-founders, helped me connect with Pierce Atwood who is amazing at helping with legal work, provided a Makerspace for my company to start prototyping, and arguably most importantly, helped me find the love and passion for business that I otherwise never would have found without it.
What was your experience as part of the Summer Seed Grant? 

The Summer Seed Grant was honestly a life-changing opportunity! Not only did it provide my team and I the chance to work on our start-up as our full-time jobs over the summer and get a jump start on the work we needed to get done, but it also provided my team and I invaluable mentoring from Ian Grant and Mike McClurken that gave us skills and knowledge that we will use for the rest of our lives.
How has the ECenter influenced your future career path/what skills have you acquired? 

The ECenter took me from someone who had absolutely no interest in being involved with business after college, in fact, I said it was something I would never do, to someone who would LOVE to pursue business, particularly start-ups after college. I don’t know exactly what I’ll do or where I’ll be able to find a job (hopefully it will be Spaitr!), but that doesn’t worry me because the ECenter has provided me with skills such as how to conduct proper customer discovery, how to communicate with potential customers, business leadership, and so much more!
What do you want people to know about the ECenter?  

Honestly, I just want people to know that the ECenter is an extremely warm and inviting place that will always be there to help you no matter how big or small the question, and not to be afraid to take that leap and reach out to the ECenter because it honestly changed my life and it could change yours, too!

Will you be pursuing your company after graduation?

I don’t have my exact post-graduate plans yet. I would absolutely love to run Spaitr as my full-time job after graduation, that would honestly be a dream come true, but only time will tell with that. Other than that, I would love to pursue continuing to work in start-ups, I have found that extremely fun, creative, challenging, and rewarding and I can see myself doing it in the future.

Any parting words?

If anyone is interested in volunteering with Spaitr feel free to reach out at [email protected]. We would love to help you learn what it’s like to be involved with a start-up and use your talents to help us out along the way!
ECenter Week at COLA!
This year the ECenter was thrilled to hosted our second "ECenter Takeover" week at the College of Liberal Arts! Dean Michele Dillon welcomed the ECenter for the week of September 14, where our staff and Ebassadors (ECenter student ebassadors) tabled in the Hamilton Smith Hall atrium, raising awareness about the programs and resources we offer.

Unlike our CEPS takeover last year, we were not able to offer tours of the ECenter due to COVID restrictions. However, our newly redesigned website saw a bump in traffic following the COLA takeover week, and we had a record number of idea meeting requests in the weeks following.

Our continued goal is to share the ECenter with as many students on campus as possible. In addition to the connections we make at the table, these college takeover weeks sow the seeds of curiosity in students who may not have an idea yet, but when they do, they'll know where to come for the resources and opportunities to help their idea thrive!
Idea Creation Bootcamps Build Creative Mindsets
We were proud of offer our flagship Idea Creation Bootcamps as virtual events this semester, sponsored by Bottomline Technologies.

We welcomed back Alexandra Suarez, facilitator and trainer focused on innovation and human-centric research and insights, to lead the event again this semester, and added a co-facilitator, Ana Castelan!

Because we were virtual, Alexandra joined us on Zoom from Puerto Rico, and Ana from Mexico, to share their expertise with UNH. The goal of the evening was for students to:
  • demonstrate entrepreneurial mindsets and skillsets
  • encourage participants to look at the world with explorer's eyes
  • learn about innovation and creativity processes
  • learn idea generating tools with the potential to create value
Students spent the event transitioning between the discussion of what ideas, innovation, and creativity are, and small breakout rooms where they collaborated to come up with their own definitions and examples. Explained Castelan, "What we can understand about creativity is the relationship between ideas and something that happens in our lives as human beings, and the results. And some of those results are innovation."

Students spend breakout session practicing their newly acquired skills with the "whisk exercise," where they had to come up with ways to utilize the common kitchen whisk. Student ideas ranged from light fixtures to jewelry, and everything in between. Commented one attendee, "I loved the bootcamp session! I learned so much about creativity."

The ability to look at a problem and find solutions that might not be obvious on the first glance is at the root of the ECenter's Idea Creation Bootcamp series. It's not about solving every problem right now - it's about having the mindset and the skills to address problems you see in life and come at them from a new perspective.

We look forward to hosting our next Idea Creation Bootcamp in the spring!
Young Entrepreneurs Speaker Series
We were delighted to welcome three young entrepreneurs to the ECenter Speaker Series this fall! This special edition of our Speaker Series focused on the experiences of entrepreneurs a little closer to our student demographic. Geno Miller '17, co-founder and CEO of Shtudy, and Hannah Patten and Christina Firestone, both recent college graduates and founders of Hülya Swim, shared their start-up stories, peer to peer, in our first virtual Start-Up Speaker Series.

Hannah and Christina built Hülya Swim out of their mission to save the ocean and reduce plastic waste, leading to the successful launch of a bathing suit line. Geno launched Shtudy during his years at UNH, driven by the knowledge that companies needed to hire employees with both technology expertise and diversity. Earlier this fall, he moderated our BIPOC Idea Workshop, featuring his co-founder and CTO, Rayvoughn Millings '17, and several other alumni.

While our speaker events always leave students feeling inspired, hearing from entrepreneurs just a few years out of college gave our ECenter audience fresh motivation. Said one attendee, "the determination from Geno, Hannah and Christina was amazing; Geno, in how he brought his company back and is making it work this time around, and Christina and Hannah for persevering even though people didn't think they could."

These three young entrepreneurs shared how they turned their passions into successful businesses in a dynamic and interactive webinar that left students invigorated to pursue your own business dreams. Remarked one student, "this experience was enlightening and gave me motivation to continue with being creative in ideas for the future, because these young people were so successful!"
ECenter Annual Impact Report - Get Your Copy!
Our 2019 - 2020 annual Impact Report is out! It's a comprehensive retrospective which includes updates on all our donor-funded programs and stories highlighting what innovative UNH students have been up to lately. We're very proud of everything we accomplished in the 2019 - 2020 academic year, along with the students, and we want to share it with you!

If you'd like to request a copy of the Impact Report, please send us your information in this webform.

Thanks for your interest in the ECenter!
GATHER Hackathon/Ideathon Inspires Students to Solve Hunger Issues On Seacoast
On Friday, November 6th, the UNH Entrepreneurship Center (ECenter) kicked off its Hackathon in partnership with Seacoast-based GATHER Pantry Market. This 22-hour event was sponsored by the RiverStone Group. 38 students across eight teams gathered virtually for a kick-off event where representatives from Gather introduced the three competition categories - marketing, capacity, and distribution – areas where Gather sought student ideas for improvement. After the kick-off, teams worked individually until 8:30 pm, when they regrouped for a drop-in Q&A session, followed by student presentations at 11:30 am on Saturday, November 7th.

Students from all five UNH colleges collaborated to present innovative, creative solutions to the challenges identified by Gather. The marketing category challenged students to focus on ways to reach customers who may not know Gather exists, the capacity category sought ways to leverage existing food prep infrastructure to increase production, and the distribution category explored ways to get meals to individuals without having them come to Gather.

Judges for this Hackathon were Deb Anthony, Executive Director of Gather; Seneca Bernard, Associate Executive Director of Gather; Eileen Groll Liponis, Executive Director of the NH Food Bank; and Beth Houlis, Director of Innovation and Communication, RiverStone.

Prizes ranged from $1,500 for the Grand Prize winner, $500 each for the “Best in Category” winners, and $150 for each runner-up team. Congratulations to Grand Prize winners Alec Damsell ’24 (CEPS), Ella Dandrade ’24 (CEPS), Madison McDonough ’23 (COLA), and Michelle Lee ’22 (CEPS)!

The Grand Prize winners provided their idea for the capacity category. “On the Go with Gather: Food Truck Edition” proposed solutions for Gather’s challenges of limited staff, no kitchen, and no easy way to pick up excess food from community donors, with the goals of increasing capacity and providing more meals, distributing USDA “kid meals,” and offering prepared ingredients to customers. They explored the cost of acquiring a food truck, proposed fundraisers, and even focused beyond their category on aspects of marketing and advertising.

Said Dandrade, “We wanted to look at this from a multidisciplinary approach, and we thought this could also tie into the other categories.” Added Lee, “Having a real problem situation made it more meaningful than a hypothetical situation.” For most of the team, this was their first time participating in a Hackathon.

Thank you to the RiverStone Group, Gather, and our judges, and our partners, the UNH Entrepreneurship Club and Changemaker Collaborative, for collaboration and support of this ECenter event.
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Supporter Level Sponsors
Fishnet Media
Goddard Technologies
WLG Accounting
W.P. Carey Foundation
Interested in being a Corporate Sponsor? Learn more here.
Ian Grant
Executive Director

(603) 862-5470
Heather MacNeill
Senior Program Manager

(603) 862-4959
Allison Bell
Associate Program Manager

(603) 862-0349
Travis Thompson
Director of Development

(603) 862-3061